Unable to disable/change splash screen since 9.2.2

This is all someone had to say, and it’s a very logical reason. I was unaware that people were selling boxes with CoreELEC and not giving any credit.

The harsh tone taken by many senior members here was unwarranted.

Thank you for your time and effort, i love the software.

If I attack something you love then your going to defend it, are you not?

It happens on every forum, try not to take it to heart, we try not to take the criticism to heart :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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It was my understanding that they disabled the boot screen change due to people changing it to sell boxes claiming the OS as their own property.

I also do not like the concept with the hardcoded logo,
but I also understand and accept it.

For those for whom the change means not being able to go on, there is opportunity.

As has been mentioned, you can compile your own CE with custom splash.

By learning how to do it you expand your knowledge of …ELEC, which can be put to use to provide more community assistance such that everybody is a winner.

For those with commercial interests, perhaps you could consider approaching the team to provide an appropriate stable build that utilises a logo that combines your commercial mark as well as clearly recognising the CE brand and it originators. In return, you could make small investments in the future development of CE by providing new boxes/sbc’s to the team (just as some manufacturers already have) in order that they can better support them. Again, everybody could potentially be a winner, assuming that the team would be interested of course.

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