Put this command in “autostart.sh” file and then try. It will then survive reboot; for some it solves the problem, and for others it does nothing…
I used nano to create autostart.sh with the command “echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all” in configfiles and rebooted the machine.
The TV is still being sent a 1080p output when playing a 1080i input.
I’m assuming that if this had worked right the TV would be receiving a 1080i input, correct?
Yes, but it obviously does not work on your box. It works on my S912 box, but I’m not using it since I have no problem with 1080i videos/streams.
I thought I’d give an update.
I upgraded to the -ng CoreELEC version and it seems to have fixed the problem (or at least helped - time will tell)!
I played 1080i steams for several hours yesterday and several hours this morning without problems.
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