HDR frame rate issue?

Im pretty sure my s912 device isnt putting out proper 23.97 hz during 4k UHD playback, i see micro stuttering with playback of HDR videos that isnt there playing back standard bluray content.

Please read https://discourse.coreelec.org/t/how-to-get-logs-and-upload-them/1431


If you are having A/V issues we also require component specific logging for audio and/or video, to enable this… from the same menu make sure ‘Enable component-specific logging’ is enabled and go into ‘Specify component-specific logging’ and enable the options for ‘Verbose logging for the Audio/Video component’.


Sorry for the late reply. Still get micro stutter, is it outputting at 23.97 or 24hz?

Read the above post again, there is no video debug data log in that log.
