H93 Max X3 works under CE.
I used the generic X3 dtb matching my 4/64GB device: sm1_s905x3_4g_1gbit.dtb - don’t forget to rename to dtb.img.
For display, follow : How to configure VFD
Use the vfd.conf for HK1 (X3) !
For remote, use this: H96max_X3_meson.zip (642 Bytes)
Unzip and copy the files “X92_remote” to /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/ and “rc_maps.cfg” to /storage/.config/
For Bl301 injections, use this file config.ini (5.6 KB) according to instrucftions in CoreELEC BL301 Wake-Up feature [inject_bl301]
I got the following values: Received IRMP code: remotewakeup=‘0x7e817f80’, decode_type=‘0x0’, remotewakeupmask=‘0xffffffff’
The above should take care of getting a fully working H96 Max X3.