Adding a new UR02 remote

I scrounged up someone’s UR-02 remote.conf file UR02

Ugoos UR-01 has a factory code of 0xff000001 either 0x14, or 0xff.

UR-02 has factory code (assuming that conf file was posted unmodified from Ugoos) of 0xe6190001 and 0x74 for power.

Not sure if this is for the AM6B+ (which is all the rage right now!), but my understanding is that since it has a locked bootloader, that makes it so that the box is hard coded to that specific power button on the UR-01, when it’s either powered off, or in standby. So as far as I know that needs to stay as the power-on/resume button.

What you should be able to do is effectively swap the buttons. Gray button becomes power-on/standby-resume programmed from the UR-01 remote (the red one) , The UR-02’s red power button should trigger the device to go into standby. Keep in mind you will need two remote.conf files: one for UR-01 and another for UR-02.

Original line for the red power button (this should trigger standby mode in its current setting):
0x74 116 # power ← keep this as is

In the UR-01 remote.conf file:
0x14 143 #wakeup

This is the remote.conf file I use for like UR-01:

work_mode     = 0
repeat_enable = 1
repeat_delay  = 130
repeat_peroid = 120
release_delay = 20
debug_enable  = 1

		factory_code	= 0xff000001

				0x14 143 #wakeup
				0xff 116 #power
				0x13 139 #menu
				0x03 103 #up
				0x02 108 #down
				0x0e 105 #left
				0x1a 106 #right
				0x07 28  #ok
				0x58 114 #volume-
				0x0b 115 #volume+
				0x01 158 #back
				0x48 102 #home
				0x5c 164 #play/pause

And for anyone that cares, the Dune HD Premium IR Remote conf file, I use both remotes programmed into a Harmony 900 remote. Because I like remote buttons, they don’t scare me if there’s too many. :woman_shrugging:

# *********************************************************************************************************
# 	this file is configuration for each factory remote device
# 	work_mode	  0 :software mode  1 :hardware mode
#	repeat_enable	  0 :disable repeat 1 :enable repeat
#	factory_code      each device has it's unique factory code.
#			  pattern:custom_code(16bit)+index_code(16bit)
#			  examble: 0xff000001 = 0xff00(custom cod)  0001 (index)
#	release_delay	  unit:ms.release will report from kernel to user layer after this period of time
#			  from press or repeat triggered.
#	debug_enable      0 :debug disable  1 :debug disable
#	bit_count	  how many bits in each frame
#	tw_leader_act	  time window for leader active
#	tw_bit0		  time window for bit0 time.
#	tw_bit1		  time window for bit1 time
#	tw_repeat_leader  time window for repeat leader
#	reg_base_gen	  set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BASE_GEN
#	reg_control	  set value for PREG_IR_DEC_CONTROL
#	reg_leader_act	  set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_ACTIVE
#	reg_leader_idle	  set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_IDLE
#	reg_repeat_leader set value for PREG_IR_DEC_REPEAT_IDLE
#	reg_bit0_time	  set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BIT0_TIME
# *********************************************************************************************************
# amlogic NEC remote * Dune HD Premium IR Remote
	factory_code	= 0xbf000001
	factory_infcode = 1     # set as second remote

	work_mode     = 0
	repeat_enable = 1
	repeat_delay  = 130
	repeat_peroid = 120
	release_delay = 20
	debug_enable  = 1

#	work_mode  	= 0
#	repeat_enable 	= 1
#	repeat_delay 	= 40
#	repeat_peroid 	= 50
#	release_delay	= 100
#	debug_enable 	= 1
left_key_scancode  = 0x17
right_key_scancode = 0x18
up_key_scancode    = 0x15
down_key_scancode  = 0x16
ok_key_scancode    = 0x14
fn_key_scancode    = 0x81
		0x15 103	#KEY_UP 
		0x16 108	#KEY_DOWN 
		0x17 105	#KEY_LEFT 
		0x18 106	#KEY_RIGHT 
		0x14 28		#KEY_ENTER
		0x04 158	#AC_Back
		0x44 226	#KEY_MEDIA
		0x45 65		#F7 MODE 
		0x06 217	#KEY_SEARCH
		0x02 15		#KEY_TAB
		0x07 46		#KEY_C - Context Menu 
		0x43 116	#KEY_POWER 
		0x42 58		#KEY_CAPSLOCK
		0x4e 64		#F6 SETUP 
		0x63 377	#KEY_TV TV
		0x47 393	#KEY_VIDEO MOVIES
		0x58 392	#KEY_AUDIO MUSIC
		0x54 63		#F5 SUBTITLE
		0x51 130	#KEY_PROPS
		0x50 23		#KEY_I
		0x40 59		#KEY_F21 KEY_RED 
		0x1f 60		#KEY_F22 KEY_GREEN 
		0x00 61		#KEY_F23 KEY_YELLOW 
		0x41 62		#KEY_F24 KEY_BLUE 
		0x52 115	#KEY_VOLUMEUP 
		0x53 114	#KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 
		0x80 104	#TV_UP KEY_PAGEUP
		0x82 142	#TV_POWER KEY_SLEEP
		0x4b 104	#KEY_PAGEUP 
		0x4c 109	#KEY_PAGEDOWN 
		0x46 113	#KEY_MUTE 
		0x61 102	#KEY_HOME 
		0x1c 168	#KEY_REWIND 
		0x1b 208	#KEY_FASTFORWARD 
		0x1d 163	#KEY_NEXTSONG 
		0x48 207	#KEY_PLAY 
		0x1e 164	#KEY_PLAYPAUSE 
		0x60 167	#KEY_RECORD 
		0x19 128	#KEY_STOP 
		0x0b 2		#KEY_1 
		0x0c 3		#KEY_2 
		0x0d 4		#KEY_3 
		0x0e 5		#KEY_4 
		0x0f 6		#KEY_5 
		0x01 7		#KEY_6 
		0x11 8		#KEY_7 
		0x12 9		#KEY_8 
		0x13 10		#KEY_9 
		0x0a 11		#KEY_0 
		0x05 52		#KEY_DOT

#		0x02 120	#KEY_SCALE
#		0x50 138	#KEY_HELP
#		0x07 139	#KEY_MENU
#		0x50 23		#KEY_I
#		0x42 353	#KEY_SELECT 
#		0x42 58		#KEY_CAPSLOCK 		
#		0x05 78		#KEY_KPPLUS 
#		0x04 1		#KEY_ESC
#		0x4c 403	#KEY_CHANNELDOWN 
#		0x4b 402	#KEY_CHANNELUP 
#		0x51 619	#KEY_MEDIA_TOP_MENU 
#		0x50 358	#KEY_INFO 
#		0x54 370	#KEY_SUBTITLE 
#		0x07 438	#KEY_CONTEXT_MENU
#		0x02 372	#KEY_FULL_SCREEN
#		0x44 392	#KEY_AUDIO 
#		0x45 373	#KEY_MODE 