--------HDMITX packets-------- --------parsing ACR-------- ACR.enable: enable [0x10003206]: 0x2 ifsfactor: reserved N: 24576 ncts_atomic_write: 1 CTS: 445058 CTS_manual: 0 N_shift: 1 actual N = audN[19:0]/N_shift --------parsing AudSample-------- AudSample.enable: enable [0x10003100]: 0x0 i2s_select: SPDIF I2S_in_en: 0x0 [0x10003101]: 0x18 I2S_width: 24 bit I2S_mode: standard [0x10003103]: 0x0 HBR mode enable: 0 NLPCM mode enable: 0 [0x10003301]: 0xd8 SPDIF_width: 24 bit SPDIF_HBR_MODE: 1 SPDIF_NLPCM_MODE: 1 [0x10001063]: 0x1 layout: 1 sample flat: 0 [0x10001064]: 0xf sample present: 15 [0x10001065]: 0x0 audio sample validity flag channel 0/1/2/3, Left: 0/0/0/0 channel 0/1/2/3, Right: 0/0/0/0 [0x10001066]: 0x0 audio sample user flag channel 0/1/2/3, Left: 0/0/0/0 channel 0/1/2/3, Right: 0/0/0/0 --------parsing GCP-------- GCP.enable: enable [0x10001018]: 0x0 clear_avmute: 0 set_avmute: 0 default_phase: 0 [0x10000800]: 0x2 packing_phase: 2 [0x10000801]: 0x60 color_depth: 36bit [0x10000803]: 0x0 YCC 422 size: 16bit [0x10000804]: 0x24 output selector: pixel_packing bypass select: 1 YCC 422 enable: 0 pixel repeater enable: 0 pixel packing enable: 1 bypass enable: 0 [0x100010b7]: 0x47 datauto mode: auto --------parsing VSIF-------- VSIF.enable: disable [0x10001029]: 0xffffffff [0x1000102a]: 0xffffffff [0x1000102b]: 0xffffffff [0x1000102c]: 0xffffffff [0x1000102d]: 0xffffffff [0x1000102e]: 0xffffffff [0x1000102f]: 0xffffffff [0x10001030]: 0xffffffff [0x10001031]: 0xffffffff [0x10001032]: 0xffffffff [0x10001033]: 0xffffffff [0x10001034]: 0xffffffff [0x10001035]: 0xffffffff [0x10001036]: 0xffffffff [0x10001037]: 0xffffffff [0x10001038]: 0xffffffff [0x10001039]: 0xffffffff [0x1000103a]: 0xffffffff [0x1000103b]: 0xffffffff [0x1000103c]: 0xffffffff [0x1000103d]: 0xffffffff [0x1000103e]: 0xffffffff [0x1000103f]: 0xffffffff [0x10001040]: 0xffffffff [0x10001041]: 0xffffffff [0x10001042]: 0xffffffff [0x10001043]: 0xffffffff [0x10001044]: 0xffffffff [0x10001045]: 0xffffffff [0x10001046]: 0xffffffff [0x10001047]: 0xffffffff [0x10001048]: 0xffffffff [0x10001049]: 0xffffffff size: 5 ieee_id: 0xc03 HDMI 4K hdmitx_parsing_vsifpkt[1303] vic: 0x3 --------parsing AVIInfo-------- AVIInfo.enable: enable [0x10001019]: 0x42 colorspace: 444 active_format_present: enable bar: disable scan: disable [0x1000101a]: 0xe8 colorimetry: Extended picture_aspect: 16:9 active_aspect: Same as picture_aspect [0x1000101b]: 0x60 itc: disable extended_colorimetriy: BT.2020 quantization_range: default nups: unknown [0x1000101c]: 0x0 vic: 0 [0x10001017]: 0x0 ycc_quantization_range: limited content_type: graphics [0x100010e0]: 0x10 pixel_repetition: no [0x100010b7]: 0x47 datauto: RDRB [0x100010be]: 0x0 rdrb_interpolation: 0 [0x100010bf]: 0x1a rdrb_perframe: 1 rdrb_linespace: 10 --------parsing SPDInfo-------- SPDInfo.enable: enable [0x1000104a]: 0xffffffff [0x1000104b]: 0xffffffff [0x1000104c]: 0xffffffff [0x1000104d]: 0xffffffff [0x1000104e]: 0xffffffff [0x1000104f]: 0xffffffff [0x10001050]: 0xffffffff [0x10001051]: 0xffffffff [0x10001052]: 0xffffffff [0x10001053]: 0xffffffff [0x10001054]: 0xffffffff [0x10001055]: 0xffffffff [0x10001056]: 0xffffffff [0x10001057]: 0xffffffff [0x10001058]: 0xffffffff [0x10001059]: 0xffffffff [0x1000105a]: 0xffffffff [0x1000105b]: 0xffffffff [0x1000105c]: 0xffffffff [0x1000105d]: 0xffffffff [0x1000105e]: 0xffffffff [0x1000105f]: 0xffffffff [0x10001060]: 0xffffffff [0x10001061]: 0xffffffff [0x10001062]: 0xffffffff vendor name: Amlogic product description: MBox Meson Ref --------parsing AudioInfo-------- AudioInfo.enable: enable [0x10001025]: 0x70 coding_type: refer to stream header channel_count: 8 channels [0x10001026]: 0x0 sample_frequency: refer to stream header sample_size: refer to stream header [0x10001027]: 0x13 channel_allocation: 19 [0x10001028]: 0x0 level_shift_value: 0 down_mix_enable: 0 LFE_playback_info: 0 [0x100010b7]: 0x47 datauto: auto --------parsing AudChannelSt-------- [0x10001067]: 0x0 iec_copyright: 0 iec_cgmsa: 0 [0x10001068]: 0x0 iec_categorycode: 0 [0x10001069]: 0x0 iec_sourcenumber: 0 iec_pcmaudiomode: 0 [0x1000106a]: 0x42 iec_channelnumcr0: 2 iec_channelnumcr1: 4 iec_channelnumcr2: 6 iec_channelnumcr3: 8 [0x1000106c]: 0x31 iec_channelnumcl0: 1 iec_channelnumcl1: 3 [0x1000106d]: 0x75 iec_channelnumcl2: 5 iec_channelnumcl3: 7 [0x1000106e]: 0xe iec_sampfreq: 192kHz iec_clk: 0 iec_sampfreq_ext: 0 [0x1000106f]: 0x12 iec_worldlength: 16bit iec_origsamplefreq: 192kHz --------parsing DRM/HDR-------- hdr_transfer_feature: 0x10 hdmi_current_hdr_mode: 0x1 hdmi_last_hdr_mode: 0x1 DRM.enable: enable [0x10001168]: 0x1 version: 1 [0x10001169]: 0x1a size: 26 [0x1000116a]: 0x2 eotf: ST 2084 [0x1000116b]: 0x0 metadata_id: static metadata primaries: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, white_point: 0, 0, luminance: 0, 0, max_content: 0 max_frame_average: 0