Looking for a CoreElec device capable of 1920x1200 resolution

There is no 1920x1200 at all:

This is only 3.14 kernel, not sure where 4.9 or 5.4 is hidden. OSMC should be named in CSMC (closed source…)

Sorry for the late reply.

Is there any news on regard to the vendor’s information?

I know someone that has a Vero4K device. it will be of some help if I get my hands on it?

Please, let me know.

@Portisch should I give up on this?

When you know it’s working on Vero4k you can request the sources or needed changes from the author.
Maybe then we can add it.

It does work. I have it here. It belongs to a friend.

I have no way to ask for this. I’d have to contact a vendor for that. And they would never do that for a simple user.

Last time we spoke you mentioned that you had reached to AMLogic if I’m not mistaken. Haven’t you heard anything about this query?

I haven’t purchased any CoreElec capable device as of yet.

It’s all just pending.

You will need to contact the author:

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