CoreELEC 9.2 (Kodi 18.x - Leia) with IPTV Archive support

I also have the same format as Amish.
Looks like xstream api

http://domain:port/timeshift/Username/password/duration/Start time/channel.ts

Duration and start time are freely editable.
The first issue is there is no placeholder for duration.
2nd is Our timeshift is not a PHP variable, it’s an entirely different URL.

I don’t suppose you have any ideas how we can get around this?

I’m sure you can “hardcode” the duration at something like 3600 (seconds).
For the “start time”, you can use the placeholders describing in the first post of this thread, depending on the time format your provider requires.

The time format is

How would I go about building the URL as the addon is expecting just a string to add to the end of the steam url?

You can’t, you’ll need to edit your playlist and add a catchup-source info tag for every channel that supports archive. See the first post under limitations.

Can I get this kind of playlist working?

#EXTM3U catchup="xc" catchup="stalker"

Not automatically at this time.

It appears that many providers are using XC as their panel platform. Along with this, not many of them really “know” how to support these functions, little alone, kodi. The standing solution across the board is to use Simple Client and it is what it is.

However, users are able to query the servers and obtain JSON info just the same as the various IPTV apps on the market.

This brings a question and potentially a question to light.

  • Wouldn’t it be easier to fetch the JSON and then pass that over to the desired locations?

  • for regular LiveTV: fetch JSON, parse, pass over to Simple Archive as a cached m3u8

  • for catchup TV : fetch JSON, interpret, pass over interpretations to Simple Archive

  • for VOD: fetch JSON, parse, import to Video Library (Movies)

  • for Series: fetch JSON, parse, import to Video Library (TV Shows)

From what I have gathered across multiple communities, this would be the practical approach, and would provide users the same experience that the various IPTV apps give.

Any chance {offset} will be supported?

can please look at one, what I enter in this iptv provider, m3u must edit? so that archive works
my m3u looks like.

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id=“783” tvg-name=“783” arc-timeshift=“168” catchup=“shift” catchup-days=“7” tvg-logo=“” group-title=“1.Основные”,Первый HD

the “arc-timeshift” There are several values, 72 or 0


Change the pastebin log to public

@TheCoolest my provider supports Perfect Player archive format, it adds “|catchup=xc” to m3u it works with PerfectPlayer. Is it supported?

Apparently, not supported. Any way to make it working?

@TheCoolest is there source code available to view?


Ok, I want to look how difficult would be to add XC archive support, as I can see, rest calls are pretty simple, problem is I don’t know anything about kodi addon api internals and my Python knowledge is rather limited

Archive works, no complains. Worka stable. But there is big issue ‘forward’ ‘back’ ‘pause’ buttons greyed out, can’t skip commercials then watching something from archive.

Any plan to make it compatible with Stalker Middleware?


Can you test this one? It adds support for the offset placeholder. The syntax is as follows:
{offset:X} - where X is the divider.
If you need an offset of 720 for 2 hours (2 hours is 7200 seconds), it means your divider is 10.
In that case you’ll need to replace X with 10:
The minimum divider is 1, it must be an integer (not 1.5 or 2.25 etc.), it must be a positive value.

Please test it, and let me know if it works. (313.6 KB)

Let me test it.Indeed I will feedback ASAP

if my iptv provider uses this format for archive


what should I write to url string?
Thanks in advance!

There’s currently no support for utcend timestamp. I’ll post a test build for you to try soon.

Also my provider’s archive works without utcend


and also works with offset