CE-NG Dolby Vision for G12 boxes (u22xj, am6+, firetv cube)

I was unable to test your build. When trying to update from CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.0-Omega_beta3-Generic.img, I got the message

Filesystem corruption has been detected!
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press any key or power off you system within the next 120 seconds

In case it is helpful to anyone, when I had the CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.0-Omega_beta3-Generic.img running (before I tried the test update), I added the dovi.ko and the following portion of dmesg

[   10.246138@2]- dovi: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
[   10.248098@2]- dovi: disagrees about version of symbol register_dv_functions
[   10.249232@2]- *** amlogic_dolby_vision_init dv: g12 ***
[   10.249241@2]- *** register_dv_stb_functions.***
[   10.249319@2]- hdr10_policy 115, ko_info GOOGLE LLC [stb:2.4:e]-[v1.0]-[ Thu Aug 1 05:38:09 EDT 2019]-[ yao.liu]-[* stb_2.4]-[7406c1b8c140ca28d2fc729bbc254f2c77f35a38]-[Date: Thu Jul 18 04:52:59 2019 -0400]-[0]
[   10.249323@2]- efuse_mode=1 reg_value = 0x118
[   10.249325@2]- dv capability 6

that appeared in 20.5 was not present in dmesg under 21.0 beta3.

This test was cancelled as 0x6 means out SoC is not licensed for DV at all.

Just to be sure I understand, the dovi.ko file is the 64bit Dolby Vision module from a box with another chipset, and when placed in the /storage folder of my Am6b+ box, I can now run the baseline NG builds, rather then the NG-DV builds, and we are testing to verify it functions exactly the same NG-DV build with no additional bugs?

Should this work with all 20 and 21 NG builds? Is there anything else I need to do after installing the regular NG build to direct it to use this library or does it do it by default?

Yes everything is as you said. It works on CE-NG 20/21. Functionality is the same as CE-NG-DV from what everyone has seen. Once the dovi.ko file is at /storage/dovi.ko nothing else needs to be done.

The dovi.ko is from an s905x2 device, but that SOC is closely related to the s922x.

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That’s the end of that test then.

Out of interest, is there any documentation explaining what the different dv capabilities are? I tried looking in the code mentioned by @YadaYada by the 7 just appears as a magic number

It is a Hardware issue

You posted earlier you have S905X3-B

Think -B indictes Dolby Digital Audio

Not Dolby Vision

Hi there!

Got my U22-XJ delivered today; Installed Amlogic-ng ce-21 and booted up nicely.
But with dovi.ko under /storage, things become very much unusable, includig the navigation, within 2/3 mins of starting CE. I see the driver has been loaded correctly in the settings etc.
The moment I remove the dovi.ko and reboot, everything becomes very responsive - the way it should be.

Anyone else seeing this thing at all?

Use Ng 20.5. and try again. (My last remark in the other post stated that ce-21 may have some problems.

You mean CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-20.5-Nexus-Generic stable version?

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BTW, there is one g12b_s922x_minix_u22xj_max_rev_a.dtb and another one without rev_a - which one should be installed?

Try without, if it doesn’t work try with.

Exactly same result on ng-20.5 as well. with dovi.ko everything becoming totally unusable.

I have exactly the same device and zero problems, can you please provide logs, like the kodi.log found in /storage/.kodi/temp/ and access trough ssh and provide the link after entering the command dmesg|paste. You can also get the Kodi log through ssh with cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | paste



Need to do any update or something from the andriod side?

It was meant as a more general question. Not focused on any particular box.

Trying to understand what going on in the code is probably off-topic for this thread though, so I’ll leave with the questions.

I must be doing something wrong or getting the incorrect dovi.ko? Pretty much everything, including non-DV movie or even a simple FLAC song, stops playing for me.

okay, I made a bit of progress - looked like the the sources over NFS (v4) is not handled very well in ng-20.5 and the cause of that extream slowness. My another setup, CE v9.2.8, running on Minix U9-H with exactly the same NFS sources, running everything without any hitch for couple of years now. Is there any known issue regardig NFS that I need to address?

Anyway, as it’s working now with dovi.ko but facing a totally diffrent DV related issue, I’ve reported that here in dolby-vision-for-minix-u22x-j-max-and-ugoos-am6/24273/470 thread

Apparently FEL is working on the Fire cube as well with this DV update. Interesting news:


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Hi how do i find out if my device can play dv in coreelec. My device is beelink gs king x. Thank you.

The GS King X isn’t licensed for DV.

You can check for DV support with:
CoreELEC:~ # dmesg | grep ‘dv capability’

That will return a bitwise number. The first bit indicates whether the SOC has DV support. bit0 = 1 indicates DV support

/*bit0: 0-> efuse, 1->no efuse; */
/*bit1: 1->ko loaded*/
/*bit2: 1-> value updated*/

So that would be dmesg values of dv compatibility 1, 3, 5 or 7 = DV support