VS10 Engine / VSVDB Injection Addition Into Mainline CE

Maybe a way forward here is third party help:

I think if enough in the community are interested in new features making it into ne, no etc. then could plan that work with the CE team and get a hired hand to build if there is no dev willing to take it on for free.

That way everyone in the community that wants a new feature can work with the CE team to outline how that would work and what it would look like in terms of options etc. up front and then need a willing dev or hire a dev (I think plenty of options out there) to implement the agreed upon changes, so everyone can have a say and it all would be understood upfront and once done the specific feature can be PR’d one at a time - that way I think all parties would be happy.

Only down side is likely some expense, but if spread across the community then maybe it is not high per contributor.

Anyway just a thought, I will continue to have a background interest in my changes on ng and attempt to address any repeatable issues that come up.

From what I understand the SoC in AM6B+ is not suitable for ne, but could be ok for no - just need to dovi.ko for that as a baseline, so if that becomes a reality may also look to make it work with my changes.