3D Frame Packed (MVC) output with CoreELEC?

Not good, but at least rules out specific SoC as the culprit w/S905X4 & S922X both affected.

True, more testing & result from 21.2: paste.coreelec.org/YankeesSherlock
dmesg | paste: https://paste.coreelec.org/HimselfDevious

For now Iā€™ve reverted back to 21.1.1

From quickly glancing over the log, it seems to be a different issue from the one happening before (or always for me). But that is just comparing the last lines in the crash log, which doesnā€™t mention stream stalling, buffer flushing and so on as it did before. The new issue reads something about a conversion issue.

2025-02-01 17:09:32.331 T:4303    error <general>: CBitstreamConverter::Convert: error converting.

No idea what it means, hopefully when devs gets some free time theyā€™ll look into it. Btw, have you tried it on ce-22 or any other ce amlogic box? I tried on gs king x & it crashes/reboots played from usb but havenā€™t really looked into it that much i.e logs etc.


no, neither CE-22, nor any other box. I only have the two identical Ugoos AM6B+ and now one Zidoo Z9X Pro, which is a Realtek RTD1619BPD ARM Quad-A55, so different Chipset, albeit ARM-based.

I think all of you expects 100% working things but this is realy hard.

When I last time checked 3D progress (in september or october) when @Portisch worked on this thing every single movie worked for me. The only downside was that TV didnā€™t recognize some of them automatically and I had to switch manually on TV. For me this was a win. Looks like Iā€™m in minority.


Not sure, where you get this idea. Nobody said anything about 100%. I think, we all would be super happy, if we would have to switch manually and/or having the occasional crash here and there. At least for me, I would consider this marvellous.

The thing is, at least on my end with the Ugoos box, there is no 100% or 80%, it is exactly 0% working. This is fine and if there is no work being done to it, I understand, as we are only a few people where ressource allocation is not the best use of time, if there are more pressing issues. I am not pushing for fixes, but I think it is okay to report issues, when they exist.

What box/chipset did you use, when it worked for you?

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Took me 3min to read a log file to see:
error <general>: CBitstreamConverter::Convert: error converting.
So all guessing around what and who is doing something is waste of timeā€¦

MVC kodi crash should be solved on CE-NG with next nightly 20250205.


Excellent, thank you. Probably wonā€™t understand, but curious what was causing the abrupt playback stops?

A bug existing forever what was solved in CE-NO already.
So next time make a compare (if possible).
If possible because I think MVC is not working correct right now on CE-NO.
And maybe will never - when nobody invest again timeā€¦


Hey @Portisch,

I quickly tested the new NG nightly and it seems to work with short-ish sample files which consistently triggered crashes before. I am carefully optimistic, that 3D now works on the Ugoos AM6B+ flawlessly.

I am currently stress testing with multiple full movies incl. high-bit-rate like Hobbit 3D.

I will report back in the early afternoon :-).

Thanks a lot for (apparently) fixing both issues at once. If everything works, I will also test with NO and provide logs, if it crashes.

Very excited! Again: If there is a way to contribute to the team, be it for test equipment or anything, just tell me/us how.


Hi @Portisch thanks maestro but I think is broken when played from local storage i.e sdcard,hdd or maybe just my box rocktek g2?

Works fine on my end from local storage (ĀµSD) as well as over Samba from my server (maybe worth noting that I mount my Samba during startup, so for Kodi, it appears as a local folder anyways).

No issues at all. I am still testing, but so far two movies ran their full length without even the slightest hiccup, absolute perfection.

Edit: The error in your log is also still the same as before (Bit Conversion).

Hi @Portisch,

I finished testing for now on the latest ng-nightly on the Ugoos AM6B+. No real issues were found, three movies (Sammyā€™s Adventures, Hobbit 1 and Alita) ran without problem as 3D MVC MKV. 3D detection worked fine, also right-eye-first (mode 14) worked perfectly (Hobbit is mode 14). I couldnā€™t produce a single crash, no stutters, all is well.

(Very) minor issues, which I am just reporting for being thorough:

  • CE does not kick the TV out of 3D mode after finishing/stopping a file, the TV seems to receive a continued frame packed signal with the left eye containing the picture/UI, the right eye being a black picture ā†’ starting a 2D file kicks the TV out of 3D
  • Overlay/CE UI during playback does not work properly in 3D mode, as it only sends the left eye with the UI, the other being just the right eye of the movie
  • Subtitles seem to not work at all (tested internal subtitles in MKV and external srt files), they are only shown on left eye

For no-nightly:

3D MVC seems to not work properly, my TV receives something like a HTAB-picture, only 1080 high. The bottom picture seems like a squezed normal picture with good color (as would be the case with HTAB), the upper part is a normal aspect ratio, but cropped (only upper half) and also desaturated picture with missing every second line, which explains the desaturation. I have no crashes, so no crash logs :-).

Many many thanks for having it finally working on ng :-)! You did a spectacular job and also so fast.


CE-NO should work soon till SC2 same as CE-NG.
HDMITX21, since T7 need more timeā€¦


Is there any chance of the getting the subtitles issue fixed? Theres a fair amount of 3D movies with forced subtitles.

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With tomorrow 20250208 nightly CE-NO should start to support 3D.

For SoC using hdmitx20, till SC2 SBS, TAB and FP should work.
For Soc with hdmitx21, since T7 SBS and TAB should work. FP is open item.


Assume subtitles not working (properly) is a separate issue?

I have no idea about subtitles, how they should look like, how they look like.
So again and again: sample, description what or why is something not working!
Description, pictures, samples,ā€¦

No input, no problem!