--------- beginning of system 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.DockObserver 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 09-25 09:02:28.763 579 579 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 520 : false 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 W SoundTriggerHelper: listModules status=0, # of modules=0 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.role.RoleManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 09-25 09:02:28.765 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.tv.TvRemoteService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_520_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: PhaseActivityManagerReady 09-25 09:02:28.766 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: controllersReady 09-25 09:02:28.774 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.alphainventor.filemanager changed 09-25 09:02:28.774 579 639 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.teamsmart.videomanager.tv changed 09-25 09:02:28.774 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.ytheekshana.deviceinfo changed 09-25 09:02:28.774 579 603 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package ae.admedia.adtv changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.inkwired.droidinfo changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.finalwire.aida64 changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.movieboxpro.android changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.mobisystems.fileman changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package net.kodinerds.maven.kodi21 changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.ottplay.ottplay changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.intigral.jawwytv changed 09-25 09:02:28.775 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.yablio.sendfilestotv changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package net.mbc.shahidTV changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package org.xbmc.kodi changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.plexapp.android changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.lonelycatgames.Xplore changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package org.videolan.vlc changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.permissioncontroller changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.marvin.talkback changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.tts changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.youtube.tv changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.vending changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.tvlauncher changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.tvrecommendations changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.katniss changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.tv.remote.service changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.mediashell changed 09-25 09:02:28.776 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.gms changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.gsf changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: killProcesses 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.sss.authbridge changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 579 I ActivityManager: System now ready 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.netflix.ninja changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: updateTopComponentForFactoryTest 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.tv.axel changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: registerActivityLaunchObserver 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.calendar changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.userdictionary changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.contacts changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: watchDeviceProvisioning 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.shell changed 09-25 09:02:28.777 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetooth changed 09-25 09:02:28.778 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.sdmc.bluetoothconnect changed 09-25 09:02:28.778 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.android.tv.settings changed 09-25 09:02:28.778 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.sdmc.standbyserver changed 09-25 09:02:28.778 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package android changed 09-25 09:02:28.778 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update app-ops uidState in case package com.sdmc.GlobalKey changed 09-25 09:02:28.797 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: retrieveSettings 09-25 09:02:28.800 579 579 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [ar_EG] ldrtl sw540dp w960dp h540dp 320dpi lrg long land television -touch -keyb/v/h dpad/v winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6} 09-25 09:02:28.801 579 579 I WindowManager: Override config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [ar_EG] ldrtl sw540dp w960dp h540dp 320dpi lrg long land television -touch -keyb/v/h dpad/v winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6} for displayId=0 09-25 09:02:28.806 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: Ugm.onSystemReady 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: updateForceBackgroundCheck 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServer: Making services ready 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManagerReadyPhase 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.Installer 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.807 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.809 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.809 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.809 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.812 579 579 I ThermalHalWrapper: Thermal HAL 2.0 service connected. 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 E ThermalHalWrapper: Couldn't get temperature thresholds because of HAL error: Failed to read thermal sensors. 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.SensorPrivacyService 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 09-25 09:02:28.828 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BatteryService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 09-25 09:02:28.829 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 09-25 09:02:28.830 579 579 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.ITelecomService cmp=com.android.server.telecom/.components.TelecomService } U=0: not found 09-25 09:02:28.830 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.830 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.877 579 579 W SyncManager: Failure adding authority: auth=com.google.android.gms.plus.action enabled=false syncable=1 09-25 09:02:28.878 579 579 W SyncManager: Failure adding authority: auth=com.google.android.gms.drive.sync enabled=false syncable=-1 09-25 09:02:28.884 579 579 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took 54 ms in onBootPhase 09-25 09:02:28.884 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.884 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.AlarmManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.884 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.BluetoothService 09-25 09:02:28.884 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth boot completed 09-25 09:02:28.885 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Auto-enabling Bluetooth. 09-25 09:02:28.885 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null 09-25 09:02:28.885 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: binding Bluetooth service 09-25 09:02:28.890 579 598 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٢; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:28.891 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 09-25 09:02:28.891 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.893 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.PinnerService 09-25 09:02:28.893 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.google.android.startop.iorap.IorapForwardingService 09-25 09:02:28.893 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.893 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.905 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 717:com.android.bluetooth/1002 for service {com.android.bluetooth/com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService} 09-25 09:02:28.936 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.936 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.936 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.936 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.936 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.938 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.939 579 579 V WallpaperManagerService: bindWallpaperComponentLocked: componentName=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper} 09-25 09:02:28.939 579 657 D StorageManagerService: Isolated storage local flag 0 and remote flag 0 resolved to true 09-25 09:02:28.943 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٦١; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:28.944 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٦١; state: ENABLED 09-25 09:02:28.946 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.946 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.946 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.DockObserver 09-25 09:02:28.946 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.946 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 550 : false 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 634 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:UsbService$Lifecycle#onBootPhase 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.role.RoleManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 09-25 09:02:28.947 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.949 579 634 D UsbDeviceManager: systemReady 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.tv.TvRemoteService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:28.950 579 687 E UsbPortManager: port status enquiry failed 09-25 09:02:28.951 579 579 I AppBindingService: Updating constants with: null 09-25 09:02:28.951 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 09-25 09:02:28.956 579 678 D BluetoothManagerService: Creating new ProfileServiceConnections object for profile: 1 09-25 09:02:28.956 579 678 D BluetoothManagerService: Unable to bindService while Bluetooth is disabled 09-25 09:02:29.023 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 80ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 09-25 09:02:29.024 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 81ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-25 09:02:29.024 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 737:com.android.systemui/u0a61 for service {com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper} 09-25 09:02:29.024 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 81ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-25 09:02:29.024 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 81ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-25 09:02:29.031 579 579 I PackageManager: Permission ownership changed. Updating all permissions. 09-25 09:02:29.054 579 579 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService took 103 ms in onBootPhase 09-25 09:02:29.054 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.054 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: StartObservingNativeCrashes 09-25 09:02:29.055 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:WebViewFactoryPreparation 09-25 09:02:29.055 579 646 I SystemServer: WebViewFactoryPreparation 09-25 09:02:29.055 579 646 I SystemServerTimingAsync: WebViewFactoryPreparation 09-25 09:02:29.061 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: StartSystemUI 09-25 09:02:29.065 579 579 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { flg=0x100 cmp=com.android.systemui/.keyguard.KeyguardService } U=0: not found 09-25 09:02:29.068 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkManagementServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.076 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 760:WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader$RelroFileCreator] for null 09-25 09:02:29.077 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeIpSecServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.079 579 579 D IpSecService: IpSecService is ready 09-25 09:02:29.079 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkStatsServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.095 579 661 W NetworkPolicy: setRestrictBackgroundUL: already false 09-25 09:02:29.156 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeConnectivityServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.234 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 09-25 09:02:29.242 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkPolicyServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: PhaseThirdPartyAppsCanStart 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.Installer 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.243 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.245 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health checks enabled. 09-25 09:02:29.245 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: health check state enabled 09-25 09:02:29.245 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 09-25 09:02:29.245 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Cancelling state sync, nothing to sync 09-25 09:02:29.246 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.246 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.246 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.SensorPrivacyService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BatteryService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.AlarmManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.BluetoothService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.PinnerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.google.android.startop.iorap.IorapForwardingService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.247 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService 09-25 09:02:29.248 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.250 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 09-25 09:02:29.265 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 09-25 09:02:29.265 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.280 579 592 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined yet; hacking together a stub 09-25 09:02:29.291 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.291 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.291 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.291 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.291 579 579 I WallpaperManagerService: switch-user-0 09-25 09:02:29.291 579 579 V WallpaperManagerService: bindWallpaperComponentLocked: componentName=ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper} 09-25 09:02:29.293 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.DockObserver 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 09-25 09:02:29.294 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 09-25 09:02:29.297 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 09-25 09:02:29.297 579 579 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 600 : false 09-25 09:02:29.298 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.299 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.299 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 09-25 09:02:29.300 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.role.RoleManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.300 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.308 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 09-25 09:02:29.311 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 09-25 09:02:29.312 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 09-25 09:02:29.312 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.313 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.314 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 09-25 09:02:29.314 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.330 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService 09-25 09:02:29.330 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.330 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 09-25 09:02:29.330 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.tv.TvRemoteService 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 09-25 09:02:29.331 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.350 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 09-25 09:02:29.350 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 09-25 09:02:29.350 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 09-25 09:02:29.350 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.351 579 604 D StatsPullAtomService: Registering NetworkStats pullers with statsd 09-25 09:02:29.402 579 579 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took 51 ms in onBootPhase 09-25 09:02:29.403 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 09-25 09:02:29.403 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.404 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 09-25 09:02:29.404 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_600_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.404 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStack 09-25 09:02:29.405 579 579 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module android.net.INetworkStackConnector 09-25 09:02:29.407 579 579 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module in system_server process 09-25 09:02:29.415 579 579 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service start requested 09-25 09:02:29.415 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: StartTethering 09-25 09:02:29.416 579 579 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module android.net.ITetheringConnector 09-25 09:02:29.417 579 579 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking module in system_server process 09-25 09:02:29.422 579 579 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service start requested 09-25 09:02:29.422 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeCountryDetectionServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.422 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkTimeUpdateReady 09-25 09:02:29.430 579 579 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/579 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=8, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: android] ] 09-25 09:02:29.431 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 09-25 09:02:29.432 579 637 I ActivityManager: Process WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a (pid 760) has died: psvc PER 09-25 09:02:29.442 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeInputManagerServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.447 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeTelephonyRegistryReady 09-25 09:02:29.447 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeMediaRouterServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.448 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeMmsServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.448 579 579 I MmsServiceBroker: Delay connecting to MmsService until an API is called 09-25 09:02:29.448 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: IncidentDaemonReady 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: MakeIncrementalServiceReady 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: getCurrentUser 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I ActivityManager: Current user:0 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ActivityManagerStartApps 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.StartUser-0 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onStartUser 0 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:29.449 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.SensorPrivacyService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.AlarmManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.BluetoothService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.google.android.startop.iorap.IorapForwardingService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.450 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tv.axel does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.ext.services does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.apps.mediashell does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.katniss does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sdmc.bluetoothconnect does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package ae.admedia.adtv does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.dynsystem does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.calendar does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.tv.settings does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.media does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.461 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.onetimeinitializer does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.ext.shared does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.plexapp.android does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.externalstorage does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.htmlviewer does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.alphainventor.filemanager does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.companiondevicemanager does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.downloads does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.tv does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.inprocess does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.droidlogic.updater does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.backdrop does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.droidlogic does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.lonelycatgames.Xplore does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.462 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sdmc.standbyserver does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.vending does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.pacprocessor does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.certinstaller does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.mobisystems.fileman does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.marvin.talkback does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package net.mbc.shahidTV does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package android does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package net.kodinerds.maven.kodi21 does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.mtp does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.backupconfirm does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.statementservice does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package android.autoinstalls.config.sdmc does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.settings.intelligence does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.463 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.permissioncontroller does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.settings does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.sharedstoragebackup does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.finalwire.aida64 does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.printspooler does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.dreams.basic does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.settings.auto_generated_rro_product__ does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.overlay.modules.ext.services does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.se does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.inputdevices does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tvrecommendations does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.intigral.jawwytv does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.464 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.modulemetadata does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tvlauncher does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.webview does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.keychain does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.youtube.tvmusic does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.packageinstaller does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.teamsmart.videomanager.tv has legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.gms does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.465 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.gsf does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tts does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wifi.resources does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.partnersetup does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.localtransport does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.tethering.droidlogic does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.videos does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sdmc.sdmcservicehelper does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package org.xbmc.kodi does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.proxyhandler does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package org.videolan.vlc does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sdmc.GlobalKey does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.466 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.movieboxpro.android does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller.forframework does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.contacts.auto_generated_rro_product__ does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.feedback does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.soundpicker does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.inkwired.droidinfo has legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.yablio.sendfilestotv does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sdmc.leakbackcustomer does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess.droidlogic does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tv.setup.customizationsample does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.ytheekshana.deviceinfo does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.ottplay.ottplay does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.networkstack.permissionconfig does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.467 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.sss.authbridge does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.cts.ctsshim does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.overlay.modules.modulemetadata.forframework does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.youtube.tv does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.vpndialogs does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tv.frameworkpackagestubs does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.shell does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.wallpaperbackup does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.userdictionary does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.media.module does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.hotspot2.osulogin does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.tv.remote.service does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.location.fused does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.systemui does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bluetoothmidiservice does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.468 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package android.auto_generated_rro_product__ does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.play.games does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.netflix.ninja does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bluetooth does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.stremio.one does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sdmc.hwinfo does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.providers.contacts does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.captiveportallogin does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.droidlogic.overlay does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.469 579 579 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin does not have legacy storage 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.470 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 09-25 09:02:29.471 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 09-25 09:02:29.474 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.475 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.475 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 09-25 09:02:29.475 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.role.RoleManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.486 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.tv.TvRemoteService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.489 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 09-25 09:02:29.490 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 09-25 09:02:29.490 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 09-25 09:02:29.490 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.490 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.490 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 W AppBindingService: [Default SMS app] u0 Target package not found 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 09-25 09:02:29.492 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:29.493 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: startPersistentApps 09-25 09:02:29.499 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:29.511 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٦٨; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:29.512 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: startHomeOnAllDisplays 09-25 09:02:29.514 579 579 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.android.tv.settings/.system.FallbackHome (has extras)} from uid 0 09-25 09:02:29.547 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: showSystemReadyErrorDialogs 09-25 09:02:29.644 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: sendUserStartBroadcast 09-25 09:02:29.645 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: resumeTopActivities 09-25 09:02:29.645 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: sendUserSwitchBroadcasts 09-25 09:02:29.646 579 579 I SystemServerTiming: setBinderProxies 09-25 09:02:29.647 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 153ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 09-25 09:02:29.647 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 153ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-25 09:02:29.647 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 861:com.droidlogic/1000 for added application com.droidlogic 09-25 09:02:29.647 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 153ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-25 09:02:29.648 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 153ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-25 09:02:29.648 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 140ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 09-25 09:02:29.648 579 579 W Looper : Slow delivery took 4413ms main h=android.app.PropertyInvalidatedCache$AutoCorker$1 c=null m=0 09-25 09:02:29.668 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 161ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 09-25 09:02:29.670 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 163ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 09-25 09:02:29.670 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 163ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-25 09:02:29.670 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 890:com.android.se/1068 for added application com.android.se 09-25 09:02:29.670 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 163ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-25 09:02:29.671 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 164ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-25 09:02:29.703 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onConnected 09-25 09:02:29.708 579 579 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/event?userId=-10000&calendar=&reply=1 with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.EventConditionProvider} 09-25 09:02:29.708 579 579 D ConditionProviders: Subscribing to condition://android/schedule?days= with ComponentInfo{android/com.android.server.notification.ScheduleConditionProvider} 09-25 09:02:29.723 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٦٥; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:29.732 579 579 I HDMI : onInitializeCecComplete 1 09-25 09:02:29.736 579 579 I HDMI : onAddressAllocated 4 1 09-25 09:02:29.759 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 109ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 09-25 09:02:29.759 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 09-25 09:02:29.759 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-25 09:02:29.759 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 923:com.android.tv.settings/1000 for top-activity {com.android.tv.settings/com.android.tv.settings.system.FallbackHome} 09-25 09:02:29.759 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-25 09:02:29.759 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-25 09:02:29.760 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٦٥; state: ENABLED 09-25 09:02:29.818 579 579 D HdmiCecLocalDevicePlayback: Trigger one touch play after boot! 09-25 09:02:29.826 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 09-25 09:02:29.826 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 09-25 09:02:29.827 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-25 09:02:29.827 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 949:com.google.android.ext.services/u0a65 for service {com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.autofill.InlineSuggestionRenderServiceImpl} 09-25 09:02:29.827 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-25 09:02:29.827 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-25 09:02:29.848 579 637 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [ar_EG] ldrtl sw540dp w960dp h540dp 320dpi lrg long land television -touch -keyb/v/h dpad/v winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8} 09-25 09:02:29.853 579 637 I WindowManager: Override config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [ar_EG] ldrtl sw540dp w960dp h540dp 320dpi lrg long land television -touch -keyb/v/h dpad/v winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1920, 1080) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8} for displayId=0 09-25 09:02:29.963 861 861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.droidlogic.DroidlogicApplication.startDroidLogicServices:178 com.droidlogic.DroidlogicApplication.initAudio:100 com.droidlogic.DroidlogicApplication.access$100:36 09-25 09:02:29.966 861 861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.droidlogic.DroidlogicApplication.startDroidLogicServices:178 com.droidlogic.DroidlogicApplication.initAudio:101 com.droidlogic.DroidlogicApplication.access$100:36 09-25 09:02:29.974 579 579 I HDMI : setIsActiveSource true cur:false 09-25 09:02:29.974 579 579 D HdmiCecActiveness: setState active mState:inactive 09-25 09:02:29.976 579 604 D CountryDetector: Using custom country detector class: com.android.server.location.ComprehensiveCountryDetector 09-25 09:02:30.179 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: FinishBooting 09-25 09:02:30.263 579 1050 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@b116ca0 09-25 09:02:30.272 579 579 I HDMI : setIsActiveSource true cur:true 09-25 09:02:30.272 579 579 D HdmiCecActiveness: setState active mState:active 09-25 09:02:30.272 579 579 I HdmiCecLocalDevice: Starting queued action:com.android.server.hdmi.OneTouchPlayAction@8da9191 09-25 09:02:30.279 579 678 D AudioService: onCheckVolumeCecOnHdmiConnection 1 09-25 09:02:30.343 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:30.352 579 579 I HDMI : setIsActiveSource true cur:true 09-25 09:02:30.352 579 579 D HdmiCecActiveness: setState active mState:active 09-25 09:02:30.356 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:30.654 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 26 lines 09-25 09:02:30.665 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:30.677 579 579 I HDMI : setIsActiveSource true cur:true 09-25 09:02:30.677 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:30.677 579 579 D HdmiCecActiveness: setState active mState:active 09-25 09:02:30.683 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 960ms main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiCecController$4@b6067eb m=0 09-25 09:02:30.688 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.020 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 29 lines 09-25 09:02:31.031 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.039 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 354ms main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService$4@c3d3506 m=0 09-25 09:02:31.043 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.078 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 3 lines 09-25 09:02:31.091 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.095 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 45:7D with errorCode=1 09-25 09:02:31.096 579 579 I HdmiCecLocalDevicePlayback: queryDisplayStatus already in progress 09-25 09:02:31.097 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 09-25 09:02:31.097 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 09-25 09:02:31.097 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 09-25 09:02:31.099 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 09-25 09:02:31.102 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.113 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 1 line 09-25 09:02:31.124 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.133 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٨; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:31.133 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Android TV 09-25 09:02:31.134 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: Android TV 09-25 09:02:31.134 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٨; state: ENABLED 09-25 09:02:31.136 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.148 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.150 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1119:com.google.android.tv.remote.service/u0a38 for service {com.google.android.tv.remote.service/com.google.android.tv.remote.service.AtvRemoteProviderService} 09-25 09:02:31.159 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.171 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 1 line 09-25 09:02:31.183 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.193 579 579 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/579 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: android] ] 09-25 09:02:31.194 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 09-25 09:02:31.194 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 09-25 09:02:31.194 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.198 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService 09-25 09:02:31.198 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1 09-25 09:02:31.200 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 2 receivers. 09-25 09:02:31.204 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON 09-25 09:02:31.204 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON 09-25 09:02:31.206 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.269 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 5 lines 09-25 09:02:31.280 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.287 579 579 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/579 NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=11, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: android] ] 09-25 09:02:31.288 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 09-25 09:02:31.292 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.294 579 579 E TrustManagerService: EXTRA_USER_HANDLE missing or invalid, value=0 09-25 09:02:31.296 579 605 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 09-25 09:02:31.304 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.315 579 1050 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:31.315 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: ENABLED 09-25 09:02:31.317 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.319 579 579 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.tvrecommendations/com.google.android.tvrecommendations.NotificationsService} 09-25 09:02:31.320 579 579 V NotificationListeners: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService cmp=com.google.android.tvrecommendations/.NotificationsService (has extras) } 09-25 09:02:31.320 579 579 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService cmp=com.google.android.tvrecommendations/.NotificationsService } U=0: not found 09-25 09:02:31.320 579 579 W NotificationListeners: Unable to bind notification listener service: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService cmp=com.google.android.tvrecommendations/.NotificationsService (has extras) } in user 0 09-25 09:02:31.321 579 579 V NotificationAssistants: enabling notification assistant for 0: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 09-25 09:02:31.321 579 579 V NotificationAssistants: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService cmp=com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant (has extras) } 09-25 09:02:31.329 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.335 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1150:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a35 for service {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService} 09-25 09:02:31.341 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.468 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 10 lines 09-25 09:02:31.479 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.486 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 161ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.-$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@f69b8ac m=0 09-25 09:02:31.491 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.496 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onSubscribe condition://android/schedule?days= 09-25 09:02:31.496 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: setRegistered true 09-25 09:02:31.503 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.505 579 674 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.506 579 674 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.calendar (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.512 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 GMT+03:00 1970 (0)}], now=Mon Sep 25 09:02:31 GMT+03:00 2023 (1695621751496), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 GMT+03:00 1970 (0) 09-25 09:02:31.512 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule 09-25 09:02:31.514 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Mon Sep 25 22:00:00 GMT+03:00 2023 (1695668400000), in +12h57m28s504ms, now=Mon Sep 25 09:02:31 GMT+03:00 2023 (1695621751496) 09-25 09:02:31.515 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.526 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.532 579 579 D AudioService: cec status change enabled=true available=true 09-25 09:02:31.533 579 579 I AudioService: CEC sink: setting HDMI as full vol device 09-25 09:02:31.533 579 579 D AudioService: cec status change enabled=true available=true 09-25 09:02:31.533 579 579 I AudioService: CEC sink: setting HDMI as full vol device 09-25 09:02:31.540 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.749 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 18 lines 09-25 09:02:31.760 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.768 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 231ms main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.hdmi.-$$Lambda$HdmiCecController$HdmiCecCallback$-7fhWuVwUiBxScm6sqwHxovK41E@bef803f m=0 09-25 09:02:31.769 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 09-25 09:02:31.769 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 09-25 09:02:31.769 579 579 I ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service connected 09-25 09:02:31.772 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.773 579 579 I ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module service connected 09-25 09:02:31.774 579 579 I AutofillManagerService: Updating for user 0: disabled=false 09-25 09:02:31.774 579 579 E AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Bad service name: com.google.android.gms/.autofill.service.AutofillService 09-25 09:02:31.778 579 579 V NotificationAssistants: 0 notification assistant service connected: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 09-25 09:02:31.784 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.789 579 579 I AudioService: CEC sink: setting HDMI as full vol device 09-25 09:02:31.790 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 09-25 09:02:31.790 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 09-25 09:02:31.791 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 09-25 09:02:31.793 579 579 W Looper : Drained 09-25 09:02:31.796 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.800 579 823 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 09-25 09:02:31.801 579 823 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 09-25 09:02:31.801 579 823 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 09-25 09:02:31.804 579 823 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 09-25 09:02:31.804 579 823 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 09-25 09:02:31.810 579 823 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 09-25 09:02:31.811 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.886 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 6 lines 09-25 09:02:31.899 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.904 1150 1150 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gsf.gservices (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.915 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.927 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.930 579 599 I WindowManager: ******* TELLING SURFACE FLINGER WE ARE BOOTED! 09-25 09:02:31.935 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: FinishBooting 09-25 09:02:31.936 579 599 I ActivityManager: About to commit checkpoint 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.Installer 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.937 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.939 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.939 579 618 V DisplayPowerController: Brightness [0.39763778] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'override'. 09-25 09:02:31.939 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.SensorPrivacyService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BatteryService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.940 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.AlarmManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.BluetoothService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.PinnerService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.google.android.startop.iorap.IorapForwardingService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.941 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 657 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about init, mBootCompleted=true, mDaemonConnected=true 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 599 D StorageManagerService: FUSE flags. Settings: true. Default: true 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 645 D RollbackManager: mRollbackLifetimeDurationInMillis=1209600000 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 657 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset, mBootCompleted=true, mDaemonConnected=true 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 09-25 09:02:31.942 579 599 D TestHarnessModeService: Completing Test Harness Mode setup. 09-25 09:02:31.943 579 657 I StorageSessionController: Started resetting external storage service... 09-25 09:02:31.943 579 657 I StorageSessionController: Finished resetting external storage service 09-25 09:02:31.943 579 657 I StorageManagerService: Resetting vold... 09-25 09:02:31.944 579 657 I StorageManagerService: Reset vold 09-25 09:02:31.944 238 238 I vold : onUserAdded: 0 09-25 09:02:31.951 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.959 579 604 D AppStandbyController: Loading headless system app cache. appIdleEnabled=true 09-25 09:02:31.997 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:31.998 579 599 W SystemServiceManager: Service com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService took 56 ms in onBootPhase 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.DockObserver 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 D UsbDeviceManager: boot completed 09-25 09:02:31.999 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 09-25 09:02:32.000 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 09-25 09:02:32.001 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 09-25 09:02:32.001 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 09-25 09:02:32.001 579 599 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 1000 : false 09-25 09:02:32.001 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.002 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.002 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 09-25 09:02:32.002 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.role.RoleManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.002 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.002 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 09-25 09:02:32.002 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 09-25 09:02:32.005 579 596 D UsbDeviceManager: broadcasting Intent { act=android.hardware.usb.action.USB_STATE flg=0x31000000 (has extras) } extras: Bundle[{host_connected=false, connected=false, unlocked=false, adb=true, configured=false}] 09-25 09:02:32.007 579 596 D UsbDeviceManager: setEnabledFunctions functions=0, forceRestart=false 09-25 09:02:32.007 579 596 I UsbDeviceManager: Setting USB config to 09-25 09:02:32.007 579 596 D UsbDeviceManager: setUsbConfig(1) request:1 09-25 09:02:32.007 579 596 D UsbDeviceManager: timeout message queued 09-25 09:02:32.007 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 09-25 09:02:32.007 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.008 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.008 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 09-25 09:02:32.008 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.009 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.010 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.tv.TvRemoteService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.011 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 09-25 09:02:32.012 579 599 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.012 579 599 D ActivityManagerTiming: TotalBootTime took to complete: 9707ms 09-25 09:02:32.012 579 599 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Shutdown requested 09-25 09:02:32.012 579 599 I SystemServerTiming: WaitInitThreadPoolShutdown 09-25 09:02:32.014 579 599 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Shutdown successful 09-25 09:02:32.024 579 599 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from BOOTING to RUNNING_LOCKED 09-25 09:02:32.024 579 599 W ActivityManager: UserLifecycleEvent 4 received without an active userJourneySession. 09-25 09:02:32.029 579 599 D StorageManagerService: unlockUserKey: 0 isFileEncryptedNativeOrEmulated: true hasToken: false hasSecret: false 09-25 09:02:32.029 238 238 D vold : fscrypt_unlock_user_key 0 serial=0 token_present=0 09-25 09:02:32.034 238 238 D vold : Skipping non-key .. 09-25 09:02:32.034 238 238 D vold : Skipping non-key . 09-25 09:02:32.034 238 238 D vold : Trying user CE key /data/misc/vold/user_keys/ce/0/current 09-25 09:02:32.042 238 238 I vold : List of Keymaster HALs found: 09-25 09:02:32.043 238 238 I vold : Keymaster HAL #1: AmlogicKeymaster from Google SecurityLevel: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT HAL: android.hardware.keymaster@4.1::IKeymasterDevice/default 09-25 09:02:32.043 238 238 I vold : Using AmlogicKeymaster from Google for encryption. Security level: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT, HAL: android.hardware.keymaster@4.1::IKeymasterDevice/default 09-25 09:02:32.047 238 238 D vold : Successfully retrieved key 09-25 09:02:32.050 238 238 D vold : Installed fscrypt key with ref b3b61f7217c987d187463109368f508b to /data 09-25 09:02:32.050 238 238 D vold : Added fscrypt-provisioning key for b3b61f7217c987d187463109368f508b to session keyring 09-25 09:02:32.050 238 238 D vold : Installed ce key for user 0 09-25 09:02:32.052 579 599 W ActivityManager: UserLifecycleEvent 5 received without an active userJourneySession. 09-25 09:02:32.052 579 599 D ActivityManager: Started unlocking user 0 09-25 09:02:32.052 579 599 D ActivityManager: Unlocking user 0 progress 0 09-25 09:02:32.053 579 599 D ActivityManager: Unlocking user 0 progress 5 09-25 09:02:32.053 579 599 E UserspaceRebootLogger: Userspace reboot is not supported. 09-25 09:02:32.056 238 238 D vold : fscrypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null, user 0, serial 0, flags 2 09-25 09:02:32.056 238 238 D vold : Preparing: /data/system_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.056 238 238 D vold : Preparing: /data/misc_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.056 238 238 D vold : Preparing: /data/vendor_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 D vold : Preparing: /data/media/0 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 D vold : Preparing: /data/data 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 I vold : Verified that /data/system_ce/0 has the encryption policy b3b61f7217c987d187463109368f508b v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 I vold : Verified that /data/misc_ce/0 has the encryption policy b3b61f7217c987d187463109368f508b v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 I vold : Verified that /data/vendor_ce/0 has the encryption policy b3b61f7217c987d187463109368f508b v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 I vold : Verified that /data/media/0 has the encryption policy b3b61f7217c987d187463109368f508b v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 I vold : Verified that /data/data has the encryption policy b3b61f7217c987d187463109368f508b v2 modes 1/4 flags 0x2 09-25 09:02:32.059 238 238 D vold : Starting restorecon of /data/system_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.060 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.061 579 605 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 09-25 09:02:32.062 579 599 D ColorDisplayService: setUp: currentUser=0 09-25 09:02:32.067 923 923 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.android.tv.settings.users.UserSwitchListenerService$BootReceiver.onReceive:50 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 09-25 09:02:32.077 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.089 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.091 238 238 D vold : Finished restorecon of /data/system_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.091 238 238 D vold : Starting restorecon of /data/vendor_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.096 579 637 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٧; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:32.097 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٧; state: ENABLED 09-25 09:02:32.102 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.107 579 637 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٦; state: DISABLED 09-25 09:02:32.114 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.117 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for WifiNetworkFactory 09-25 09:02:32.117 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger for UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory 09-25 09:02:32.127 238 238 D vold : Finished restorecon of /data/vendor_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.127 238 238 D vold : Starting restorecon of /data/misc_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.130 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.144 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.144 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1209:com.google.android.marvin.talkback/u0a57 for broadcast {com.google.android.marvin.talkback/com.google.android.accessibility.talkback.BootReceiver} 09-25 09:02:32.145 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٦; state: ENABLED 09-25 09:02:32.146 238 238 D vold : Finished restorecon of /data/misc_ce/0 09-25 09:02:32.146 238 238 D vold : /system/bin/vold_prepare_subdirs 09-25 09:02:32.146 238 238 D vold : prepare 09-25 09:02:32.146 238 238 D vold : 09-25 09:02:32.146 238 238 D vold : 0 09-25 09:02:32.146 238 238 D vold : 2 09-25 09:02:32.156 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.167 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.179 579 701 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: Ethernet[], state: UNKNOWN/IDLE, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{100} nethandle{432902426637} lp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::b722:cd45:29a4:2fe1/64, ] DnsAddresses: [ /,/ ] Domains: Home MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: eth0 mtu 0, -> eth0 mtu 0, -> eth0 mtu 0 ]}} nc{[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: -1 RequestorPackageName: null]} Score{30} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} partialConnectivity{false} acceptPartialConnectivity{false} clat{mBaseIface: null, mIface: null, mState: IDLE} } 09-25 09:02:32.182 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.191 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 85ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 09-25 09:02:32.192 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 87ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 09-25 09:02:32.192 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 87ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 09-25 09:02:32.192 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1217:com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/u0a56 for service {com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME} 09-25 09:02:32.192 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 87ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 09-25 09:02:32.192 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 87ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 09-25 09:02:32.194 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.231 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 3 lines 09-25 09:02:32.243 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.244 579 596 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/user/0 with serial number 0 09-25 09:02:32.244 579 596 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/system_ce/0 with serial number 0 09-25 09:02:32.245 579 596 D UserDataPreparer: Setting property: sys.user.0.ce_available=true 09-25 09:02:32.245 579 596 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x2 migrateAppData=false 09-25 09:02:32.254 579 612 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu٠/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 09-25 09:02:32.255 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.262 579 668 D ConnectivityService: [100 ETHERNET] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN 09-25 09:02:32.263 579 668 D ConnectivityService: [100 ETHERNET] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from UNKNOWN to CONNECTED 09-25 09:02:32.263 579 579 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 09-25 09:02:32.268 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.280 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.285 579 668 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(100, PrivateDnsConfig{true:/[]}) 09-25 09:02:32.285 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/, /] 09-25 09:02:32.289 579 668 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(١٠٠, [,], [Home], ١٨٠٠, ٢٥, ٨, ٦٤, ٠, ٠, , [,]) 09-25 09:02:32.299 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.300 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface eth0 to network 100 09-25 09:02:32.310 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/, /] 09-25 09:02:32.311 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.313 579 668 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(١٠٠, [,], [Home], ١٨٠٠, ٢٥, ٨, ٦٤, ٠, ٠, , [,]) 09-25 09:02:32.322 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.334 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 1 line 09-25 09:02:32.346 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.352 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [8 : null → 100, 11 : null → 100, 1 : null → 100, 9 : null → 100] 09-25 09:02:32.353 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: Ethernet[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: 5c:7b:5c:bc:45:87, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{100} nethandle{432902426637} lp{{InterfaceName: eth0 LinkAddresses: [ fe80::b722:cd45:29a4:2fe1/64, ] DnsAddresses: [ /,/ ] Domains: Home MTU: 0 ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,3145728,524288,1048576,2097152 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: eth0 mtu 0, -> eth0 mtu 0, -> eth0 mtu 0 ]}} nc{[ Transports: ETHERNET Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=100000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=100000Kbps AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: -1 RequestorPackageName: null]} Score{30} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} partialConnectivity{false} acceptPartialConnectivity{false} clat{mBaseIface: null, mIface: null, mState: IDLE} } 09-25 09:02:32.362 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.385 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 2 lines 09-25 09:02:32.396 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.406 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 9 [100 ETHERNET] isDefaultNetwork=true 09-25 09:02:32.412 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.415 579 579 I SyncManager: Loaded persisted syncs: 5 periodic syncs, 0 oneshot syncs, 18 total system server jobs, JobStats: FirstLoad: 35/7/5 LastSave: -1/-1/-1 09-25 09:02:32.417 579 668 D ConnectivityService: [100 ETHERNET] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to CONNECTED 09-25 09:02:32.423 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.658 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 20 lines 09-25 09:02:32.670 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.677 579 579 W HDMI : [1]:Unhandled cec command: 04:90:00 09-25 09:02:32.682 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.887 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 17 lines 09-25 09:02:32.899 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.908 579 668 D ConnectivityService: [100 ETHERNET] validation failed 09-25 09:02:32.911 579 668 D NetworkNotificationManager: showNotification tag=ConnectivityNotification:١٠٠ event=PARTIAL_CONNECTIVITY transport=إيثرنت name=5c:7b:5c:bc:45:87 highPriority=false 09-25 09:02:32.911 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.936 861 861 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.droidlogic identical 2 lines 09-25 09:02:32.948 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.961 579 596 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData finished 117 packages 09-25 09:02:32.962 861 861 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for android.media.tv (user not unlocked) 09-25 09:02:32.962 579 596 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from RUNNING_LOCKED to RUNNING_UNLOCKING 09-25 09:02:32.964 579 596 D ActivityManager: Unlocking user 0 progress 20 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 596 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 911ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.am.-$$Lambda$UserController$stQk1028ON105v_u-VMykVjcxLk@480e846 m=0 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 596 W Looper : Slow delivery took 911ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.am.-$$Lambda$UserController$G0WJmqt4X_QG30fRlvXobn18mrE@dcc6a07 m=0 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter address changed to D4:9C:DD:F3:EE:19 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetoothaddress: D4:9C:DD:F3:EE:19 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.UnlockingUser-0 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 605 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onUnlockingUser 0 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.965 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.966 579 605 I LaunchParamsPersister: Didn't find launch param folder for user 0 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.SensorPrivacyService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.967 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.AlarmManagerService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.BluetoothService 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 D BluetoothManagerService: User 0 unlocked 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 09-25 09:02:32.968 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService 09-25 09:02:32.969 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_USER_UNLOCKED 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.google.android.startop.iorap.IorapForwardingService 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 D StorageManagerService: onUnlockUser 0 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 I StorageSessionController: On user unlock 0 03-08 18:54:07.900 579 605 I StorageSessionController: Initialialising... 03-08 18:54:07.903 238 238 I vold : onUserStarted: 0 03-08 18:54:07.904 579 596 W Looper : Drained 03-08 18:54:07.914 579 592 V StorageManagerService: Found primary storage at VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 03-08 18:54:07.914 579 592 V StorageManagerService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=0 mountUserId=0 03-08 18:54:07.914 579 592 V StorageManagerService: state=UNMOUNTED 03-08 18:54:07.914 579 592 V StorageManagerService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 03-08 18:54:07.914 579 592 V StorageManagerService: path=null internalPath=null 03-08 18:54:07.915 579 657 I StorageManagerService: Mounting volume VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 03-08 18:54:07.915 579 657 I StorageManagerService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=PRIMARY|VISIBLE 03-08 18:54:07.915 579 657 I StorageManagerService: mountUserId=0 state=UNMOUNTED 03-08 18:54:07.915 579 657 I StorageManagerService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 03-08 18:54:07.915 579 657 I StorageManagerService: path=null internalPath=null 03-08 18:54:07.917 238 238 I vold : Mounting emulated fuse volume 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.929 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.931 238 238 I vold : Bind mounting /data/media to /mnt/pass_through/0/emulated 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageSessionController: On volume mount VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageSessionController: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=PRIMARY|VISIBLE 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageSessionController: mountUserId=0 state=CHECKING 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageSessionController: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageSessionController: path=/storage/emulated internalPath=/data/media 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageSessionController: Creating connection for user: 0 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageSessionController: Creating and starting session with id: emulated;0 03-08 18:54:07.933 579 657 I StorageUserConnection: Binding to the ExternalStorageService for user 0 03-08 18:54:07.949 579 605 W TextServicesManagerService: no available spell checker services found 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I WallpaperManagerService: on-unlock-user-0 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver 03-08 18:54:07.950 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.951 579 1050 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٢١; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:07.953 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٢١; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:07.959 579 657 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٦٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:07.961 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.961 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.961 579 605 V UsbDeviceManager: onKeyguardStateChanged: isShowing:false secure:false user:0 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.role.RoleManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.962 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.964 579 657 I StorageUserConnection: Bound to the ExternalStorageService for user 0 03-08 18:54:07.964 579 691 I BackupManagerService: Starting service for user: 0 03-08 18:54:07.968 579 691 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Starting with transport com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService 03-08 18:54:07.970 579 691 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Started thread backup-0 03-08 18:54:07.994 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_ON 03-08 18:54:07.994 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth is in LE only mode 03-08 18:54:07.995 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Binding Bluetooth GATT service 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٩; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService 03-08 18:54:07.996 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.000 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > BLE_ON 03-08 18:54:08.003 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.006 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.006 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.006 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1298:com.android.providers.tv/u0a21 for content provider {com.android.providers.tv/com.android.providers.tv.TvProvider} 03-08 18:54:08.007 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.007 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.007 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٦٣; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.028 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 70ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.029 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.029 579 606 I Watchdog: Interesting Java process com.android.providers.media.module started. Pid 1318 03-08 18:54:08.029 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.029 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1318:com.android.providers.media.module/u0a63 for service {com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.fuse.ExternalStorageServiceImpl} 03-08 18:54:08.029 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.029 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.030 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٩; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.036 579 691 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read backup pw version 03-08 18:54:08.036 579 691 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read saved backup pw hash 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.tv.TvRemoteService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 03-08 18:54:08.041 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.042 579 605 E AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Bad service name: com.google.android.gms/.autofill.service.AutofillService 03-08 18:54:08.043 579 605 E AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Bad service name: com.google.android.gms/.autofill.service.AutofillService 03-08 18:54:08.043 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 03-08 18:54:08.043 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.043 579 605 W AppBindingService: [Default SMS app] u0 Target package not found 03-08 18:54:08.043 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 03-08 18:54:08.043 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockingUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.044 579 596 I ActivityTaskManager: Loading recents for user 0 into memory. 03-08 18:54:08.051 579 605 W ActivityManager: UserLifecycleEvent 5 received without an active userJourneySession. 03-08 18:54:08.051 579 605 W ActivityManager: UserLifecycleEvent 6 received without an active userJourneySession. 03-08 18:54:08.051 579 605 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from RUNNING_UNLOCKING to RUNNING_UNLOCKED 03-08 18:54:08.052 579 605 D SystemServerTiming: SystemUserUnlock took to complete: 1069ms 03-08 18:54:08.063 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 73ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.072 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 119ms main h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.hdmi.-$$Lambda$HdmiCecController$HdmiCecCallback$-7fhWuVwUiBxScm6sqwHxovK41E@be5ed89 m=0 03-08 18:54:08.073 579 579 I NotificationHistory: Attempted to unlock gone/disabled user 0 03-08 18:54:08.115 579 605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.128 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 138ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.128 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 138ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.128 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1331:com.google.android.katniss:interactor/u0a39 for service {com.google.android.katniss/com.google.android.katniss.search.serviceapi.KatnissVoiceInteractionService} 03-08 18:54:08.128 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 138ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.128 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 139ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.130 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService 03-08 18:54:08.131 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 2 03-08 18:54:08.132 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: continueFromBleOnState() 03-08 18:54:08.138 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Persisting Bluetooth Setting: 1 03-08 18:54:08.138 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: BLE_ON > TURNING_ON 03-08 18:54:08.138 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: BLE_ON > TURNING_ON 03-08 18:54:08.224 579 604 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 62 03-08 18:54:08.227 579 604 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 62 03-08 18:54:08.228 579 604 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover scheduled @ ٢٠٢٤-٠٣-٠٨ ٢٠:٥٤:٠٣(1709920443155) 03-08 18:54:08.232 579 604 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 03-08 18:54:08.413 579 1002 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 280ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 03-08 18:54:08.436 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 322ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.436 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 322ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.436 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1359:com.sdmc.bluetoothconnect/1000 for added application com.sdmc.bluetoothconnect 03-08 18:54:08.436 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 322ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.436 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 322ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.436 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 320ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:08.444 579 605 I ActivityManager: Posting BOOT_COMPLETED user #0 03-08 18:54:08.447 579 579 I JobScheduler: RTC now valid; recalculating persisted job windows 03-08 18:54:08.450 579 596 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 220ms android.fg h=com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService$DropBoxManagerBroadcastHandler c=null m=2 03-08 18:54:08.461 579 579 W SyncManager: Clock is valid now. 03-08 18:54:08.461 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive android.intent.action.TIME_SET 03-08 18:54:08.462 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 GMT+03:00 1970 (0)}], now=Fri Mar 08 18:54:08 GMT+03:00 2024 (1709913248461), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 GMT+03:00 1970 (0) 03-08 18:54:08.462 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule 03-08 18:54:08.464 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Fri Mar 08 22:00:00 GMT+03:00 2024 (1709924400000), in +3h5m51s539ms, now=Fri Mar 08 18:54:08 GMT+03:00 2024 (1709913248461) 03-08 18:54:08.466 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.UnlockedUser-0 03-08 18:54:08.466 579 605 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onUnlockedUser 0 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.FileIntegrityService 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.Installer 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.uri.UriGrantsManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.DataLoaderManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.power.ThermalManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.467 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.recoverysystem.RecoverySystemService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.lights.LightsService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.UserManagerService$LifeCycle 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.SensorPrivacyService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.SystemConfigService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BatteryService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usage.UsageStatsService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.webkit.WebViewUpdateService 03-08 18:54:08.474 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.CachedDeviceStateService 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BinderCallsStatsService$LifeCycle 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.LooperStatsService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.rollback.RollbackManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.os.BugreportManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.gpu.GpuService 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.security.KeyChainSystemService 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.telecom.TelecomLoaderService 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.accounts.AccountManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.475 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DropBoxManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.AlarmManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.BluetoothService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.connectivity.IpConnectivityMetrics 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.net.watchlist.NetworkWatchlistService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.PinnerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.google.android.startop.iorap.IorapForwardingService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.integrity.AppIntegrityManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.StorageManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usage.StorageStatsService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.UiModeManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.locksettings.LockSettingsService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.PersistentDataBlockService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.testharness.TestHarnessModeService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.oemlock.OemLockService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DeviceIdleController 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.textservices.TextServicesManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.textclassifier.TextClassificationManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.NetworkScoreService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.WifiService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.scanner.WifiScanningService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.ethernet.EthernetService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.storage.DeviceStorageMonitorService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.location.LocationManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timedetector.TimeDetectorService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.timezonedetector.TimeZoneDetectorService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.search.SearchManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.audio.AudioService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger_middleware.SoundTriggerMiddlewareService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.DockObserver 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.midi.MidiService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.adb.AdbService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.usb.UsbService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.twilight.TwilightService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.display.color.ColorDisplayService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.soundtrigger.SoundTriggerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.trust.TrustManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.backup.BackupManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appwidget.AppWidgetService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.role.RoleManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.voiceinteraction.VoiceInteractionManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.GestureLauncherService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.SensorNotificationService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.emergency.EmergencyAffordanceService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.dreams.DreamManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.restrictions.RestrictionsManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaSessionService 03-08 18:54:08.476 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.blob.BlobStoreManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.hdmi.HdmiControlService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.tv.TvInputManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.MediaResourceMonitorService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.tv.TvRemoteService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.BiometricService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.biometrics.AuthService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.ShortcutService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.LauncherAppsService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.CrossProfileAppsService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.people.PeopleService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.media.projection.MediaProjectionManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.slice.SliceManagerService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.camera.CameraServiceProxy 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.StatsCompanion$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.stats.pull.StatsPullAtomService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.incident.IncidentCompanionService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.MmsServiceBroker 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.clipboard.ClipboardService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.appbinding.AppBindingService$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.policy.PermissionPolicyService 03-08 18:54:08.477 579 605 I SystemServerTimingAsync: ssm.onUnlockedUser-0_com.android.server.pm.StagingManager$Lifecycle 03-08 18:54:08.478 579 605 W ActivityManager: UserLifecycleEvent 6 received without an active userJourneySession. 03-08 18:54:08.483 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 367ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.488 579 823 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100 cmp=com.google.android.tvlauncher/.MainActivity (has extras)} from uid 0 03-08 18:54:08.547 579 1052 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.548 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 432ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.548 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 432ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.548 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1389:com.sdmc.sdmcservicehelper/1000 for added application com.sdmc.sdmcservicehelper 03-08 18:54:08.548 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 432ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.548 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 433ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.549 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.552 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000 03-08 18:54:08.554 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupFuzzMilliseconds(...) returns 600000 03-08 18:54:08.554 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 1 03-08 18:54:08.554 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true 03-08 18:54:08.554 579 1297 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 242 minutes 03-08 18:54:08.555 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Android TV 03-08 18:54:08.555 579 579 D BluetoothManagerService: Stored Bluetooth name: Android TV 03-08 18:54:08.562 579 599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤١; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.564 579 579 V NotificationAssistants: disabling notification assistant for user 0: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 03-08 18:54:08.564 579 579 D NotificationListeners: Removing active service ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 03-08 18:54:08.569 579 691 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] No ancestral data 03-08 18:54:08.591 579 1418 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_app_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 03-08 18:54:08.601 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.635 579 605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٨٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.643 579 674 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٢٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.647 579 579 V NotificationAssistants: enabling notification assistant for 0: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 03-08 18:54:08.647 579 579 V NotificationAssistants: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService cmp=com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant (has extras) } 03-08 18:54:08.662 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 117ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.662 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 117ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.662 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1420:com.google.android.gms/u0a35 for service {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService} 03-08 18:54:08.662 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 117ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.663 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 118ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.663 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 102ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:08.664 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤١; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.680 579 579 V ConditionProviders: enabling condition provider for 0: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider} 03-08 18:54:08.682 579 579 V ConditionProviders: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.ConditionProviderService cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider (has extras) } 03-08 18:54:08.684 579 1380 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:08.691 579 593 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٦٢١٩٢٢١; UID ١٠٠٣٨; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.701 579 579 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.tvrecommendations/com.google.android.tvrecommendations.NotificationsService} 03-08 18:54:08.701 579 579 V NotificationListeners: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService cmp=com.google.android.tvrecommendations/.NotificationsService (has extras) } 03-08 18:54:08.707 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.710 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 146ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.-$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@d86d599 m=0 03-08 18:54:08.722 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 161ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.723 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 162ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.723 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 162ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.723 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1454:com.google.android.tvlauncher/u0a41 for top-activity {com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity} 03-08 18:54:08.723 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 162ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.723 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 162ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.723 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 90ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:08.724 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٨٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.732 579 593 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:08.808 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 174ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.864 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 230ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.864 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 230ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.864 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1479:com.teamsmart.videomanager.tv/u0a83 for broadcast {com.teamsmart.videomanager.tv/com.liskovsoft.smartyoutubetv2.common.misc.RemoteControlReceiver} 03-08 18:54:08.864 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 230ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.866 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 232ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.866 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 225ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:08.867 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٢٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.900 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 258ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.900 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 258ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.900 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 259ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.900 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1506:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a20 for content provider {com.android.providers.calendar/com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProvider2} 03-08 18:54:08.900 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 259ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.901 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 259ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.901 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 195ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:08.901 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.961 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 255ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:08.962 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 256ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:08.962 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 256ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:08.962 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1525:com.google.android.tvrecommendations/u0a40 for service {com.google.android.tvrecommendations/com.google.android.tvrecommendations.NotificationsService} 03-08 18:54:08.962 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 256ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:08.962 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 256ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:08.962 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 231ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:08.962 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:08.963 579 579 W Looper : Slow delivery took 264ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.-$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@c1f8a53 m=0 03-08 18:54:08.963 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 253ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.-$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@c1f8a53 m=0 03-08 18:54:08.991 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE 03-08 18:54:08.992 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 GMT+03:00 1970 (0)}], now=Fri Mar 08 18:54:08 GMT+03:00 2024 (1709913248991), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 GMT+03:00 1970 (0) 03-08 18:54:08.992 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule 03-08 18:54:08.994 579 579 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Fri Mar 08 22:00:00 GMT+03:00 2024 (1709924400000), in +3h5m51s9ms, now=Fri Mar 08 18:54:08 GMT+03:00 2024 (1709913248991) 03-08 18:54:08.999 579 596 I AppWidgetServiceImpl: Processing of handleUserUnlocked u0 took 549 ms 03-08 18:54:08.999 579 596 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 549ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.am.-$$Lambda$UserController$Injector$MYTLl7MOQKjyMJknWdxPeBLoPCc@d6ce88e m=0 03-08 18:54:09.009 579 579 V NotificationAssistants: 0 notification assistant service connected: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.notification.Assistant} 03-08 18:54:09.011 579 579 I StorageUserConnection: Service: [ComponentInfo{com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.fuse.ExternalStorageServiceImpl}] connected. User [0] 03-08 18:54:09.045 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 314ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:09.068 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 337ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:09.068 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 337ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:09.068 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1548:com.google.process.gservices/u0a35 for content provider {com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider} 03-08 18:54:09.068 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 337ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:09.069 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 338ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:09.071 579 596 W Looper : Slow delivery took 554ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.am.-$$Lambda$UserController$I0p0bKjuvsSPLZB71mKQFfdUjZ4@7efae43 m=0 03-08 18:54:09.077 579 579 W Looper : Drained 03-08 18:54:09.078 579 579 V ConditionProviders: 0 condition provider service connected: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider} 03-08 18:54:09.178 579 1002 D ConditionProviders: Disabling component com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider 03-08 18:54:09.229 579 691 D BackupManagerService: user:0 readBackupEnableState enabled:false 03-08 18:54:09.229 579 691 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Backup enabled => false 03-08 18:54:09.229 579 691 D BackupManagerService: user:0 writeBackupEnableState enable:false 03-08 18:54:09.281 579 1002 W WindowManager: Permission Denial: addWindowTokenWithOptions from pid=١٣٣١, uid=١٠٠٣٩ requires android.permission.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE 03-08 18:54:09.291 579 1002 W WindowManager: Permission Denial: addWindowToken() from pid=١٣٣١, uid=١٠٠٣٩ requires android.permission.MANAGE_APP_TOKENS 03-08 18:54:09.350 579 592 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:09.387 579 1378 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٦٢٧٤٥٩٦; UID ١٠٠٤١; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:09.413 579 668 D ConnectivityService: [100 ETHERNET] validation passed 03-08 18:54:09.415 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:09.417 579 668 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/, /] 03-08 18:54:09.417 579 668 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(١٠٠, [,], [Home], ١٨٠٠, ٢٥, ٨, ٦٤, ٠, ٠, , [,]) 03-08 18:54:09.445 579 592 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:09.446 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:09.492 579 977 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:09.502 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 59ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:09.509 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 66ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:09.509 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 66ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:09.509 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1619:com.google.process.gapps/u0a35 for content provider {com.google.android.gsf/com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider} 03-08 18:54:09.509 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 66ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:09.509 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 67ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:09.544 579 687 E UsbDeviceManager: notifyCurrentFunction request:1 status:1 03-08 18:54:09.549 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 58ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:09.563 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 72ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:09.563 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 72ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:09.563 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1639:com.sdmc.leakbackcustomer/1000 for content provider {com.sdmc.leakbackcustomer/com.sdmc.leakbackcustomer.ConfigurationProvider} 03-08 18:54:09.563 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 72ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:09.563 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 73ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:09.567 579 1614 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:09.568 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:09.578 579 1002 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠١٤; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:09.584 579 1415 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٧; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:09.603 579 1380 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٦٨; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:09.610 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1669:com.alphainventor.filemanager/u0a87 for service {com.alphainventor.filemanager/com.example.android.uamp.MusicService} 03-08 18:54:09.612 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧١; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:09.620 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: TURNING_ON > ON 03-08 18:54:09.620 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(true) to 3 receivers. 03-08 18:54:09.620 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Creating new ProfileServiceConnections object for profile: 1 03-08 18:54:09.631 579 598 D BluetoothManagerService: Sending BLE State Change: TURNING_ON > ON 03-08 18:54:09.725 579 604 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:09.752 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 180ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:09.763 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 192ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:09.764 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 192ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:09.764 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1712:com.plexapp.android/u0a71 for service {com.plexapp.android/com.plexapp.plex.audioplayer.MediaBrowserAudioService} 03-08 18:54:09.764 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 192ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:09.764 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 192ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:09.764 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 190ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:09.765 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠١٤; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:09.801 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 227ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:09.835 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:09.835 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:09.835 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1742:android.process.acore/u0a14 for content provider {com.android.providers.contacts/com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2} 03-08 18:54:09.835 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:09.835 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:09.835 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 252ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:09.836 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:09.873 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 290ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:09.877 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 294ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:09.877 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 294ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:09.877 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1766:com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom/u0a47 for broadcast {com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:09.877 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 294ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:09.877 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 294ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:09.877 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 275ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:09.878 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٦٨; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:10.005 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 403ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:10.011 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 409ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:10.011 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 410ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:10.012 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1799:org.videolan.vlc/u0a68 for service {org.videolan.vlc/org.videolan.vlc.PlaybackService} 03-08 18:54:10.012 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 410ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:10.012 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 410ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:10.012 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 291ms so far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc 03-08 18:54:10.057 238 238 I vold : Bind mounting //data/media/0/Android/data on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data 03-08 18:54:10.058 238 238 I vold : Bind mounted //data/media/0/Android/data on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/data 03-08 18:54:10.058 238 238 I vold : Bind mounting //data/media/0/Android/obb on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 03-08 18:54:10.059 238 238 I vold : Bind mounted //data/media/0/Android/obb on /mnt/user/0/emulated/0/Android/obb 03-08 18:54:10.059 238 238 I vold : Configuring read_ahead of /mnt/user/0/emulated fuse filesystem to 256kb 03-08 18:54:10.060 238 238 I vold : Writing 256 to /sys/class/bdi/0:66/read_ahead_kb 03-08 18:54:10.060 238 238 I vold : Configuring max_ratio of /mnt/user/0/emulated fuse filesystem to 40 03-08 18:54:10.060 238 238 I vold : Writing 40 to /sys/class/bdi/0:66/max_ratio 03-08 18:54:10.061 579 657 I StorageManagerService: Mounted volume VolumeInfo{emulated;0}: 03-08 18:54:10.061 579 657 I StorageManagerService: type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid= mountFlags=PRIMARY|VISIBLE 03-08 18:54:10.061 579 657 I StorageManagerService: mountUserId=0 state=CHECKING 03-08 18:54:10.061 579 657 I StorageManagerService: fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null 03-08 18:54:10.061 579 657 I StorageManagerService: path=/storage/emulated internalPath=/data/media 03-08 18:54:10.063 579 657 I StorageSessionController: Notifying volume state changed for session with id: emulated;0 03-08 18:54:10.068 1331 1695 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for atv.hotwordmic 03-08 18:54:10.156 579 636 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.178 579 977 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.183 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 462ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:10.184 579 1378 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.193 579 823 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 472ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:10.193 579 823 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 472ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:10.193 579 823 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1837:com.android.keychain/1000 for service {com.android.keychain/com.android.keychain.KeyChainService} 03-08 18:54:10.193 579 823 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 472ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:10.193 579 823 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 472ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:10.205 579 1656 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.209 579 1614 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.212 579 1614 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.234 579 823 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.265 579 977 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.308 579 637 D CountryDetector: The first listener is added 03-08 18:54:10.319 1742 1742 D ActivityThread: Loading provider contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2 03-08 18:54:10.349 579 657 I StorageSessionController: Notifying volume state changed for session with id: emulated;0 03-08 18:54:10.509 579 596 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1333ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.job.-$$Lambda$JobSchedulerService$oCsDzEV0rgDVnZl-2bTNBQfZW9I@c7d2f32 m=0 03-08 18:54:10.509 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1310ms main h=com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService$JobHandler c=null m=4 03-08 18:54:10.513 579 579 W Looper : Slow delivery took 1333ms main h=com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService$JobHandler c=null m=1 03-08 18:54:10.514 579 596 W Looper : Drained 03-08 18:54:10.515 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|com.google.android.tv.remote.service|8765|null|10038: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:10.516 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|com.google.android.tv.remote.service|8765|null|10038: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:10.524 579 579 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 03-08 18:54:10.549 1331 1697 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for atv.hotwordmic 03-08 18:54:10.617 579 1050 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.727 579 1415 W StorageManagerService: Reporting emulated;0 unmounted due to system locked 03-08 18:54:10.759 579 670 D NsdService: mdnssd [start-service] 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: Failed to execute mdnssd [start-service] 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: com.android.server.NativeDaemonConnector$NativeDaemonFailureException: command '1 mdnssd start-service' failed with '402 1 Service already running' 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.server.NativeDaemonConnector.executeForList(NativeDaemonConnector.java:516) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.server.NativeDaemonConnector.execute(NativeDaemonConnector.java:412) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.server.NativeDaemonConnector.execute(NativeDaemonConnector.java:407) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.server.NsdService$DaemonConnection.execute(NsdService.java:695) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.server.NsdService$DaemonConnection.start(NsdService.java:704) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.server.NsdService$NsdStateMachine$EnabledState.processMessage(NsdService.java:257) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.processMsg(StateMachine.java:992) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:809) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 E NsdService: at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67) 03-08 18:54:10.762 579 670 D NsdService: New client listening to asynchronous messages 03-08 18:54:10.763 579 670 D NsdService: New client, channel: com.android.internal.util.AsyncChannel@3abfa0d messenger: android.os.Messenger@9779dc2 03-08 18:54:10.798 579 670 D NsdService: Register service 03-08 18:54:10.799 579 670 D NsdService: registerService: 2 name: Android TV, type: _androidtvremote2._tcp., host: null, port: 6466, txtRecord: bt=D4:9C:DD:F3:EE:19 03-08 18:54:10.799 579 670 D NsdService: mdnssd [register, 2, Android TV, _androidtvremote2._tcp., 6466, FGJ0PUQ0OjlDOkREOkYzOkVFOjE5] 03-08 18:54:10.803 579 670 D NsdService: Register 2 2 03-08 18:54:11.242 579 1415 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10041/1454 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=12, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10041 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10041 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.tvlauncher] ] 03-08 18:54:11.243 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [12 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:11.433 579 657 I StorageSessionController: Notifying volume state changed for session with id: emulated;0 03-08 18:54:11.451 1799 2033 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for androidx.car.app.connection 03-08 18:54:11.537 579 670 D NsdService: Native daemon message SERVICE_REGISTERED: 606 2 "Android TV" 03-08 18:54:11.591 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1066ms main h=com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService$JobHandler c=null m=4 03-08 18:54:11.600 579 657 D StorageManagerService: Volume emulated;0 broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0} 03-08 18:54:11.615 579 657 D StorageManagerService: Volume emulated;0 broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0} 03-08 18:54:11.622 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000 03-08 18:54:11.622 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupFuzzMilliseconds(...) returns 600000 03-08 18:54:11.622 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 1 03-08 18:54:11.622 579 1297 V BackupManagerConstants: getKeyValueBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true 03-08 18:54:11.622 579 1297 V KeyValueBackupJob: Scheduling k/v pass in 244 minutes 03-08 18:54:11.802 579 1002 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.wearable.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:11.823 579 579 W Looper : Drained 03-08 18:54:11.897 579 637 W OverlayManager: service 'idmap' died 03-08 18:54:11.900 579 596 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 171ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.om.-$$Lambda$IdmapDaemon$Connection$4U-n0RSv1BPv15mvu8B8zXARcpk@e2c9a02 m=0 03-08 18:54:11.903 579 1412 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@f765f13 03-08 18:54:12.088 579 1297 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:12.156 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:12.158 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:12.158 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:12.158 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2094:com.android.localtransport/1000 for service {com.android.localtransport/com.android.localtransport.LocalTransportService} 03-08 18:54:12.158 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:12.158 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 71ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:12.368 579 579 I TransportClient: LocalTransportService#0: Notifying [TransportManager.registerTransport()] transport = IBackupTransport 03-08 18:54:12.473 579 1297 D BackupTransportManager: Transport com.android.localtransport/.LocalTransportService registered 03-08 18:54:12.473 579 1297 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Transport com.android.localtransport/.LocalTransport registered 3939ms after first request (delay = 3000ms) 03-08 18:54:12.529 579 579 V NotificationListeners: 0 notification listener service connected: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.tvrecommendations/com.google.android.tvrecommendations.NotificationsService} 03-08 18:54:12.716 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:12.735 579 1297 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup-0 identical 78 lines 03-08 18:54:12.737 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:12.760 579 1646 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٢; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:12.761 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٢; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:12.773 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:12.773 579 1297 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup-0 identical 9 lines 03-08 18:54:12.773 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:12.788 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:12.849 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 90ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:12.861 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 102ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:12.861 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 103ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:12.861 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2164:com.google.android.tts/u0a52 for broadcast {com.google.android.tts/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:12.861 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 103ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:12.864 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:12.865 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:12.995 579 1297 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup-0 identical 73 lines 03-08 18:54:12.995 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:13.022 579 1052 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10040/1525 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10040 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10040 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.tvrecommendations] ] 03-08 18:54:13.022 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [14 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:13.065 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:13.076 579 579 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 321ms main h=com.android.server.job.JobSchedulerService$JobHandler c=null m=4 03-08 18:54:13.076 579 579 W Looper : Slow delivery took 319ms main h=com.android.server.AlarmManagerService$AlarmHandler c=null m=8 03-08 18:54:13.082 579 579 W Looper : Drained 03-08 18:54:13.107 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:13.456 579 1297 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup-0 identical 47 lines 03-08 18:54:13.456 579 1297 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Found stale backup journal, scheduling 03-08 18:54:13.850 579 823 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٦; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:13.851 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٦; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:13.913 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 64ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:13.914 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:13.914 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2278:com.google.android.apps.mediashell/u0a36 for service {com.google.android.apps.mediashell/com.google.android.apps.mediashell.LocalGrpcAuthService} 03-08 18:54:13.914 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:13.914 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:14.021 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:14.025 579 636 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10035/1150 NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10035 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10035 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] 03-08 18:54:14.029 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [17 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:14.603 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٩; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:14.603 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٩; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:14.678 579 636 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 76ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:14.678 579 636 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 76ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:14.678 579 636 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2342:com.google.android.katniss:search/u0a39 for service {com.google.android.katniss/com.google.android.apps.tvsearch.homegraph.HomeGraphUpdateJobService} 03-08 18:54:14.678 579 636 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 76ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:14.678 579 636 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 76ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:14.891 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 289ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:15.227 579 1050 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.fido.fido2.pollux.CableAuthenticatorService } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:15.472 579 637 W WindowManager: Permission Denial: addWindowTokenWithOptions from pid=٢٣٤٢, uid=١٠٠٣٩ requires android.permission.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE 03-08 18:54:15.472 579 637 W WindowManager: Permission Denial: addWindowToken() from pid=٢٣٤٢, uid=١٠٠٣٩ requires android.permission.MANAGE_APP_TOKENS 03-08 18:54:15.481 579 1763 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:15.481 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:15.505 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2448:com.google.android.videos/u0a55 for broadcast {com.google.android.videos/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:15.968 579 637 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10036/2278 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=18, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10036 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10036 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.apps.mediashell] ] 03-08 18:54:15.973 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [18 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:15.978 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:16.219 579 592 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:16.220 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:16.264 579 823 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.katniss/com.google.android.apps.tvsearch.led.controller.LedHalService } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:16.271 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 53ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:16.272 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:16.272 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:16.272 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2550:com.android.vending/u0a45 for service {com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.contentfilterui.ContentFiltersService} 03-08 18:54:16.272 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:16.272 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:16.966 579 1763 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٩; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:16.966 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٩; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:17.052 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 87ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:17.059 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 94ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:17.059 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 94ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:17.059 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2623:com.google.android.youtube.tv/u0a49 for broadcast {com.google.android.youtube.tv/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:17.059 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 94ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:17.059 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 94ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:17.578 579 592 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.libraries.cast.tv.warg.service.START pkg=com.google.android.libraries.cast.tv.warg.service (has extras) } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:17.898 579 1378 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.wearable.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:17.912 579 1378 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@18c1228 03-08 18:54:18.040 579 1614 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10045/2550 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=20, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10045 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10045 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] 03-08 18:54:18.041 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [20 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:18.045 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:18.179 579 1378 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10049/2623 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] 03-08 18:54:18.180 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [22 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:18.211 579 1412 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.wearable.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:18.229 579 1412 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@79696fc 03-08 18:54:18.615 579 1763 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10055/2448 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=23, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ] 03-08 18:54:18.620 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [23 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:18.622 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:18.677 579 1412 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:18.677 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٣; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:18.699 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2765:com.netflix.ninja/u0a33 for broadcast {com.netflix.ninja/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:18.956 579 977 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:18.956 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:18.962 579 1378 W AlarmManager: Window length 1383505805528184064ms suspiciously long; limiting to 1 hour 03-08 18:54:18.985 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2801:com.android.vending:background/u0a45 for service {com.android.vending/com.google.frameworks.client.data.android.server.play.BackgroundProcessEndpointService} 03-08 18:54:19.116 579 1763 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10033/2765 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=25, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10033 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10033 RequestorPackageName: com.netflix.ninja] ] 03-08 18:54:19.119 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [25 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:19.224 579 1378 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10049/2623 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=26, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] 03-08 18:54:19.224 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [26 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:19.227 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:19.248 579 1378 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٧٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:19.249 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:19.278 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2849:com.intigral.jawwytv/u0a75 for broadcast {com.intigral.jawwytv/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:19.619 579 1763 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10045/2801 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10045 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10045 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] 03-08 18:54:19.619 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [28 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:19.914 579 1412 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10045/2550 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=29, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10045 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10045 RequestorPackageName: com.android.vending] ] 03-08 18:54:19.914 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [29 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:20.309 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:20.334 579 1378 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٨٤; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:20.336 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٨٤; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:20.362 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2956:com.stremio.one/u0a84 for broadcast {com.stremio.one/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:21.152 579 977 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:21.161 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:21.161 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 03-08 18:54:21.163 861 861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.droidlogic.btpair.FastBootComplete.onReceive:20 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:21.169 579 1378 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:21.212 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3007:com.sdmc.standbyserver/1000 for broadcast {com.sdmc.standbyserver/com.sdmc.standbyserver.BootReceiver} 03-08 18:54:21.274 3007 3007 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.sdmc.standbyserver.BootReceiver.onReceive:16 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:21.293 1359 1359 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.sdmc.bluetoothconnect.BootReceiver.onReceive:22 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:21.319 579 3030 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_BOOT isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 03-08 18:54:21.327 579 3030 I BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to DropBox 03-08 18:54:21.329 579 3030 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors 03-08 18:54:21.330 579 3030 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:odm_ext_a stat:0x43 03-08 18:54:21.331 579 3030 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:param stat:0x10053 03-08 18:54:21.331 579 3030 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:tee stat:0x43 03-08 18:54:21.338 861 861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.droidlogic.BootComplete.onReceive:82 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:21.341 861 861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.droidlogic.BootComplete.onReceive:85 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:21.343 861 861 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.droidlogic.BootComplete.onReceive:86 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:21.349 579 3030 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠١١; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:21.349 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠١١; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:21.357 579 823 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:21.374 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3034:android.process.media/u0a11 for content provider {com.android.providers.downloads/com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider} 03-08 18:54:21.424 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:21.424 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:21.424 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:21.424 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3055:com.sdmc.hwinfo/1000 for broadcast {com.sdmc.hwinfo/com.sdmc.hwinfo.FactoryReceiver} 03-08 18:54:21.424 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:21.425 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:21.575 579 823 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٧٦; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:21.575 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧٦; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:21.599 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3078:com.ottplay.ottplay/u0a76 for broadcast {com.ottplay.ottplay/com.ottplay.ottplay.utils.AutoBootReceiver} 03-08 18:54:21.915 579 596 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 785ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@fe5fef1 m=0 03-08 18:54:21.915 579 596 W Looper : Slow delivery took 766ms android.fg h=com.android.server.AppStateTracker$MyHandler c=null m=11 03-08 18:54:22.002 579 823 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10035/1150 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10035 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10035 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] 03-08 18:54:22.003 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [31 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:22.009 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:22.328 579 579 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.tvrecommendations/com.google.android.tvrecommendations.NotificationsService} 03-08 18:54:22.328 579 579 V NotificationListeners: Not registering ComponentInfo{com.google.android.tvrecommendations/com.google.android.tvrecommendations.NotificationsService} is already bound 03-08 18:54:22.388 579 596 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 473ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@14c3715 m=0 03-08 18:54:22.412 579 596 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٦٤; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:22.412 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٦٤; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:22.445 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3136:com.google.android.permissioncontroller/u0a64 for service {com.google.android.permissioncontroller/com.android.permissioncontroller.permission.service.PermissionControllerServiceImpl} 03-08 18:54:22.451 579 596 W Looper : Drained 03-08 18:54:22.687 923 923 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.android.tv.settings.users.UserSwitchListenerService$BootReceiver.onReceive:50 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:22.732 579 637 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:22.734 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٣; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:22.744 2278 2278 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.apps.tv.launcherx.coreservices.account.AccountModeContentProvider 03-08 18:54:22.782 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:22.782 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:22.783 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:22.783 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3178:com.google.android.play.games/u0a53 for broadcast {com.google.android.play.games/com.google.android.gms.games.pano.recommendation.GamesPanoBroadcastReceiver} 03-08 18:54:22.783 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:22.783 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:23.285 579 977 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service org.videolan.vlc/.MediaParsingService 03-08 18:54:23.317 579 637 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service org.videolan.vlc/.MediaParsingService 03-08 18:54:23.410 579 637 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:23.427 579 637 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٩٩٢٤٥٢٧; UID ١٠٠٦٨; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:23.430 579 637 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٢٦٤٩٨٦٤; UID ١٠٠٦٨; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:23.443 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3259:com.android.dynsystem/1000 for broadcast {com.android.dynsystem/com.android.dynsystem.BootCompletedReceiver} 03-08 18:54:23.491 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|org.videolan.vlc|43|null|10068: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:23.492 579 579 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_3 identical 1 line 03-08 18:54:23.492 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|org.videolan.vlc|43|null|10068: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:23.494 579 579 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 03-08 18:54:23.544 579 1378 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10047/1766 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10047 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10047 RequestorPackageName: com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom] ] 03-08 18:54:23.545 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [33 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:23.758 579 637 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ٢٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:23.778 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3295:com.android.shell/2000 for broadcast {com.android.shell/com.android.shell.HeapDumpReceiver} 03-08 18:54:24.089 579 1378 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٩; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:24.091 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٩; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:24.114 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3330:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a59 for broadcast {com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/com.google.android.onetimeinitializer.OneTimeInitializerReceiver} 03-08 18:54:24.209 579 1763 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠١٢; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:24.210 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠١٢; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:24.217 579 1763 I ActivityManager: Killing 1669:com.alphainventor.filemanager/u0a87 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:24.242 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3353:com.google.android.packageinstaller/u0a12 for broadcast {com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.TemporaryFileManager} 03-08 18:54:24.357 579 1614 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٦٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:24.357 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٦٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:24.363 579 1614 I ActivityManager: Killing 1837:com.android.keychain/1000 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:24.381 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3373:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a60 for broadcast {com.google.android.partnersetup/com.google.android.partnersetup.GooglePartnerSetup} 03-08 18:54:24.516 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 18:54:25.028 579 1002 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥١; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:25.028 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥١; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:25.047 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3416:com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar/u0a51 for broadcast {com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar/com.google.android.libraries.internal.growth.growthkit.inject.GrowthKitBootCompletedBroadcastReceiver} 03-08 18:54:25.062 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10047 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10047 RequestorPackageName: com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom] ] (release request) 03-08 18:54:25.083 579 1763 I ActivityManager: Killing 2094:com.android.localtransport/1000 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:54:25.251 579 977 I ActivityManager: Killing 2164:com.google.android.tts/u0a52 (adj 945): empty #17 03-08 18:54:25.291 579 1646 E ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{a11b386 2164:com.google.android.tts/u0a52} is attached to a previous process 03-08 18:54:25.292 579 1646 E ActivityManager: Already have existing proc ProcessRecord{a11b386 2164:com.google.android.tts/u0a52} when adding ProcessRecord{535fd40 0:com.google.android.tts/u0a52} 03-08 18:54:25.294 579 605 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 03-08 18:54:25.294 579 1646 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٢; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:25.295 579 606 E ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{a11b386 2164:com.google.android.tts/u0a52} refused to die, but we need to launch ProcessRecord{535fd40 0:com.google.android.tts/u0a52} 03-08 18:54:25.295 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٢; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:25.298 579 1646 I ActivityManager: Killing 2448:com.google.android.videos/u0a55 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:25.305 579 605 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 03-08 18:54:25.318 579 605 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 03-08 18:54:25.345 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:25.345 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:25.345 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:25.345 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3443:com.google.android.tts/u0a52 for broadcast {com.google.android.tts/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:25.345 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 51ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:25.349 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:25.561 579 592 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=23, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ], android.os.BinderProxy@3cf7491) 03-08 18:54:25.561 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=23, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ] (release request) 03-08 18:54:25.562 579 974 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=24, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ], android.os.BinderProxy@dfefff6) 03-08 18:54:25.705 579 977 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.fido.fido2.pollux.CableAuthenticatorService } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:25.724 579 1052 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.gms/.fido.authenticator.service.AuthenticatorService } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:25.762 579 1646 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:25.763 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:25.791 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3488:com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a35 for service {com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardService} 03-08 18:54:25.990 579 1646 D BiometricService: canAuthenticate: User=0, Caller=0, Authenticators=255 03-08 18:54:25.990 579 1646 D AuthService: canAuthenticate, userId: 0, callingUserId: 0, authenticators: 255, result: 12 03-08 18:54:25.993 579 637 D BiometricService: canAuthenticate: User=0, Caller=0, Authenticators=32768 03-08 18:54:25.993 579 637 D AuthService: canAuthenticate, userId: 0, callingUserId: 0, authenticators: 32768, result: 11 03-08 18:54:26.104 579 3476 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_log isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 03-08 18:54:26.139 579 974 I ActivityManager: Killing 2623:com.google.android.youtube.tv/u0a49 (adj 935): empty #17 03-08 18:54:26.257 579 1763 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:26.258 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٣; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:26.277 579 1646 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.nearby.discovery:ACTION_INIT_RUNTIME_STATE cmp=com.google.android.gms/.nearby.discovery.service.DiscoveryService } U=0: not found 03-08 18:54:26.294 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3532:com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith/u0a43 for broadcast {com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith/com.google.android.tvsetup.app.BootCompletedReceiver} 03-08 18:54:26.425 579 1052 I ActivityManager: Killing 2849:com.intigral.jawwytv/u0a75 (adj 925): empty #17 03-08 18:54:26.472 579 1415 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f7eb52d) 03-08 18:54:26.472 579 1412 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ], android.os.BinderProxy@1f50a62) 03-08 18:54:26.472 579 1412 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=26, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ], android.os.BinderProxy@84b77f3) 03-08 18:54:26.472 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] (release request) 03-08 18:54:26.473 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=26, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] (release request) 03-08 18:54:27.011 579 3476 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٢٢; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:27.012 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٢٢; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:27.049 579 1378 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=30, [ Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND Uid: 10075 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10075 RequestorPackageName: com.intigral.jawwytv] ], android.os.BinderProxy@8a7e1ab) 03-08 18:54:27.064 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:27.064 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:27.064 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3601:com.google.android.tv.axel/u0a22 for broadcast {com.google.android.tv.axel/com.google.android.tv.axel.remote.EntryBroadcastReceiver} 03-08 18:54:27.064 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:27.064 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:27.276 579 1380 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10035/3488 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10035 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10035 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] 03-08 18:54:27.277 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [34 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:27.280 579 593 D ConditionProviders: Enabling component com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider 03-08 18:54:27.280 579 593 V ConditionProviders: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.ConditionProviderService cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider (has extras) } 03-08 18:54:27.285 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:27.321 579 579 V ConditionProviders: 0 condition provider service connected: ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider} 03-08 18:54:27.333 579 1763 D ConditionProviders: Disabling component com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.settings.DrivingConditionProvider 03-08 18:54:27.345 579 1378 W ActivityManager: Foreground service started from background can not have location/camera/microphone access: service com.google.android.tv.axel/.remote.IrService 03-08 18:54:27.549 579 974 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:27.550 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:27.561 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|com.google.android.tv.axel|1|null|10022: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:27.562 579 579 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_3 identical 1 line 03-08 18:54:27.563 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|com.google.android.tv.axel|1|null|10022: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:27.577 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3660:com.google.android.videos/u0a55 for broadcast {com.google.android.videos/com.google.android.apps.play.movies.tv.service.channel.ChannelBroadcastReceiver} 03-08 18:54:27.622 579 579 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 03-08 18:54:28.315 579 593 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٩٩٢٤٥٢٧; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:28.320 579 593 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٢٦٤٩٨٦٤; UID ١٠٠٣٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:28.843 579 1380 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٩; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:28.843 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٩; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:28.856 579 974 I ActivityManager: Killing 2956:com.stremio.one/u0a84 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:54:28.897 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:28.898 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:28.898 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:28.898 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3758:com.google.android.youtube.tv/u0a49 for broadcast {com.google.android.youtube.tv/com.google.android.libraries.youtube.tv.recommendations.RecommendationsScheduler$Receiver} 03-08 18:54:28.898 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:28.898 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:28.931 579 593 W AlarmManager: Window length 1383505805528182528ms suspiciously long; limiting to 1 hour 03-08 18:54:29.093 579 1380 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10055/3660 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ] 03-08 18:54:29.099 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [36 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:29.101 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:29.284 579 974 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10049/3758 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] 03-08 18:54:29.284 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [38 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:29.614 579 1378 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10035/1420 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=39, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10035 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10035 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.gms] ] 03-08 18:54:29.614 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [39 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:29.619 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:29.762 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=android.intent.action.HDMI_PLUGGED flg=0x44000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires com.netflix.ninja.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{d16cf2c 10033/u0 ReceiverList{570c6df 2765 com.netflix.ninja/10033/u0 remote:1abd17e}} 03-08 18:54:29.802 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4200010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires com.netflix.ninja.DYNAMIC_RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED_PERMISSION due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{f07d148 10033/u0 ReceiverList{4b24feb 2765 com.netflix.ninja/10033/u0 remote:100e73a}} 03-08 18:54:29.932 579 3406 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10049/3758 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] 03-08 18:54:29.933 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [41 : null → 100] 03-08 18:54:29.939 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:30.037 1639 1639 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.sdmc.leakbackcustomer.BootReceiver.onReceive:15 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:30.042 1639 1639 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.startService:1669 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:720 com.sdmc.leakbackcustomer.BootReceiver.onReceive:16 android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver:4032 03-08 18:54:30.048 579 3442 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:30.048 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:30.103 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:30.103 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:30.103 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:30.103 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3859:com.alphainventor.filemanager/u0a87 for broadcast {com.alphainventor.filemanager/com.alphainventor.filemanager.receiver.BootReceiver} 03-08 18:54:30.103 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:30.103 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:30.430 579 1002 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٧٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:30.430 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:30.432 579 1002 I ActivityManager: Killing 3055:com.sdmc.hwinfo/1000 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:54:30.497 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 03-08 18:54:30.498 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 03-08 18:54:30.498 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 03-08 18:54:30.498 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3920:com.intigral.jawwytv/u0a75 for broadcast {com.intigral.jawwytv/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:30.498 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 03-08 18:54:30.499 579 606 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 70ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 03-08 18:54:31.236 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:31.251 579 974 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٧٨; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:31.252 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧٨; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:31.254 579 974 I ActivityManager: Killing 3078:com.ottplay.ottplay/u0a76 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:31.279 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3998:com.mobisystems.fileman/u0a78 for broadcast {com.mobisystems.fileman/com.mobisystems.libfilemng.BasicBootReceiver} 03-08 18:54:31.826 579 593 I ActivityManager: Killing 1209:com.google.android.marvin.talkback/u0a57 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:31.893 3998 3998 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.mobisystems.msconfig.provider 03-08 18:54:32.137 579 1412 I ActivityManager: Killing 3178:com.google.android.play.games/u0a53 (adj 945): empty #17 03-08 18:54:32.720 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:54:32.877 579 1412 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٨٤; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:32.878 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٨٤; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:32.920 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4096:com.stremio.one/u0a84 for broadcast {com.stremio.one/androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver} 03-08 18:54:33.064 579 1002 I ActivityManager: Killing 1799:org.videolan.vlc/u0a68 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:54:33.064 579 1002 I ActivityManager: Killing 3259:com.android.dynsystem/1000 (adj 985): empty #18 03-08 18:54:33.243 579 1412 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) } to com.yablio.sendfilestotv/.util.StartReceiver requires android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED due to sender null (uid 1000) 03-08 18:54:33.249 579 605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٧٧; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:33.250 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:33.267 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4144:net.kodinerds.maven.kodi21/u0a77 for broadcast {net.kodinerds.maven.kodi21/net.kodinerds.maven.kodi21.XBMCBroadcastReceiver} 03-08 18:54:33.379 579 823 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٧٢; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:33.379 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧٢; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:33.381 579 823 I ActivityManager: Killing 1506:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a20 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:33.419 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4164:org.xbmc.kodi/u0a72 for broadcast {org.xbmc.kodi/org.xbmc.kodi.XBMCBroadcastReceiver} 03-08 18:54:33.526 579 1412 I ActivityManager: Finished processing BOOT_COMPLETED for u0 03-08 18:54:33.534 579 1412 I ActivityManager: Killing 3295:com.android.shell/2000 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:33.550 579 1412 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:33.554 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:33.557 579 1002 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:33.559 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:33.560 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 03-08 18:54:33.562 579 605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠١٦; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:33.562 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠١٦; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:33.596 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4184:com.android.externalstorage/u0a16 for broadcast {com.android.externalstorage/com.android.externalstorage.MountReceiver} 03-08 18:54:33.694 579 823 I ActivityManager: Killing 3330:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a59 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:33.705 579 823 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:33.729 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4204:com.sdmc.hwinfo/1000 for broadcast {com.sdmc.hwinfo/com.sdmc.hwinfo.FactoryReceiver} 03-08 18:54:33.800 579 1412 I ActivityManager: Killing 3353:com.google.android.packageinstaller/u0a12 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:33.918 579 1412 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٩٩٢٤٥٢٧; UID ١٠٠٦٣; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:33.921 579 1412 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٢٦٤٩٨٦٤; UID ١٠٠٦٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:34.002 579 1412 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:34.005 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 03-08 18:54:34.032 579 1002 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:34.036 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 03-08 18:54:34.069 579 593 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver 03-08 18:54:34.071 579 605 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 03-08 18:54:34.082 579 593 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٢٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:34.083 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٢٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:34.100 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4232:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a20 for broadcast {com.android.providers.calendar/com.android.providers.calendar.CalendarProviderBroadcastReceiver} 03-08 18:54:34.270 579 593 I ActivityManager: Killing 1766:com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom/u0a47 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:34.361 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|com.google.android.gms|1000|a:GMSCORE_STORE_RENDERER:5f8c981fdd2c0000:103722243460313933921|10035: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:34.361 579 579 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_3 identical 1 line 03-08 18:54:34.362 579 579 D NotificationService: 0|com.google.android.gms|1000|a:GMSCORE_STORE_RENDERER:5f8c981fdd2c0000:103722243460313933921|10035: granting content://settings/system/notification_sound 03-08 18:54:34.370 579 579 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 03-08 18:54:34.747 579 1649 I ActivityManager: Killing 3416:com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar/u0a51 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:35.242 579 1656 I ActivityManager: Killing 3443:com.google.android.tts/u0a52 (adj 945): empty #17 03-08 18:54:35.248 579 1656 I ActivityManager: Killing 3373:com.google.android.partnersetup/u0a60 (adj 945): empty #17 03-08 18:54:36.285 579 605 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{65d2d54 u0 com.sdmc.standbyserver/.WorkService} 03-08 18:54:38.485 579 596 I RoleManagerService: Granting default roles... 03-08 18:54:40.979 579 1052 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٩٩٢٤٥٢٧; UID ١٠٠٤٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:54:40.980 579 1052 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٢٦٤٩٨٦٤; UID ١٠٠٤٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:54:43.389 579 605 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{d3fa11c u0 com.netflix.ninja/.NetflixService} 03-08 18:54:46.098 579 650 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { cmp=com.google.android.play.games/com.google.android.gms.games.pano.recommendation.GamesRecommendationsService } to com.google.android.play.games/com.google.android.gms.games.pano.recommendation.GamesRecommendationsService from pid=-1 uid=10053 pkg=com.google.android.play.games startFg?=false 03-08 18:54:50.727 579 596 I RoleManagerService: Granting default roles... 03-08 18:54:56.556 579 3442 I ActivityManager: Killing 1742:android.process.acore/u0a14 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:54:56.579 579 1415 D CountryDetector: No listener is left 03-08 18:55:04.085 579 1763 I ActivityManager: Killing 3532:com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith/u0a43 (adj 995): empty #17 03-08 18:55:04.089 579 1052 I ActivityManager: Killing 3758:com.google.android.youtube.tv/u0a49 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:55:04.090 579 1052 I ActivityManager: Killing 3660:com.google.android.videos/u0a55 (adj 985): empty #18 03-08 18:55:04.147 579 1763 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ], android.os.BinderProxy@87e7abf) 03-08 18:55:04.147 579 1380 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=42, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ], android.os.BinderProxy@5faa58c) 03-08 18:55:04.147 579 1412 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ], android.os.BinderProxy@7154d5) 03-08 18:55:04.147 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=41, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] (release request) 03-08 18:55:04.148 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=38, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] (release request) 03-08 18:55:04.152 579 1412 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ], android.os.BinderProxy@9d834ea) 03-08 18:55:04.152 579 1656 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ], android.os.BinderProxy@82a03db) 03-08 18:55:04.153 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=36, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ] (release request) 03-08 18:55:05.808 579 1380 I ActivityManager: Killing 3859:com.alphainventor.filemanager/u0a87 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:55:36.240 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٩; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:55:36.240 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٩; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:55:36.257 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4409:com.google.android.youtube.tv/u0a49 for service {com.google.android.youtube.tv/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService} 03-08 18:55:36.373 579 823 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10049/4409 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] 03-08 18:55:36.373 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [45 : null → 100] 03-08 18:55:36.464 579 593 I ActivityManager: Killing 4096:com.stremio.one/u0a84 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:55:36.476 579 593 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10049/4409 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=46, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10049 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10049 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.youtube.tv] ] 03-08 18:55:36.476 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [46 : null → 100] 03-08 18:55:36.479 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 18:55:39.735 579 823 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.finalwire.aida64 cmp=com.finalwire.aida64/.TVMainActivity} from uid 10041 03-08 18:55:39.760 579 599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٨٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 18:55:39.761 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٨٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:55:39.778 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4466:com.finalwire.aida64/u0a80 for pre-top-activity {com.finalwire.aida64/com.finalwire.aida64.TVMainActivity} 03-08 18:55:40.255 579 593 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٦٢٧٤٥٩٦; UID ١٠٠٨٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 18:55:43.845 579 1292 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 03-08 18:55:50.906 579 1614 I ActivityManager: Killing 4144:net.kodinerds.maven.kodi21/u0a77 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:55:54.587 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 18:56:47.810 579 1052 I ActivityManager: Killing 4164:org.xbmc.kodi/u0a72 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:56:54.611 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 18:58:43.820 579 1052 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: storage_native_boot 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Cancelling state sync, nothing to sync 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {android} 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172800000ms 03-08 18:58:43.821 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:43.824 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:43.826 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.826 579 579 D StorageManagerService: Isolated storage local flag 0 and remote flag 0 resolved to true 03-08 18:58:43.837 579 579 D StorageManagerService: Device Config flag for FUSE is enabled, turn Settings fuse flag on 03-08 18:58:43.846 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:43.846 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:43.846 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.846 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {android} 03-08 18:58:43.846 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:43.848 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.848 579 1763 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.848 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 28ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Discarding observer rollback-observer. All packages expired 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799972ms 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 1763 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:43.849 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:43.850 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.850 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:43.850 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.853 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:43.853 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.854 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:43.854 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check requested packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:43.865 579 1763 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: runtime_native_boot 03-08 18:58:43.866 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:43.880 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:43.881 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:43.881 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:43.881 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.881 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:43.882 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:43.884 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.885 579 1614 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.885 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:43.885 579 1614 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:43.886 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.886 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:43.888 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 76ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799896ms 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172800000ms 03-08 18:58:43.925 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:43.928 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:43.929 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.929 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:43.929 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:43.929 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Not binding to service, service already connecting 03-08 18:58:43.930 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:43.930 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:43.930 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:43.930 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:43.930 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:43.931 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.932 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.932 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:43.932 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:43.932 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:43.932 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:43.934 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:44.032 579 1614 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: connectivity 03-08 18:58:44.032 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 108ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799892ms 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172800000ms 03-08 18:58:44.033 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:44.036 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.036 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.036 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.039 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:44.040 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.040 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.040 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.041 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Not binding to service, service already connecting 03-08 18:58:44.041 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:44.041 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:44.041 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.041 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.041 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.043 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.043 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.043 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.043 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:44.043 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.044 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:44.045 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:44.138 579 1052 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: wifi 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 106ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799894ms 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:44.139 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 1ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.140 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.140 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799999ms 03-08 18:58:44.140 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:44.144 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.144 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.144 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.146 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:44.148 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.148 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.148 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.148 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Not binding to service, service already connecting 03-08 18:58:44.149 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:44.149 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:44.149 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.149 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.149 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.151 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.151 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.151 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.151 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:44.152 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.152 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:44.154 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:44.609 579 1052 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: autofill 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 470ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799529ms 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:44.610 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172800000ms 03-08 18:58:44.611 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:44.618 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.619 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.619 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.621 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:44.621 579 579 I AutofillManagerService: Ignoring change on augmented_autofill_mode 03-08 18:58:44.624 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:44.624 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:44.624 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.624 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.624 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.626 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.626 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.626 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.626 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:44.627 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.627 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:44.628 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:44.716 579 1614 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: content_capture 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 106ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799894ms 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172800000ms 03-08 18:58:44.717 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:44.721 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.721 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.721 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.723 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:44.726 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:44.726 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:44.726 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.726 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.726 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.728 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.728 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.728 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.728 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:44.729 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.729 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:44.731 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:44.854 579 1614 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: telephony 03-08 18:58:44.854 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 138ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799862ms 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172800000ms 03-08 18:58:44.855 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:44.859 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.859 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.859 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.862 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:44.864 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:44.865 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:44.865 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.865 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.865 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.867 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.867 579 1614 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.867 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.867 579 1614 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:44.868 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.868 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:44.869 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:44.937 579 758 E SettingsToPropertiesMapper: adservices/disable_sdk_sandbox,adservices/enforce_broadcast_receiver_restrictions,adservices/fledge_ad_selection_enforce_foreground_status_custom_audience,adservices/fledge_custom_audience_max_count,adservices/fledge_custom_audience_max_num_ads,adservices/fledge_custom_audience_max_owner_count,adservices/fledge_custom_audience_per_app_max_count,adservices/fledge_js_isolate_enforce_max_heap_size,adservices/fledge_js_isolate_max_heap_size_bytes,adservices/sdk_request_permits_per_second,adservices/sdksandbox_customized_sdk_context_enabled,configuration/namespace_to_package_mapping,constrain_display_apis/always_constrain_display_apis,constrain_display_apis/never_constrain_display_apis,constrain_display_apis/never_constrain_display_apis_all_packages,device_policy_manager/disable_resources_updatability,flipendo/default_savings_mode_launch,flipendo/essential_apps,flipendo/flipendo_enabled_launch,flipendo/grayscale_enabled_launch,flipendo/lever_ble_scanning_enabled_launch,flipendo/lever_hotspot_enabled_launch,flipendo/lever_work_profile_enabled_launch,flipendo/resuspend_delay_minutes,namespace/key,namespace1/key1,namespace1/key2,namespace2/key1,namespace2/key2,package_manager_service/incfs_default_timeouts,package_manager_service/known_digesters_list,privacy/location_access_check_periodic_interval_millis,rollback/enable_rollback_timeout,rollback/watchdog_explicit_health_check_enabled,rollback/watchdog_request_timeout_millis,rollback/watchdog_trigger_failure_count,rollback/watchdog_trigger_failure_duration_millis,rollback_boot/rollback_lifetime_in_millis,systemui/nas_generate_actions,systemui/nas_generate_replies,systemui/nas_max_messages_to_extract,systemui/nas_max_suggestions,testspace/another,testspace/flagname,textclassifier/config_updater_model_enabled,textclassifier/key,textclassifier/key2,textclassifier/manifest_url_annotator_en,textclassifier/manifest_url_annotator_ru,textclassifier/model_download_backoff_delay_in_millis,textclassifier/model_download_manager_enabled,textclassifier/multi_language_support_enabled,textclassifier/testing_locale_list_override,textclassifier/textclassifier_service_package_override,window_manager/enable_default_rescind_bal_privileges_from_pending_intent_sender,wrong/nas_generate_replies, exceeds system property max length. 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 1763 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [com.google.android.permissioncontroller], updated namespace: privacy 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 108ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799892ms 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [com.google.android.permissioncontroller] 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 1ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.963 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:44.964 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799891ms 03-08 18:58:44.964 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.964 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:44.964 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {com.google.android.permissioncontroller} 03-08 18:58:44.964 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.966 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:44.968 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.969 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:44.969 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:44.969 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.969 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {com.google.android.permissioncontroller} 03-08 18:58:44.969 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.971 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.971 579 1763 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.971 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.971 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: INACTIVE -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.971 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 8ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799883ms 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 1763 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.972 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.973 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.973 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:44.973 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.974 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:44.985 579 1614 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.985 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.985 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.985 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check requested packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:44.988 579 1614 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:44.991 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:44.991 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:44.991 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:44.991 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:44.991 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:44.992 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.992 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.992 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.992 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:44.992 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:44.992 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:44.992 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:44.994 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:45.009 579 1763 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [com.google.android.ext.services, android, com.android.systemui], updated namespace: systemui 03-08 18:58:45.010 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:45.010 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 39ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799844ms 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [com.google.android.ext.services, android, com.android.systemui] 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 1ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:45.011 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:45.012 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.012 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.012 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:45.012 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799951ms 03-08 18:58:45.012 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:45.015 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:45.015 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {com.google.android.ext.services, com.android.systemui} 03-08 18:58:45.015 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:45.018 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:45.021 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:45.021 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:45.022 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:45.022 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:45.022 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {com.google.android.ext.services, com.android.systemui} 03-08 18:58:45.022 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: INACTIVE -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: INACTIVE -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 12ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.024 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.025 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799939ms 03-08 18:58:45.025 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:45.025 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:45.025 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:45.025 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:45.026 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:45.026 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.026 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:45.027 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.028 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:45.029 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.029 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.029 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.029 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.029 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.029 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check requested packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:45.033 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:45.034 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:45.034 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:45.035 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:45.035 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:45.035 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:45.035 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.035 579 1052 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.035 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.035 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.036 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.036 579 1052 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.036 579 1052 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:45.036 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.036 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:45.038 579 1052 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 1614 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android], updated namespace: window_manager 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 1614 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: INACTIVE -> INACTIVE 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing new packages 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Removing 144ms from all packages on all observers 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799795ms 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the following packages to monitor [android] 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated observers 03-08 18:58:45.169 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed time: 0ms 03-08 18:58:45.170 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync in 172799795ms 03-08 18:58:45.170 579 604 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file 03-08 18:58:45.173 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:45.173 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:45.174 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready to get health check supported packages. Binding... 03-08 18:58:45.176 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is bound 03-08 18:58:45.180 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is connected ComponentInfo{com.google.android.ext.services/android.ext.services.watchdog.ExplicitHealthCheckServiceImpl} 03-08 18:58:45.181 579 579 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service initialized, syncing requests 03-08 18:58:45.181 579 579 D PackageWatchdog: Getting all observed packages pending health checks 03-08 18:58:45.181 579 579 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for packages: {} 03-08 18:58:45.181 579 579 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check supported packages 03-08 18:58:45.183 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.183 579 1763 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.183 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.ext.services: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.183 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package android: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.183 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.183 579 1763 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for package com.android.systemui: PASSED -> PASSED 03-08 18:58:45.183 579 1763 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health check requested packages 03-08 18:58:45.184 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check requested packages [] 03-08 18:58:45.184 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health check requests, unbinding... 03-08 18:58:45.186 579 1763 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health check service is unbound 03-08 18:58:54.752 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 18:59:21.367 579 1614 I ActivityManager: Killing 4184:com.android.externalstorage/u0a16 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 18:59:49.346 579 597 E AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Bad service name: com.google.android.gms/.autofill.service.AutofillService 03-08 18:59:53.028 579 1292 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 03-08 19:00:24.781 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:00:41.640 579 1002 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS cmp=com.android.tv.settings/.MainSettings} from uid 10041 03-08 19:00:41.665 579 1614 W ActivityTaskManager: Tried to set launchTime (0) < mLastActivityLaunchTime (21161) 03-08 19:00:41.939 579 1614 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/923 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=48, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] 03-08 19:00:41.940 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [48 : null → 100] 03-08 19:00:41.972 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 19:00:41.975 579 1002 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٤; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:00:41.975 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٤; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:00:41.990 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4899:com.android.settings.intelligence/u0a44 for service {com.android.settings.intelligence/com.android.settings.intelligence.suggestions.SuggestionService} 03-08 19:00:42.017 579 1002 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٦٢٧٤٥٩٦; UID ١٠٠٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:00:42.147 579 1646 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٤٣; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:00:42.147 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٤٣; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:00:42.163 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 4923:com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith/u0a43 for content provider {com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith/com.google.android.tvsetup.app.deferred.DeferredContentProvider} 03-08 19:00:46.119 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=48, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] (release request) 03-08 19:00:52.647 579 823 I ActivityManager: Killing 4204:com.sdmc.hwinfo/1000 (adj 975): empty #17 03-08 19:00:54.076 579 636 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/923 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=50, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] 03-08 19:00:54.077 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [50 : null → 100] 03-08 19:00:54.145 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 19:00:54.716 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:00:56.442 923 923 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.apps.nbu.smartconnect.tv 03-08 19:00:56.443 923 923 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.apps.nbu.smartconnect.tv 03-08 19:00:56.457 579 4371 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/923 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] 03-08 19:00:56.457 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [52 : null → 100] 03-08 19:00:56.496 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 19:00:56.522 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=50, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] (release request) 03-08 19:01:08.108 579 1194 D AdbDebuggingManager: Received public key: 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 unknown@unknown 03-08 19:01:08.109 579 596 D AdbDebuggingManager: Logging key 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 unknown@unknown, state = 1, alwaysAllow = false, lastConnectionTime = 0, authWindow = 604800000 03-08 19:01:08.110 579 596 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 03-08 19:01:09.752 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:01:12.343 579 596 D AdbDebuggingManager: Logging key 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 unknown@unknown, state = 2, alwaysAllow = true, lastConnectionTime = 1709913672339, authWindow = 604800000 03-08 19:01:12.366 579 636 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter android.content.IntentFilter@6433d9a already registered for pid 923, callerPackage is com.android.tv.settings 03-08 19:02:08.058 579 4057 I ActivityManager: Killing 3034:android.process.media/u0a11 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 19:02:09.786 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:03:24.837 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:04:11.831 579 579 I JobServiceContext: Client timed out while executing (no jobFinished received), sending onStop: a57bf6 #1000/1 com.android.providers.settings/.WriteFallbackSettingsFilesJobService 03-08 19:04:11.851 579 579 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٥٥; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:04:11.851 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٥٥; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:11.868 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5207:com.google.android.videos/u0a55 for service {com.google.android.videos/com.google.android.apps.play.movies.tv.service.channel.SyncWatchNextChannelJobService} --------- beginning of main 03-08 19:04:12.063 5207 5207 W PlayMovies: dyb.onCreate:٨٨ Installer Package: com.android.vending 03-08 19:04:12.063 5207 5207 W PlayMovies: 03-08 19:04:12.081 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:04:12.114 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:04:12.119 485 5255 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:12.136 5207 5207 E PlayMovies: frh.c:١ Initializing Watson Cast receiver 03-08 19:04:12.136 5207 5207 E PlayMovies: 03-08 19:04:12.142 1150 2484 W ProviderHelper: Unknown dynamite feature cast_tv_dynamite 03-08 19:04:12.144 1150 5258 I GmsDebugLogger: [89] cast_tv_dynamite 03-08 19:04:12.163 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] glu.a(63): Received content filters request from com.google.android.videos 03-08 19:04:12.229 5207 5238 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/dtshd 03-08 19:04:12.231 5207 5238 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ffmpeg 03-08 19:04:12.231 5207 5238 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 03-08 19:04:12.232 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-vnd.on2.vp6a 03-08 19:04:12.232 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-vnd.on2.vp6f 03-08 19:04:12.245 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision 03-08 19:04:12.254 5207 5238 I chatty : uid=10055(com.google.android.videos) identical 4 lines 03-08 19:04:12.257 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision 03-08 19:04:12.264 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-motion-jpeg 03-08 19:04:12.267 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2 03-08 19:04:12.267 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 2 for video/mpeg2 03-08 19:04:12.267 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 3 for video/mpeg2 03-08 19:04:12.267 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mpeg2 03-08 19:04:12.268 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 5 for video/mpeg2 03-08 19:04:12.268 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 2 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 16 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 32 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 64 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 128 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 256 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 512 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 1024 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 2048 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4096 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8192 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.269 5207 5238 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 16384 for video/mp4v-es 03-08 19:04:12.271 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm10 03-08 19:04:12.271 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm20 03-08 19:04:12.272 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm30 03-08 19:04:12.273 579 4371 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10055/5207 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=54, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10055 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10055 RequestorPackageName: com.google.android.videos] ] 03-08 19:04:12.274 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [54 : null → 100] 03-08 19:04:12.275 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm40 03-08 19:04:12.275 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/vc1 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W Utils : could not parse long range '1-' 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 16 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 32 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 64 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 128 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 256 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 512 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 1024 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 2048 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 4096 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 8192 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 16384 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.276 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 32768 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8 03-08 19:04:12.277 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wmv3 03-08 19:04:12.278 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wmv1 03-08 19:04:12.279 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wmv2 03-08 19:04:12.280 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1 03-08 19:04:12.280 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 19:04:12.280 5207 5238 W Utils : could not parse long range '1-' 03-08 19:04:12.280 5207 5238 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/avc 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: Failed to load method ExperimentalBidirectionalStream.Builder.addRequestAnnotation 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: mcv.addRequestAnnotation [class java.lang.Object] 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:2072) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:1693) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kxn.d(PG:1) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kxl.c(PG:22) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kxt.p(PG:2) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at laz.p(PG:2) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at ldx.a(PG:1) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at led.f(PG:10) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at led.p(PG:16) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kyu.a(PG:60) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kzn.run(PG:12) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kzp.h(PG:5) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kzj.a(PG:1) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at kzi.run(PG:2) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at jnu.run(PG:74) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at lic.a(PG:1) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at lid.a(PG:15) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at eyc.c(PG:10) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at eyc.b(PG:2) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at fbn.b(PG:46) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at fkc.run(PG:6) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at etz.run(PG:83) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at fix.run(PG:1) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at etz.run(PG:76) 03-08 19:04:12.341 5207 5241 W grpc-java-cronet: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923) 03-08 19:04:12.659 5207 5244 E Volley : [406] ddh.a: Unexpected response code 404 for https://android.clients.google.com/fdfe/api/experiments 03-08 19:04:13.128 579 1656 I ActivityManager: Killing 4232:com.android.providers.calendar/u0a20 (adj 985): empty #17 03-08 19:04:13.174 485 5279 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:14.236 485 5280 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:14.968 1331 2373 W chromium: [FTL:1331:2373:WARNING:publisher.cc(33)] No subscribers for event 03-08 19:04:14.968 1331 2373 W chromium: "assistant.api.events.MetricEvent" from publisher "UmaMetricsForwarder" 03-08 19:04:15.274 485 5281 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:15.465 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=localhost:10042]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=1, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.466 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=localhost:10042]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=1, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.469 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:04:15.525 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.528 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.532 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:04:15.611 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.763 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=[::]:0]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=4, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.818 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.821 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.826 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:04:15.826 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:04:15.834 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:04:15.914 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_cast_service.cc(962)] Recent mDNS app subtypes: [supported:'CFE7FEDA',] [unsupported:] 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=9 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Query.Cast.Count=1 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.AppId.In=3 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=3 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.Namespace.In=3 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.AppId.Out=3 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Namespace.Out=3 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=3 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.RobotAccountAuth.FetchToken=1 03-08 19:04:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.RobotAccountAuth.Update.NOT_LINKED.NOT_LINKED=1 03-08 19:04:16.327 485 5282 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:16.927 5207 5227 I .android.video: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver 03-08 19:04:16.953 5207 5227 I .android.video: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on ClassLinker for 25.808ms 03-08 19:04:16.965 5207 5219 I .android.video: WaitForGcToComplete blocked RunEmptyCheckpoint on ProfileSaver for 12.052ms 03-08 19:04:17.376 485 5283 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:18.431 485 5284 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:19.468 485 5286 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:20.501 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 116 lines 03-08 19:04:20.505 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 52 lines 03-08 19:04:20.519 485 5287 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:20.594 579 1052 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/923 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=56, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] 03-08 19:04:20.595 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [56 : null → 100] 03-08 19:04:20.633 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 19:04:20.645 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] (release request) 03-08 19:04:20.700 4899 4915 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.DEFERRED_SETUP 03-08 19:04:20.717 4899 5290 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: Suggestion state result Bundle[{candidate_is_complete=true}] 03-08 19:04:20.717 4899 4915 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 9 03-08 19:04:20.717 4899 4915 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.HIGH_PRIORITY 03-08 19:04:20.718 4899 4915 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:04:20.718 4899 4915 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.FIRST_IMPRESSION 03-08 19:04:20.726 4899 5290 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: Suggestion state result Bundle[{candidate_is_complete=true}] 03-08 19:04:20.727 4899 4915 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 2 03-08 19:04:20.728 4899 4915 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:04:20.732 4899 4915 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:04:20.733 923 4897 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.tv.settings expire 5 lines 03-08 19:04:21.153 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 17 lines 03-08 19:04:21.565 485 5292 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:21.729 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=56, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] (release request) 03-08 19:04:22.116 390 425 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.android.tv.settings/com.android.tv.settings.MainSettings#0](id:1860000000a,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:04:22.116 923 997 I chatty : uid=1000(system) RenderThread expire 13 lines 03-08 19:04:22.119 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:04:22.119 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter watch_next 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: Activity com.android.tv.settings.MainSettings has leaked IntentReceiver com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity$2@ddd06ad that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Activity com.android.tv.settings.MainSettings has leaked IntentReceiver com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity$2@ddd06ad that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher.(LoadedApk.java:1594) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk.getReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1374) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1614) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1580) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1568) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:668) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity.registerSomeReceivers(TvSettingsActivity.java:158) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity.onResume(TvSettingsActivity.java:195) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1456) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:8135) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:4434) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:4476) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.servertransaction.ResumeActivityItem.execute(ResumeActivityItem.java:52) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeLifecycleState(TransactionExecutor.java:176) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:97) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2066) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7656) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592) 03-08 19:04:22.125 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947) 03-08 19:04:22.566 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 54 lines 03-08 19:04:22.607 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 36 lines 03-08 19:04:22.610 485 5295 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:8202240 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:04:22.867 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:04:22.868 579 1646 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_11 expire 16 lines 03-08 19:04:22.869 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:04:22.874 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:04:22.882 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:04:22.885 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:04:23.124 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:23.650 485 5297 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:24.699 485 5298 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:24.861 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:04:25.750 485 5299 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:26.801 485 5301 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:27.190 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:27.417 579 4057 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.alphainventor.filemanager cmp=com.alphainventor.filemanager/.activity.MainActivity} from uid 10041 03-08 19:04:27.437 579 599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:04:27.438 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:27.457 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5303:com.alphainventor.filemanager/u0a87 for pre-top-activity {com.alphainventor.filemanager/com.alphainventor.filemanager.activity.MainActivity} 03-08 19:04:27.505 5303 5303 E tor.filemanage: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 03-08 19:04:27.530 5303 5303 I tor.filemanage: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 03-08 19:04:27.557 5303 5303 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 03-08 19:04:27.558 5303 5303 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 03-08 19:04:27.567 5303 5303 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] 03-08 19:04:27.571 5303 5323 W tor.filemanage: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied) 03-08 19:04:27.572 5303 5303 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 03-08 19:04:27.572 5303 5323 W tor.filemanage: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;->(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied) 03-08 19:04:27.572 5303 5323 W tor.filemanage: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied) 03-08 19:04:27.592 5303 5326 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:83 and remote module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:103 03-08 19:04:27.592 5303 5326 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite, version >= 103 03-08 19:04:27.592 5303 5326 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils 03-08 19:04:27.603 5303 5326 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 03-08 19:04:27.607 5303 5328 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:234310602 03-08 19:04:27.608 5303 5328 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite, version >= 234310602 03-08 19:04:27.608 5303 5328 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils 03-08 19:04:27.620 390 425 E DisplayIdentification: Display identification data has unknown format. 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: Failed to instantiate custom view inflater androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatViewInflater. Falling back to default. 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatViewInflater 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:454) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:379) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at androidx.appcompat.app.f.V(SourceFile:35) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at androidx.appcompat.app.f.onCreateView(SourceFile:1) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.view.LayoutInflater.tryCreateView(LayoutInflater.java:1059) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:995) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:959) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:657) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:532) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:479) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.onResourcesLoaded(DecorView.java:2105) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.generateLayout(PhoneWindow.java:2630) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.installDecor(PhoneWindow.java:2693) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow.getDecorView(PhoneWindow.java:2116) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at androidx.appcompat.app.f.U(SourceFile:84) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at androidx.appcompat.app.f.a0(SourceFile:5) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at androidx.appcompat.app.f.D(SourceFile:1) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at androidx.appcompat.app.d.setContentView(SourceFile:1) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at com.alphainventor.filemanager.activity.MainActivity.onCreate(SourceFile:7) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:8000) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:7984) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1309) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3422) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3601) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(LaunchActivityItem.java:85) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(TransactionExecutor.java:135) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:95) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2066) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7656) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947) 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatViewInflater 03-08 19:04:27.657 5303 5303 I AppCompatDelegate: ... 35 more 03-08 19:04:27.752 579 1646 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٦٢٧٤٥٩٦; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:27.795 5303 5342 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 85007 03-08 19:04:27.795 5303 5342 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 03-08 19:04:27.795 5303 5342 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 03-08 19:04:27.795 5303 5342 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.alphainventor.filemanager 03-08 19:04:27.809 579 1052 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٩٩٢٤٥٢٧; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:27.810 579 1052 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٢٦٤٩٨٦٤; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:04:27.851 485 5366 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:27.866 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] goi.N(66): com.alphainventor.filemanager: Account determined from installer data - [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.868 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] pdh.l(981): Billing preferred account via installer for com.alphainventor.filemanager: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.871 2550 2573 W Finsky : [201] tij.M(54): Got api version 22 for account: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.877 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] goi.N(66): com.alphainventor.filemanager: Account determined from installer data - [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.879 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] pdh.l(981): Billing preferred account via installer for com.alphainventor.filemanager: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.882 2550 2573 W Finsky : [201] tij.M(54): Got api version 22 for account: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.896 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] goi.N(66): com.alphainventor.filemanager: Account determined from installer data - [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.897 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] pdh.l(981): Billing preferred account via installer for com.alphainventor.filemanager: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.901 2550 2573 W Finsky : [201] tij.M(54): Got api version 22 for account: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.902 229 229 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest. 03-08 19:04:27.904 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] kgc.i(356): User is not an active Play Pass subscriber 03-08 19:04:27.910 390 425 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0](id:18600000009,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:04:27.910 1454 1704 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf92e58 disconnect failed 03-08 19:04:27.925 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] goi.N(66): com.alphainventor.filemanager: Account determined from installer data - [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.929 2550 2573 I Finsky : [201] pdh.l(981): Billing preferred account via installer for com.alphainventor.filemanager: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.940 2550 2573 W Finsky : [201] tij.M(54): Got api version 22 for account: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:27.947 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:27.948 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:28.045 579 604 I chatty : uid=1000(system) android.bg expire 6 lines 03-08 19:04:28.052 5303 5342 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 03-08 19:04:28.270 390 594 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10087 pid=5303 03-08 19:04:28.271 390 594 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10087 => denied (607 us) 03-08 19:04:28.610 5303 5396 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.alphainventor.filemanager 03-08 19:04:28.653 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:28.660 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:28.786 5303 5303 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'FirebaseRemoteConfigValue' exists for parameter key 'show_ump_consent'. 03-08 19:04:28.793 5303 5303 E FileManager: [ 2: 2][main ][FileManager.BaseFileFragment ] DESKTOP ADS NOT ENABLED 03-08 19:04:28.901 485 5398 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:29.959 485 5400 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:31.019 485 5401 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:31.533 579 1292 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 03-08 19:04:32.095 485 5402 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:32.417 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 44 lines 03-08 19:04:33.140 485 5409 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:34.202 485 5410 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:34.203 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:34.759 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 16 lines 03-08 19:04:35.259 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 171 lines 03-08 19:04:35.268 485 5411 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:36.310 485 5412 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:37.358 485 5413 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:38.288 5303 5303 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 03-08 19:04:38.300 5303 5416 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 03-08 19:04:38.321 5303 5420 D skia : --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 03-08 19:04:38.379 5303 5303 E FileManager: [ 2: 2][main ][FileManager.c ] Bitmap not loaded 03-08 19:04:38.380 5303 5303 E FileManager: [ 2: 2][main ][FileManager.c ] Bitmap not loaded 03-08 19:04:38.399 485 5422 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:38.465 579 592 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_1 expire 10 lines 03-08 19:04:38.511 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:38.522 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:39.455 485 5423 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:39.911 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:04:40.484 485 5426 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:41.090 5303 5303 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٧٧٩٨٩١٩; UID ١٠٠٨٧; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:41.279 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:41.279 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:41.279 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:41.279 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:04:41.280 579 3565 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_18 expire 1 line 03-08 19:04:41.486 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:04:41.519 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:04:41.520 485 5427 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:41.623 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:41.660 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:41.985 579 3565 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.alphainventor.filemanager token=android.os.BinderProxy@af30b65 03-08 19:04:41.988 390 424 E BufferQueueProducer: [Toast#0](id:1860000000e,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:04:41.988 737 5005 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf81948 disconnect failed 03-08 19:04:41.992 579 3565 W NotificationService: Toast already killed. pkg=com.alphainventor.filemanager token=android.os.BinderProxy@af30b65 03-08 19:04:42.057 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigurationProvider : openFile uri patch /app_recommendations 03-08 19:04:42.064 1639 4836 I Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigurationProvider : uri is MATCH_APP_RECOMMENDATIONS 03-08 19:04:42.064 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call LocalProvider 03-08 19:04:42.065 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call RawProvider 03-08 19:04:42.065 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: return with RawProvider 03-08 19:04:42.070 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter notification_indicator_total 03-08 19:04:42.083 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:04:42.083 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter watch_next 03-08 19:04:42.085 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigurationProvider : uri patch/widget 03-08 19:04:42.086 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call LocalProvider 03-08 19:04:42.086 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call RawProvider 03-08 19:04:42.086 1639 4836 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: return with RawProvider 03-08 19:04:42.121 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter watch_next 03-08 19:04:42.136 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:42.136 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:42.151 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:42.168 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:04:42.173 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:04:42.551 390 700 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.alphainventor.filemanager/com.alphainventor.filemanager.activity.MainActivity#0](id:1860000000d,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:04:42.551 5303 5339 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf89738 disconnect failed 03-08 19:04:42.573 485 5432 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:43.136 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 60 lines 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:9082880 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:04:43.136 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:04:43.141 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:04:43.146 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:04:43.154 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:04:43.162 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:04:43.609 485 5433 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:44.187 5303 5342 I FA : Application backgrounded at: timestamp_millis: 1709913882139 03-08 19:04:44.611 579 599 W WindowManager: Unable to start animation, surface is null or no children. 03-08 19:04:44.668 485 5434 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:44.836 579 1380 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_D expire 10 lines 03-08 19:04:45.635 579 1292 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 03-08 19:04:45.722 485 5435 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:46.780 485 5436 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:47.128 5303 5317 W System : A resource failed to call close. 03-08 19:04:47.134 5303 5317 I chatty : uid=10087(com.alphainventor.filemanager) FinalizerDaemon identical 8 lines 03-08 19:04:47.134 5303 5317 W System : A resource failed to call close. 03-08 19:04:47.565 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 14 lines 03-08 19:04:47.819 485 5437 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:48.873 485 5438 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:49.297 579 636 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_4 expire 10 lines 03-08 19:04:49.937 485 5439 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:50.003 579 592 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_1 expire 6 lines 03-08 19:04:50.985 485 5440 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:51.218 579 1378 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_C expire 10 lines 03-08 19:04:51.525 579 1378 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore cmp=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore/.Browser} from uid 10041 03-08 19:04:51.544 579 599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٥٦٣٤٨٤٦; UID ١٠٠٧٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:04:51.545 579 606 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٣٩٣٧٧٣٣; UID ١٠٠٧٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:51.571 319 319 I chatty : uid=0(root) main expire 1 line 03-08 19:04:51.577 579 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 5441:com.lonelycatgames.Xplore/u0a70 for pre-top-activity {com.lonelycatgames.Xplore/com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.Browser} 03-08 19:04:51.577 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:51.591 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:51.597 5441 5441 E catgames.Xplor: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 03-08 19:04:51.600 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:51.621 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 55 lines 03-08 19:04:51.624 5441 5441 I catgames.Xplor: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 03-08 19:04:51.695 5441 5441 W catgames.Xplor: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 03-08 19:04:51.695 5441 5441 I chatty : uid=10070(com.lonelycatgames.Xplore) identical 1 line 03-08 19:04:51.695 5441 5441 W catgames.Xplor: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist. 03-08 19:04:51.706 5441 5441 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 03-08 19:04:51.707 5441 5441 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 03-08 19:04:51.976 5441 5441 I SignatureCheck: Signature check ok 03-08 19:04:51.982 5441 5441 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:51.986 5441 5441 W SQLiteCompatibilityWalFlags: Cannot read global setting sqlite_compatibility_wal_flags - Application state not available 03-08 19:04:51.987 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 48 lines 03-08 19:04:51.997 390 700 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0](id:1860000000f,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:04:51.997 1454 1704 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf92e58 disconnect failed 03-08 19:04:52.020 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 32 lines 03-08 19:04:52.023 485 5465 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:52.047 579 636 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٩٩٢٤٥٢٧; UID ١٠٠٧٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:52.049 579 636 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٢٦٤٩٨٦٤; UID ١٠٠٧٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:04:52.110 5441 5441 D SessionsDependencies: Dependency to CRASHLYTICS added. 03-08 19:04:52.112 5441 5441 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] 03-08 19:04:52.123 5441 5441 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.6.1 for com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:52.139 5441 5441 D SessionsDependencies: Subscriber CRASHLYTICS registered. 03-08 19:04:52.162 5441 5478 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:97 and remote module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:103 03-08 19:04:52.163 5441 5478 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite, version >= 103 03-08 19:04:52.163 5441 5478 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils 03-08 19:04:52.174 5441 5478 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 03-08 19:04:52.177 5441 5479 I FirebaseCrashlytics: No version control information found 03-08 19:04:52.198 5441 5441 D FirebaseSessions: Initializing Firebase Sessions SDK. 03-08 19:04:52.200 5441 5441 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 03-08 19:04:52.201 5441 5487 D LifecycleServiceBinder: Binding service to application. 03-08 19:04:52.207 5441 5441 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager with default configuration. 03-08 19:04:52.212 5441 5441 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: Skipping component enablement for androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService 03-08 19:04:52.212 5441 5441 D WM-Schedulers: Created SystemJobScheduler and enabled SystemJobService 03-08 19:04:52.221 5441 5441 I X-plore : App start 03-08 19:04:52.247 5441 5491 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:234310602 03-08 19:04:52.247 5441 5491 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite, version >= 234310602 03-08 19:04:52.247 5441 5491 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils 03-08 19:04:52.256 5441 5441 I X-plore : Remote config: {"shopBackupFreq":5,"shopRestoreFreq":5} 03-08 19:04:52.258 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:52.297 579 636 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٦٢٧٤٥٩٦; UID ١٠٠٧٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:04:52.303 579 592 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { cmp=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.extra/.Svc } U=0: not found 03-08 19:04:52.353 390 700 E DisplayIdentification: Display identification data has unknown format. 03-08 19:04:52.375 5441 5497 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 85007 03-08 19:04:52.375 5441 5497 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 03-08 19:04:52.375 5441 5497 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 03-08 19:04:52.375 5441 5497 I FA : adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:52.412 5441 5441 D AppCompatDelegate: Checking for metadata for AppLocalesMetadataHolderService : Service not found 03-08 19:04:52.423 5441 5441 I X-plore : Browser start 03-08 19:04:52.433 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:52.433 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:04:52.457 5441 5497 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 03-08 19:04:52.534 5441 5441 W com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: type=1400 audit(0.0:207): avc: denied { read } for comm=4C69737420686965726172636879 name="/" dev="dm-5" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c70,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:52.542 5441 5441 W com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: type=1400 audit(0.0:208): avc: denied { read } for comm=4C69737420686965726172636879 name="/" dev="dm-5" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c70,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:52.548 579 1380 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.MANAGE_APP_ALL_FILES_ACCESS_PERMISSION dat=package:com.lonelycatgames.Xplore} from uid 10070 03-08 19:04:52.559 5441 5489 D SessionLifecycleClient: Queued message 1. Queue size 1 03-08 19:04:52.579 5441 5441 D SessionLifecycleService: Service bound to new client on process 5441 03-08 19:04:52.580 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: App has not yet foregrounded. Using previously stored session: null 03-08 19:04:52.580 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Client android.os.Messenger@ef5db8 bound at 668944. Clients: 1 03-08 19:04:52.656 5441 5441 D Compose Focus: Owner FocusChanged(true) 03-08 19:04:52.680 229 229 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest. 03-08 19:04:52.990 579 579 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@e85308a 03-08 19:04:53.070 485 5516 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:53.101 5441 5501 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=880ms; Flags=1, IntendedVsync=668585475166, Vsync=668935825159, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=668946663525, AnimationStart=668946666484, PerformTraversalsStart=668946883275, DrawStart=669355214776, SyncQueued=669375776567, SyncStart=669376242359, IssueDrawCommandsStart=669377767026, SwapBuffers=669464458609, FrameCompleted=669466291984, DequeueBufferDuration=188750, QueueBufferDuration=1106791, GpuCompleted=72904372627112540, 03-08 19:04:53.103 5441 5441 D d : In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: PurchasingListener registered: be.l$d$a@523c0b6 03-08 19:04:53.104 5441 5441 D d : In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: PurchasingListener Context: com.pairip.application.Application@2908eda 03-08 19:04:53.104 5441 5441 D c : In App Purchasing SDK - Sandbox Mode: sendGetUserDataRequest 03-08 19:04:53.105 579 636 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.amazon.testclient.iap.appUserId flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.amazon.sdktestclient/.command.CommandBroker (has extras) } U=0: not found 03-08 19:04:53.117 5441 5489 D SessionLifecycleClient: Queued message 2. Queue size 1 03-08 19:04:53.117 5441 5489 D SessionLifecycleClient: Queued message 1. Queue size 2 03-08 19:04:53.123 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] goi.N(92): com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: Account determined from library ownership - [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.125 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] pdh.l(981): Billing preferred account via installer for com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.127 2550 2575 W Finsky : [202] tij.M(54): Got api version 22 for account: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.133 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] goi.N(92): com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: Account determined from library ownership - [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.134 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] pdh.l(981): Billing preferred account via installer for com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.136 2550 2575 W Finsky : [202] tij.M(54): Got api version 22 for account: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.144 5441 5481 D SessionLifecycleClient: Queued message 2. Queue size 1 03-08 19:04:53.144 5441 5481 D SessionLifecycleClient: Queued message 1. Queue size 2 03-08 19:04:53.147 5441 5441 D SessionLifecycleClient: Connected to SessionLifecycleService. Queue size 2 03-08 19:04:53.148 5441 5487 D SessionLifecycleClient: Sending lifecycle 2 to service 03-08 19:04:53.149 5441 5487 D SessionLifecycleClient: Sending lifecycle 1 to service 03-08 19:04:53.149 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Activity backgrounding at 669514 03-08 19:04:53.149 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Activity foregrounding at 669514. 03-08 19:04:53.149 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Cold start detected. 03-08 19:04:53.149 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Generated new session f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5 03-08 19:04:53.149 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Broadcasting new session: SessionDetails(sessionId=f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5, firstSessionId=f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5, sessionIndex=0, sessionStartTimestampUs=1709913893149000) 03-08 19:04:53.151 5441 5488 D SessionFirelogPublisher: Data Collection is enabled for at least one Subscriber 03-08 19:04:53.158 5441 5441 I Choreographer: Skipped 34 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 03-08 19:04:53.160 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] goi.N(92): com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: Account determined from library ownership - [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.161 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] pdh.l(981): Billing preferred account via installer for com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.163 2550 2575 W Finsky : [202] tij.M(54): Got api version 22 for account: [a0cHmAQ88V_O21rhas3mA50EbxHd-_T6oVC2XERmvpc] 03-08 19:04:53.174 2550 2575 I Finsky : [202] kgc.i(356): User is not an active Play Pass subscriber 03-08 19:04:53.181 5441 5481 D EventGDTLogger: Session Event: {"eventType":1,"sessionData":{"sessionId":"f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5","firstSessionId":"f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5","sessionIndex":0,"eventTimestampUs":1709913893149000,"dataCollectionStatus":{"performance":1,"crashlytics":2,"sessionSamplingRate":1.0},"firebaseInstallationId":"dbd50DLGRxiC1uqnZQm1pd"},"applicationInfo":{"appId":"1:489911891903:android:8ae8052710773e93","deviceModel":"G1","sessionSdkVersion":"1.2.1","osVersion":"11","logEnvironment":3,"androidAppInfo":{"packageName":"com.lonelycatgames.Xplore","versionName":"4.35.08","appBuildVersion":"43508","deviceManufacturer":"SDMC","currentProcessDetails":{"processName":"com.lonelycatgames.Xplore","pid":5441,"importance":100,"defaultProcess":true},"appProcessDetails":[{"processName":"com.lonelycatgames.Xplore","pid":5441,"importance":100,"defaultProcess":true}]}}} 03-08 19:04:53.181 5441 5481 D SessionFirelogPublisher: Successfully logged Session Start event: f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5 03-08 19:04:53.341 5441 5441 D Compose Focus: Owner FocusChanged(false) 03-08 19:04:53.497 5441 5441 I X-plore : Remote config: {"shopBackupFreq":5,"shopRestoreFreq":5} 03-08 19:04:53.503 1150 2422 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s 03-08 19:04:53.503 1150 2422 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s 03-08 19:04:53.506 5441 5441 W com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: type=1400 audit(0.0:209): avc: denied { read } for comm=42726F77736572207461736B name="/" dev="dm-5" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c70,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:53.510 5441 5441 W com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: type=1400 audit(0.0:210): avc: denied { read } for comm=42726F77736572207461736B name="/" dev="dm-5" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c70,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:53.512 1150 2422 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s 03-08 19:04:53.515 5441 5441 D SessionLifecycleClient: Session update received: f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5 03-08 19:04:53.520 5441 5489 D SessionLifecycleClient: Notified CRASHLYTICS of new session f404890e89854e1e8554f89e5f658ac5 03-08 19:04:53.528 1150 2422 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d 03-08 19:04:53.529 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 55 lines 03-08 19:04:53.532 5441 5501 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=944ms; Flags=0, IntendedVsync=668952503203, Vsync=669519736525, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=669523682359, AnimationStart=669523686109, PerformTraversalsStart=669707349026, DrawStart=669838449984, SyncQueued=669858445317, SyncStart=669858805026, IssueDrawCommandsStart=669861022151, SwapBuffers=669894998234, FrameCompleted=669896978151, DequeueBufferDuration=202166, QueueBufferDuration=466042, GpuCompleted=72339404055642120, 03-08 19:04:53.541 1150 2422 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d 03-08 19:04:53.733 390 424 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER from uid=10070 pid=5441 03-08 19:04:53.734 390 424 D PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=10070 => denied (486 us) 03-08 19:04:53.752 5441 5453 I catgames.Xplor: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 206253(9585KB) AllocSpace objects, 73(2988KB) LOS objects, 75% free, 7818KB/31MB, paused 242us total 158.986ms 03-08 19:04:54.125 485 5527 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:54.547 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:04:54.632 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:54.632 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:54.632 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:54.632 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:04:55.128 579 1292 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 03-08 19:04:55.158 485 5528 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:9631744 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:04:55.973 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:04:55.974 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:04:55.974 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:04:55.974 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:04:55.974 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:04:55.974 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:04:55.974 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:04:55.974 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:04:55.981 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:04:55.986 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:04:55.994 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:04:56.001 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:04:56.232 485 5530 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:57.284 485 5531 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:58.242 5441 5532 D ProfileInstaller: Skipping profile installation for com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:04:58.320 485 5533 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:04:58.771 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 13 lines 03-08 19:04:59.372 485 5534 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:00.413 485 5535 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:01.468 485 5536 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:02.469 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 80 lines 03-08 19:05:02.499 579 1378 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_C expire 8 lines 03-08 19:05:02.521 485 5537 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:03.564 485 5538 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:03.811 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:05:03.848 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:05:03.908 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:05:04.625 485 5542 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:05.592 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:05.592 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:05.593 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:05.593 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:05:05.696 485 5543 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:05.781 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 40 lines 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:10090496 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:05:05.783 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:05:05.789 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:05:05.794 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:05:05.802 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:05:05.810 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:05:06.770 485 5544 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:07.840 485 5545 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:08.841 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:05:08.907 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:05:08.908 485 5546 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:08.912 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:08.912 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:08.912 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:08.912 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:05:09.175 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 13 lines 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:10237952 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:05:09.453 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:05:09.461 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:05:09.466 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:05:09.474 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:05:09.482 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:05:09.773 579 636 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_4 expire 1 line 03-08 19:05:09.962 485 5547 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:11.009 485 5550 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:12.074 485 5551 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:13.017 579 593 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_2 expire 1 line 03-08 19:05:13.109 485 5552 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:13.124 579 1052 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_B expire 6 lines 03-08 19:05:13.644 579 1763 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_14 expire 5 lines 03-08 19:05:14.178 485 5553 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:15.244 485 5556 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:15.470 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:05:15.532 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:05:15.826 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:05:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:05:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=6 03-08 19:05:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.AppId.In=1 03-08 19:05:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=1 03-08 19:05:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.Namespace.In=1 03-08 19:05:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.AppId.Out=1 03-08 19:05:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Namespace.Out=1 03-08 19:05:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=1 03-08 19:05:16.308 485 5557 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:17.245 2550 2642 I Finsky : [204] kuq.run(53): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor lmd@6582af[Running, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 21] 03-08 19:05:17.245 2550 2642 I Finsky : [204] kuq.run(53): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor lmd@b6426bc[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 115] 03-08 19:05:17.352 485 5558 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:17.457 2550 2642 I Finsky : [204] kuq.run(53): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor lmd@ed9f645[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 146] 03-08 19:05:17.680 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:17.680 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:17.681 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:05:17.681 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:05:18.418 485 5559 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:18.864 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:05:18.904 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:05:19.265 2801 2840 I Finsky:background: [219] kuq.run(53): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor lmd@361ff50[Running, pool size = 1, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] 03-08 19:05:19.323 2801 2840 I Finsky:background: [219] kuq.run(53): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor lmd@4644549[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 10] 03-08 19:05:19.420 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 32 lines 03-08 19:05:19.472 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:05:19.476 485 5560 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:19.581 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 19 lines 03-08 19:05:19.894 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 70 seconds: 7 03-08 19:05:20.040 2278 2509 I cast_shell: [2278:2509:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(193)] Cast v2 action(socket_id=7aa1edf2-3677-03ed-1cdf-cb2d263b5930.9): CastV2.Connection.Connect.In 03-08 19:05:20.542 485 5561 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:21.062 1331 2310 W chromium: [1331:2310:0308/190521.061953:WARNING:mcs_client.cc(179)] HandleMessage(...): Domain=MCSClientDomain, Code=MCS_CONNECTION_CLOSED, Message=mcs connection closed 03-08 19:05:21.063 1331 2310 W native : W0000 00:00:1709913921.063602 2310 mcs_client.cc:104] MCSClientError: code=MCS_CONNECTION_CLOSED, message=mcs connection closed 03-08 19:05:21.073 1331 2310 W native : W0000 00:00:1709913921.073866 2310 fcm_client_impl.cc:275] FcmClient error: code=MCS_CONNECTION_CLOSED message=mcs connection closed 03-08 19:05:21.074 1331 2310 W native : W0000 00:00:1709913921.074091 2310 fcm_dispatcher_impl.cc:153] Error for app_id: com.google.assistant.gcm Domain: MCSClientDomain Code: MCS_CONNECTION_CLOSED Message: mcs connection closed 03-08 19:05:21.074 1331 2310 W native : W0000 00:00:1709913921.074244 2310 connection_handler_impl.cc:268] Connection already reset. 03-08 19:05:21.598 485 5562 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:22.642 485 5563 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:23.209 5441 5468 I TRuntime.CctTransportBackend: Making request to: https://firebaselogging.googleapis.com/v0cc/log/batch?format=json_proto3 03-08 19:05:23.603 5441 5468 I TRuntime.CctTransportBackend: Status Code: ٢٠٠ 03-08 19:05:23.638 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:05:23.649 5441 5468 I TRuntime.CctTransportBackend: Making request to: https://firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com/v1/firelog/legacy/batchlog 03-08 19:05:23.649 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:05:23.697 485 5567 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:24.754 485 5568 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:25.802 485 5569 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:26.682 5441 5468 I TRuntime.CctTransportBackend: Status Code: ٢٠٠ 03-08 19:05:26.712 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:05:26.877 485 5570 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:27.943 485 5571 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:29.003 485 5572 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:30.005 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 28 lines 03-08 19:05:30.064 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:05:30.069 485 5574 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:31.136 485 5575 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:32.190 485 5576 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:33.271 485 5577 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:34.335 485 5580 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:34.371 2801 2840 I Finsky:background: [219] kuq.run(53): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor lmd@b43ee4e[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 1] 03-08 19:05:34.790 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 31 lines 03-08 19:05:35.424 485 5581 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:36.487 485 5582 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:37.568 485 5583 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:38.635 485 5584 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:39.681 485 5585 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:39.833 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:05:40.683 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 63 lines 03-08 19:05:40.752 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 42 lines 03-08 19:05:40.757 485 5586 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:41.821 485 5587 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:42.888 485 5588 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:43.939 485 5589 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:44.990 485 5590 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:46.052 485 5591 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:47.116 485 5592 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:48.184 485 5593 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:49.224 485 5594 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:50.269 485 5595 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:51.329 485 5596 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:52.373 485 5597 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:53.416 485 5598 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:54.504 485 5599 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:55.549 485 5600 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:56.600 485 5601 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:57.662 485 5602 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:58.702 485 5603 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:58.904 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 39 seconds: 9 03-08 19:05:59.607 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 20 lines 03-08 19:05:59.752 485 5604 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:00.819 485 5605 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:01.888 485 5606 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:02.890 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 60 lines 03-08 19:06:02.956 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 40 lines 03-08 19:06:02.961 485 5607 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:04.056 485 5608 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:05.106 485 5609 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:06.196 485 5610 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:07.240 485 5611 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:08.307 485 5612 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:09.363 485 5613 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:10.419 485 5614 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:11.480 485 5615 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:12.544 485 5616 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:13.619 485 5617 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:14.680 485 5618 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:15.471 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:06:15.532 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:06:15.619 344 1180 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) HwBinder:344_1 expire 42 lines 03-08 19:06:15.736 485 5619 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:15.826 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:06:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:06:15.914 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_cast_service.cc(962)] Recent mDNS app subtypes: [supported:'CFE7FEDA',] [unsupported:] 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=13 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.AppId.In=3 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=3 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.Namespace.In=3 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.AppId.Out=3 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Namespace.Out=3 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=3 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Authenticate.Challenge.In=1 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Authenticate.Response.Out=1 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Connection.Connect.In=1 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Receiver.DeviceStatus.Out=1 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Receiver.GetStatus.In=1 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Transport.Accept=1 03-08 19:06:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Transport.TcpAccept=1 03-08 19:06:16.786 485 5620 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:17.857 485 5621 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:18.916 485 5622 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:19.977 485 5623 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:21.067 485 5624 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:05:54.902 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:06:21.784 579 1763 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٩٩٢٤٥٢٧; UID ٢٠٠٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:06:21.787 579 1763 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٣٢٦٤٩٨٦٤; UID ٢٠٠٠; state: DISABLED 03-08 19:06:22.116 485 5625 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:23.176 485 5626 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:24.178 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 90 lines 03-08 19:06:24.227 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 60 lines 03-08 19:06:24.231 485 5627 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:24.888 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:06:25.290 485 5628 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:26.387 485 5629 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:27.443 485 5630 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:28.531 485 5631 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:29.597 485 5632 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:30.660 485 5633 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:31.714 485 5634 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:32.771 485 5635 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:33.843 485 5636 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:34.900 485 5637 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:35.936 485 5638 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:36.979 485 5639 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:38.035 485 5640 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:39.104 485 5641 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:40.178 485 5642 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:41.224 485 5643 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:42.288 485 5644 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:43.384 485 5645 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:44.435 485 5646 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:45.493 485 5647 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:46.556 485 5648 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:47.628 485 5649 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:48.688 485 5650 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:49.239 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:49.760 485 5651 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:50.040 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:50.504 2342 2342 I katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: Starting PERIODIC background task GELLER_CORE_REFRESH_TASK. 03-08 19:06:50.520 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:06:50.536 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:06:50.537 2342 5652 I katniss_search_EventBusThread: Event Bus thread starting with TID 5652 03-08 19:06:50.537 2342 2342 I katniss_search_SearchServiceCore: We were killed and are starting back! 03-08 19:06:50.540 2342 2402 I katniss_search_ilx: Util.isLowRamDevice: false, canUsePreemptibleAudioSource: true 03-08 19:06:50.547 2342 2401 E katniss_search_WorkerLoader: No worker found for Worker ID [microdetection]. 03-08 19:06:50.548 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:06:50.558 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: PERIODIC background task GELLER_CORE_REFRESH_TASK was not found. 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: jah: Could not find background task: 241 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at jcr.f(PG:14) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at fuv.h(PG:4) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at fui.run(PG:47) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at txp.run(PG:2) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at ick.b(PG:1) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at icn.run(PG:1) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at iar.run(PG:2) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at iba.c(PG:1) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at iax.run(Unknown Source:2) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at hzt.run(PG:2) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:301) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923) 03-08 19:06:50.563 2342 5655 W katniss_search_BgTaskExecutorImpl: at hzw.run(PG:8) 03-08 19:06:50.567 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:06:50.820 485 5657 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:50.840 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:51.640 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:51.889 485 5658 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:52.169 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 174 lines 03-08 19:06:52.170 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 157 lines 03-08 19:06:52.380 5441 5441 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: ١٤٧٧٩٨٩١٩; UID ١٠٠٧٠; state: ENABLED 03-08 19:06:52.441 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:52.917 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:06:52.922 485 5659 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:53.032 5441 5488 D SessionLifecycleClient: Sending lifecycle 2 to service 03-08 19:06:53.037 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Activity backgrounding at 789402 03-08 19:06:53.085 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigurationProvider : openFile uri patch /app_recommendations 03-08 19:06:53.086 1639 1662 I Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigurationProvider : uri is MATCH_APP_RECOMMENDATIONS 03-08 19:06:53.086 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call LocalProvider 03-08 19:06:53.086 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call RawProvider 03-08 19:06:53.087 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: return with RawProvider 03-08 19:06:53.113 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter notification_indicator_total 03-08 19:06:53.117 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigurationProvider : uri patch/widget 03-08 19:06:53.117 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call LocalProvider 03-08 19:06:53.117 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: call RawProvider 03-08 19:06:53.117 1639 1662 D Lhh_Leakbackcustomer: ConfigProvider : query: return with RawProvider 03-08 19:06:53.122 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:06:53.122 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:06:53.148 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:06:53.148 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter watch_next 03-08 19:06:53.198 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter watch_next 03-08 19:06:53.210 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:06:53.216 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:06:53.241 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:53.635 390 1044 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.lonelycatgames.Xplore/com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.Browser#0](id:18600000011,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:06:53.636 5441 5501 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf89738 disconnect failed 03-08 19:06:53.671 5441 5441 D Compose Focus: Owner FocusChanged(true) 03-08 19:06:53.972 485 5667 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:54.041 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:54.319 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:06:54.319 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:06:54.319 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:06:54.319 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:06:54.319 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:06:54.319 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:10629120 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:06:54.320 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:06:54.325 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:06:54.330 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:06:54.338 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:06:54.346 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:06:54.389 390 425 E BufferQueueProducer: [Toast#0](id:18600000012,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:06:54.389 737 5005 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf81948 disconnect failed 03-08 19:06:54.399 579 1656 W NotificationService: Toast already killed. pkg=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore token=android.os.BinderProxy@1459949 03-08 19:06:54.842 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:55.032 485 5669 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:55.134 5441 5661 I FA : Application backgrounded at: timestamp_millis: 1709914013129 03-08 19:06:55.642 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:55.899 579 599 W WindowManager: Unable to start animation, surface is null or no children. 03-08 19:06:56.034 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 21 lines 03-08 19:06:56.093 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 14 lines 03-08 19:06:56.094 485 5671 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:56.122 579 1656 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS cmp=com.android.tv.settings/.MainSettings} from uid 10041 03-08 19:06:56.135 579 1380 W ActivityTaskManager: Tried to set launchTime (0) < mLastActivityLaunchTime (418032) 03-08 19:06:56.150 923 923 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.tv.settings expire 18 lines 03-08 19:06:56.210 579 1380 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/923 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=58, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] 03-08 19:06:56.210 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [58 : null → 100] 03-08 19:06:56.211 579 664 I chatty : uid=1000(system) WifiHandlerThre expire 2 lines 03-08 19:06:56.211 579 701 I chatty : uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line 03-08 19:06:56.232 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 19:06:56.280 4899 4917 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.DEFERRED_SETUP 03-08 19:06:56.305 4899 5674 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: Suggestion state result Bundle[{candidate_is_complete=true}] 03-08 19:06:56.305 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 14 03-08 19:06:56.306 4899 4917 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.HIGH_PRIORITY 03-08 19:06:56.306 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:06:56.307 4899 4917 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.FIRST_IMPRESSION 03-08 19:06:56.318 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 57 seconds: 1 03-08 19:06:56.321 4899 5674 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: Suggestion state result Bundle[{candidate_is_complete=true}] 03-08 19:06:56.321 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 5 03-08 19:06:56.322 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:06:56.323 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:06:56.324 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 1 03-08 19:06:56.324 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:06:56.326 4899 4917 I chatty : uid=10044(com.android.settings.intelligence) Binder:4899_3 identical 3 lines 03-08 19:06:56.326 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:06:56.442 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:56.732 579 1292 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 03-08 19:06:57.144 485 5675 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:57.243 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:58.043 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:58.208 485 5676 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:58.844 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:59.162 579 1380 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_D expire 10 lines 03-08 19:06:59.259 485 5677 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:06:59.645 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:06:59.951 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=58, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] (release request) 03-08 19:07:00.314 485 5680 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:00.445 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:01.245 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:01.352 485 5681 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:02.046 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:02.401 485 5682 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:02.846 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:03.258 923 5683 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AsyncTask #2 expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:03.259 923 5684 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.tv.settings expire 1 line 03-08 19:07:03.272 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:07:03.403 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:03.443 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:03.444 485 5688 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:03.646 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:04.445 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:04.446 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:04.501 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:04.504 485 5689 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:05.247 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:05.393 579 579 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@28a4563 03-08 19:07:05.505 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:05.551 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:05.556 485 5690 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:06.047 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:06.280 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:06.280 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:06.280 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:06.280 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:07:06.281 579 1050 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_A expire 10 lines 03-08 19:07:06.558 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:06.605 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:06.609 485 5691 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:06.847 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:07.611 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:07.648 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:07.686 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:07.688 485 5692 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:08.448 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:08.689 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:08.755 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:08.758 485 5693 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:09.249 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:09.759 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:09.819 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:09.822 485 5694 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:10.049 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:10.824 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:07:10.850 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:10.886 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:07:10.891 485 5695 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:11.651 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:11.964 485 5696 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:12.452 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:13.006 485 5697 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:13.251 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:14.052 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:14.070 485 5698 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:14.454 2278 2509 I cast_shell: [2278:2509:INFO:v2_ssl_socket.cc(342)] Stop reading on pending closed socket 03-08 19:07:14.853 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:15.134 485 5699 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:15.471 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:07:15.533 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:07:15.655 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:07:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=7 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.AppId.In=1 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=1 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.Namespace.In=1 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.AppId.Out=1 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Namespace.Out=1 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=1 03-08 19:07:15.938 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Transport.Close=1 03-08 19:07:16.184 485 5700 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:16.456 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:17.223 485 5701 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:17.256 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:18.057 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:18.288 485 5702 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:18.857 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:19.340 485 5703 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:19.658 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:20.404 485 5704 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:20.458 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:20.991 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 40 lines 03-08 19:07:21.004 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:21.004 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:07:21.004 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:21.004 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:11200512 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:07:21.005 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:07:21.009 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 25 lines 03-08 19:07:21.013 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:07:21.018 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:07:21.026 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:07:21.034 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:07:21.259 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:21.405 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:21.443 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:21.448 485 5706 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:22.059 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:22.451 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:22.503 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:22.506 485 5707 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:22.859 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:23.507 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:23.555 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:23.560 485 5708 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:23.660 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:24.460 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:24.562 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:24.624 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:24.630 485 5709 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:25.261 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:25.289 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:25.289 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:25.289 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:25.289 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:07:25.631 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:25.674 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:25.675 485 5710 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:26.061 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:11403264 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:07:26.553 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:07:26.554 579 1050 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_A expire 4 lines 03-08 19:07:26.557 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:07:26.562 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:07:26.570 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:07:26.578 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:07:26.676 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:26.711 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:26.712 485 5711 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:26.861 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:27.662 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:27.714 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:27.771 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:07:27.776 485 5712 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:28.463 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:28.778 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:07:28.824 485 5713 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:29.263 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:29.679 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:29.679 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:29.679 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:29.679 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:11550720 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:07:29.868 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:07:29.869 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:07:29.874 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:07:29.881 485 5714 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:29.882 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:07:29.890 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:07:30.064 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:30.864 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:30.923 485 5715 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:31.665 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:31.982 485 5716 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:32.466 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:32.720 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 56 lines 03-08 19:07:32.934 579 600 W LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to find color mode 7, ignoring request. 03-08 19:07:32.936 579 1656 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:579_13 expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:33.017 485 5717 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:33.266 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:34.057 485 5718 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:34.066 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:34.251 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 30 lines 03-08 19:07:34.867 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:35.111 485 5719 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:35.668 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:35.697 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 39 seconds: 3 03-08 19:07:36.155 485 5720 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:36.468 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:36.706 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:37.214 485 5721 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:37.268 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:38.068 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:38.268 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 8 lines 03-08 19:07:38.271 485 5722 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:38.604 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:38.869 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:38.881 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:39.272 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 9 lines 03-08 19:07:39.312 485 5723 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:39.669 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:40.076 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:40.337 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:40.368 485 5724 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:40.469 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:41.270 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:41.415 485 5725 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:42.071 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:42.404 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:42.417 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:42.463 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:42.464 485 5726 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:42.682 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:42.871 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:43.465 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:43.507 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:43.508 485 5727 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:43.672 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:44.472 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:44.510 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:44.540 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:07:44.545 485 5728 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:44.911 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 76 lines 03-08 19:07:44.924 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:44.932 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 45 lines 03-08 19:07:45.202 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:45.273 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:45.547 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 39 lines 03-08 19:07:45.596 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 24 lines 03-08 19:07:45.598 485 5729 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:45.901 2278 2392 I cast_shell: [2278:2392:INFO:wifi_frame_histogram_capturer.cc(405)] No histogram or IOCTL data 03-08 19:07:45.937 2278 2278 E cast_shell: [2278:2278:ERROR:legacy_app_id_mapper_impl.cc(58)] Unknown app_id AndroidNativeApp 03-08 19:07:45.937 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(193)] Record action: Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Unknown 03-08 19:07:45.937 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(193)] Record action: Cast.CecStandby.Unknown 03-08 19:07:46.072 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:46.656 485 5730 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:46.774 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:46.873 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:47.034 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:47.674 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:47.720 485 5731 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:48.474 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:48.785 485 5732 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:49.036 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:49.199 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:grpc_auth_manager_with_grpc_ipc.cc(70)] Connecting IPC for Auth.AuthReadyStreaming. 03-08 19:07:49.200 2278 2475 D BindingManager: with 03-08 19:07:49.200 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:distributed_service_discovery_with_grpc_ipc.cc(158)] Connecting IPC for DistributedServiceDiscovery.AddService. 03-08 19:07:49.200 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:distributed_service_discovery_with_grpc_ipc.cc(72)] Connecting IPC for DistributedServiceDiscovery.UpdateObservers. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:distributed_service_discovery_with_grpc_ipc.cc(260)] Connecting IPC for DistributedServiceDiscovery.GetIamMode. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:metrics_recorder_with_grpc_ipc.cc(181)] Connecting IPC for MetricsRecorder.RecordMetrics: num_attempts=13 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:synchronous_sound_player_with_grpc_ipc.cc(180)] Connecting IPC for SynchronousSoundPlayer.UpdateSound. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:directory_service_with_grpc_ipc.cc(77)] Connecting IPC for DirectoryService.LocalDeviceInfo. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:directory_service_with_grpc_ipc.cc(136)] Connecting IPC for DirectoryService.ObserveCommonTime. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:directory_service_with_grpc_ipc.cc(293)] Connecting IPC for DirectoryService.UpdateStateObservers. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2278 D cast_GrpcIpcUidPolicy: [AndroidIpcUidPolicy.java:147] Valid access from com.google.android.apps.mediashell 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:directory_service_with_grpc_ipc.cc(395)] Connecting IPC for DirectoryService.UpdateMessageObservers. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2278 E cast_GrpcIpcSocketService: Native code not initialized yet. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:state_manager_with_grpc_ipc.cc(81)] Connecting IPC for StateManager.ReceiveStateUpdates. 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2278 E GrpcIpcSocketClientImpl: invalid message 03-08 19:07:49.201 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_ipc_socket_client.cc(76)] Error for usonia-ipc-socket 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:android_grpc_builder.cc(150)] Could not get a socket for binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(639)] GRPC[uri=]: Grpc cannot connect to host {UNDEFINED} 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:grpc_auth_manager_with_grpc_ipc.cc(66)] IPC for Auth.AuthReadyStreaming closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:distributed_service_discovery_with_grpc_ipc.cc(153)] IPC for DistributedServiceDiscovery.AddService closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:distributed_service_discovery_with_grpc_ipc.cc(66)] IPC for DistributedServiceDiscovery.UpdateObservers closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:distributed_service_discovery_with_grpc_ipc.cc(254)] IPC for DistributedServiceDiscovery.GetIamMode closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:metrics_recorder_with_grpc_ipc.cc(167)] IPC for MetricsRecorder.RecordMetrics closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:synchronous_sound_player_with_grpc_ipc.cc(175)] IPC for SynchronousSoundPlayer.UpdateSound closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.202 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:ipc_common.h(494)] Error in fetching local device info: [error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:directory_service_with_grpc_ipc.cc(131)] IPC for DirectoryService.ObserveCommonTime closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:directory_service_with_grpc_ipc.cc(288)] IPC for DirectoryService.UpdateStateObservers closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:directory_service_with_grpc_ipc.cc(390)] IPC for DirectoryService.UpdateMessageObservers closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 E cast_shell: [2278:2475:ERROR:grpc_manager_impl.cc(787)] GRPC[uri=]: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.203 2278 2475 W cast_shell: [2278:2475:WARNING:state_manager_with_grpc_ipc.cc(76)] IPC for StateManager.ReceiveStateUpdates closed: status=[error_code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, error_message=Cannot create a channel. Call to binder:com.google.android.apps.mediashell:usonia-ipc-socket ignored.] 03-08 19:07:49.274 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:49.298 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:49.833 485 5734 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:50.076 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:50.340 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:50.616 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:50.876 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:50.892 485 5735 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:50.939 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:51.217 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:51.677 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:51.915 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:51.939 485 5736 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:52.193 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:52.477 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:52.619 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:52.881 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:52.992 485 5737 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:53.213 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:53.277 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:53.474 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:53.623 579 590 W System : A resource failed to call release. 03-08 19:07:53.624 579 590 I chatty : uid=1000(system) FinalizerDaemon identical 3 lines 03-08 19:07:53.625 579 590 W System : A resource failed to call release. 03-08 19:07:54.053 485 5740 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:54.077 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:54.200 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:54.457 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:54.878 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:54.964 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:54.974 1217 1217 I chatty : uid=10056(com.google.android.inputmethod.latin) expire 1 line 03-08 19:07:54.974 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:07:54.975 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:07:54.975 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:07:54.975 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:07:55.096 485 5741 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:55.171 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 116 lines 03-08 19:07:55.224 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:55.678 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:55.756 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:55.757 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:07:55.757 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:07:55.758 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:07:55.758 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:07:55.758 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:07:56.032 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:56.154 485 5742 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:56.478 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:56.540 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:56.545 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:07:56.545 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:07:56.545 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:07:56.545 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:07:56.546 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:07:56.801 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:57.210 485 5743 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:57.280 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:57.340 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:57.343 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:07:57.344 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:07:57.344 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:07:57.344 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:07:57.345 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:07:57.617 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:57.803 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:57.809 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:07:57.811 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:07:57.811 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:07:57.811 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:07:57.812 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:07:58.079 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:58.081 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:58.253 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:07:58.254 485 5744 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:58.295 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:58.310 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:07:58.311 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:07:58.311 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:07:58.311 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:07:58.312 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:07:58.553 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:58.879 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:07:59.054 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:59.068 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:07:59.069 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:07:59.070 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:07:59.070 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:07:59.071 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:07:59.254 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:07:59.307 485 5745 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:07:59.316 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:07:59.680 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:00.360 485 5746 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:00.457 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:00.464 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:00.465 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:00.465 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:00.466 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:00.467 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:00.480 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:00.729 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:00.995 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:00.995 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:00.996 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:00.996 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:00.996 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:01.004 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:01.282 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:01.282 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:01.417 485 5747 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:01.533 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:01.547 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:01.547 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:01.547 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:01.548 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:01.548 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:01.793 579 1614 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:02.081 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:02.398 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:02.400 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:02.400 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:02.400 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:02.401 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:02.412 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:02.465 485 5748 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:02.690 579 4371 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:02.856 579 1614 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:02.866 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:02.867 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:02.867 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:02.867 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:02.868 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:02.881 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:03.121 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:03.530 485 5749 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:03.628 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:03.634 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:03.635 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:03.635 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:03.636 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:03.636 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:03.682 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:03.889 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:04.369 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:04.371 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:04.371 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:04.371 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:04.372 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:04.380 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:04.482 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:04.574 485 5750 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:04.657 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:05.002 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:05.003 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:05.003 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:05.003 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:05.004 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:05.019 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:05.282 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:05.298 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:05.620 485 5751 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:06.083 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:06.662 485 5752 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:06.884 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:07.685 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:07.730 485 5753 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:08.112 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:08.112 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:08.113 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:08.113 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:08:08.117 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:08.485 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:08.783 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 4 lines 03-08 19:08:08.785 485 5754 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:09.285 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:09.789 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:09.848 485 5755 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:09.951 359 359 I chatty : uid=0(root) android.hardwar expire 8 lines 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:13383680 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:08:09.960 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:08:09.961 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:09.961 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:09.965 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:08:09.970 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:08:09.973 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:09.975 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:09.975 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:09.976 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:09.977 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:09.978 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:08:09.986 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:08:10.053 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:08:10.086 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:10.273 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:10.502 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:10.503 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:10.503 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:10.503 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:10.507 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:10.524 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:10.525 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:10.526 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:10.526 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:10.527 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:10.691 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:10.691 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:10.691 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:10.691 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:10.785 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:10.849 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:10.886 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:10.887 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:10.888 485 5756 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:11.160 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:11.160 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:11.160 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:11.160 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:11.166 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:11.175 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:11.176 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:11.176 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:11.176 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:11.177 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:11.411 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:11.411 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:11.411 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:11.411 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:11.425 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:11.687 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:11.890 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:08:11.935 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:08:11.936 485 5757 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:12.083 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:12.083 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:12.083 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:12.084 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:12.094 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:12.095 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:12.095 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:12.096 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:12.096 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:12.096 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:12.272 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:12.272 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:12.272 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:12.272 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:12.369 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:12.488 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:12.980 485 5758 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:13.288 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:13.912 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:13.912 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:13.913 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:13.913 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:13.924 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:13.928 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:13.929 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:13.929 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:13.929 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:13.930 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:14.014 485 5759 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:14.088 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:14.200 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:14.250 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:14.250 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:14.250 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:14.250 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:14.443 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:14.443 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:14.444 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:14.444 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:14.455 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:14.461 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:14.462 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:14.462 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:14.462 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:14.463 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:14.630 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:14.630 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:14.630 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:14.630 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:14.714 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:14.889 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:15.057 485 5760 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:15.252 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:15.252 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:15.252 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:15.252 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:15.255 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:15.260 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:15.261 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:15.262 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:15.262 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:15.263 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:15.470 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:15.470 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:15.470 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:15.470 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:15.471 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:08:15.521 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:15.533 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:08:15.690 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:08:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:08:15.915 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_cast_service.cc(962)] Recent mDNS app subtypes: [supported:'CFE7FEDA',] [unsupported:] 03-08 19:08:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=5 03-08 19:08:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] AppRunning=1 03-08 19:08:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.CecHdmiInputState.Unknown=1 03-08 19:08:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.CecStandby.Unknown=1 03-08 19:08:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.ConnectionType.Ethernet=1 03-08 19:08:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Network.CheckIn=1 03-08 19:08:16.097 485 5761 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:16.490 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:17.164 485 5762 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:17.290 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:18.090 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:18.215 485 5763 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:18.321 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:18.321 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:18.322 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:18.322 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:18.325 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:18.329 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:18.329 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:18.330 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:18.330 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:18.331 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:18.540 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:18.540 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:18.541 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:18.541 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:18.598 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:18.781 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:18.781 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:18.782 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:18.782 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:18.787 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:18.798 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:18.799 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:18.800 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:18.800 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:18.801 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:18.891 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:19.002 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:19.002 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:19.003 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:19.003 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:19.064 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:19.264 485 5764 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:19.692 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:19.871 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:19.871 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:19.871 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:19.871 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:20.090 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:20.091 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:20.091 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:20.091 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:20.107 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:20.127 923 923 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1111 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:468 com.android.tv.settings.more.MorePrefFragment.onResume:280 android.app.Fragment.performResume:2551 android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState:1346 03-08 19:08:20.133 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:08:20.165 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:08:20.176 923 997 I chatty : uid=1000(system) RenderThread expire 18 lines 03-08 19:08:20.305 485 5768 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:20.385 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:20.491 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:21.293 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:21.357 485 5769 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:22.093 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:22.359 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 12 lines 03-08 19:08:22.403 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 7 lines 03-08 19:08:22.407 485 5770 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:22.893 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:23.199 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:23.199 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:23.199 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:23.199 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:08:23.200 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:23.466 485 5771 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:23.694 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:24.494 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:24.533 485 5772 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:25.295 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:25.601 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 1 line 03-08 19:08:25.601 485 5773 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:25.720 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:25.720 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:25.720 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:25.720 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:25.940 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:25.940 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:25.940 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:25.941 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:14016512 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:08:25.944 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:08:25.945 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:25.945 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:25.949 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:08:25.954 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:08:25.962 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:08:25.970 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:08:26.006 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:26.007 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:26.007 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:26.007 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:26.008 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:26.095 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:26.257 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:26.604 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:26.663 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:26.669 485 5776 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:26.896 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:27.670 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:27.697 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:27.731 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:27.732 485 5777 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:27.851 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:27.851 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:27.851 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:27.851 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:28.100 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:28.100 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:28.100 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:28.100 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:28.115 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy value:0 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrStrategy, 2368] getHdrStrategy is [0] 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority value:(null) 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrPriority, 2418] getHdrPriority is [0] 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1531] hdr_policy:0, hdr_priority :0 03-08 19:08:28.122 353 435 V MesonDisplayServer: GetDisplayMode:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdmimode value:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.cvbsmode value:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:28.122 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1539] hdmi_current_mode:2160p60hz, ubootenv hdmimode:2160p60hz cvbsmode:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:28.123 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "HDMI Color ATTR": "420,10bit " 03-08 19:08:28.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute value:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:28.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1547] hdmi_current_attr:420,10bit , ubootenv_colorattribute:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:28.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_enable value:1 03-08 19:08:28.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1561] dv_enable:1 03-08 19:08:28.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_type value:1 03-08 19:08:28.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1572] ubootenv_dv_type:1 03-08 19:08:28.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiData, 1693] display sink type:1 [0:none, 1:sink, 2:repeater] 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1444] before filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.124 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1473] after filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.127 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:28.127 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "Dolby Vision CAP2": "The Rx don't support DolbyVision" 03-08 19:08:28.128 341 403 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiDvCap, 1612] TV isn't support dolby vision: The Rx don't support DolbyVision 03-08 19:08:28.206 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy value:0 03-08 19:08:28.206 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrStrategy, 2368] getHdrStrategy is [0] 03-08 19:08:28.206 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority value:(null) 03-08 19:08:28.206 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrPriority, 2418] getHdrPriority is [0] 03-08 19:08:28.206 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1531] hdr_policy:0, hdr_priority :0 03-08 19:08:28.207 353 435 V MesonDisplayServer: GetDisplayMode:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdmimode value:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.cvbsmode value:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1539] hdmi_current_mode:2160p60hz, ubootenv hdmimode:2160p60hz cvbsmode:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:28.207 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "HDMI Color ATTR": "420,10bit " 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute value:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1547] hdmi_current_attr:420,10bit , ubootenv_colorattribute:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_enable value:1 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1561] dv_enable:1 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_type value:1 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1572] ubootenv_dv_type:1 03-08 19:08:28.207 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiData, 1693] display sink type:1 [0:none, 1:sink, 2:repeater] 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1444] before filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.208 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1473] after filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:28.210 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:28.211 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "Dolby Vision CAP2": "The Rx don't support DolbyVision" 03-08 19:08:28.211 341 403 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiDvCap, 1612] TV isn't support dolby vision: The Rx don't support DolbyVision 03-08 19:08:28.211 923 923 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.tv.settings expire 63 lines 03-08 19:08:28.220 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getGraphicsPriority, 2817] getGraphicsPriority [Graphics Priority] 03-08 19:08:28.393 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:28.497 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:28.734 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:28.771 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:28.773 485 5780 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:29.298 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:29.775 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:29.811 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:29.816 485 5781 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:30.098 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:30.231 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy value:0 03-08 19:08:30.231 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrStrategy, 2368] getHdrStrategy is [0] 03-08 19:08:30.232 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority value:(null) 03-08 19:08:30.232 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrPriority, 2418] getHdrPriority is [0] 03-08 19:08:30.232 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1531] hdr_policy:0, hdr_priority :0 03-08 19:08:30.232 353 435 V MesonDisplayServer: GetDisplayMode:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.233 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdmimode value:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.233 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.cvbsmode value:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:30.233 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1539] hdmi_current_mode:2160p60hz, ubootenv hdmimode:2160p60hz cvbsmode:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:30.234 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "HDMI Color ATTR": "420,10bit " 03-08 19:08:30.235 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute value:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:30.235 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1547] hdmi_current_attr:420,10bit , ubootenv_colorattribute:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:30.235 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_enable value:1 03-08 19:08:30.235 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1561] dv_enable:1 03-08 19:08:30.235 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_type value:1 03-08 19:08:30.235 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1572] ubootenv_dv_type:1 03-08 19:08:30.236 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiData, 1693] display sink type:1 [0:none, 1:sink, 2:repeater] 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1444] before filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.238 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1473] after filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:30.240 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "Dolby Vision CAP2": "The Rx don't support DolbyVision" 03-08 19:08:30.240 341 403 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiDvCap, 1612] TV isn't support dolby vision: The Rx don't support DolbyVision 03-08 19:08:30.250 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getGraphicsPriority, 2817] getGraphicsPriority [Graphics Priority] 03-08 19:08:30.818 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:30.854 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:30.857 485 5782 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:30.898 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:31.208 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:31.208 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:31.208 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:31.208 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:08:31.209 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:31.699 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:31.860 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:08:31.924 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:08:31.928 485 5783 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:32.500 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:32.640 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:32.640 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:32.640 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:32.641 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:32.642 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 56 seconds: 1 03-08 19:08:32.645 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:14266368 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:08:32.645 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:08:32.645 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:32.653 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:08:32.658 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:08:32.661 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:32.662 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:32.662 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:32.662 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:32.663 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:32.666 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:08:32.674 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:08:32.831 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:32.831 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:32.831 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:32.832 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:32.940 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:32.940 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:32.940 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:32.941 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:32.968 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:32.968 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:32.969 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:32.969 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:32.969 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:32.984 485 5784 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:33.111 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:33.111 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:33.111 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:33.112 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:33.216 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:33.301 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:33.302 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:33.302 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:33.302 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:33.303 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:33.801 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:33.801 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:33.801 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:33.801 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:34.010 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:34.010 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:34.011 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:34.011 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:34.014 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:34.028 923 923 D HdrPriorityFragment: customConfig true 03-08 19:08:34.028 923 923 D HdrPriorityFragment: displaydebugConfig false 03-08 19:08:34.040 485 5785 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:34.071 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:34.073 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-18](id:39b00000012,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:34.073 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:34.079 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:34.080 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-19](id:39b00000013,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:34.080 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:34.102 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:34.284 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:34.903 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:35.103 485 5788 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:35.523 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:35.523 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:35.524 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:35.524 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:35.526 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:35.631 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:35.631 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:35.631 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:35.631 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:35.669 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:35.669 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:35.670 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:35.670 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:35.670 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:35.681 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:35.681 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-20](id:39b00000014,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:35.681 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:35.689 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:35.692 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-21](id:39b00000015,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:35.692 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8e2c8 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:35.698 923 923 D OutputUiManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.698 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.frac_rate_policy def value:1 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy value:0 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrStrategy, 2368] getHdrStrategy is [0] 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority value:(null) 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrPriority, 2418] getHdrPriority is [0] 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1531] hdr_policy:0, hdr_priority :0 03-08 19:08:35.699 353 435 V MesonDisplayServer: GetDisplayMode:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdmimode value:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.cvbsmode value:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:35.699 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1539] hdmi_current_mode:2160p60hz, ubootenv hdmimode:2160p60hz cvbsmode:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:35.700 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "HDMI Color ATTR": "420,10bit " 03-08 19:08:35.700 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute value:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:35.700 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1547] hdmi_current_attr:420,10bit , ubootenv_colorattribute:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:35.700 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_enable value:1 03-08 19:08:35.700 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1561] dv_enable:1 03-08 19:08:35.700 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_type value:1 03-08 19:08:35.700 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1572] ubootenv_dv_type:1 03-08 19:08:35.700 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiData, 1693] display sink type:1 [0:none, 1:sink, 2:repeater] 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1444] before filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.701 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:35.703 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1473] after filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:35.704 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "Dolby Vision CAP2": "The Rx don't support DolbyVision" 03-08 19:08:35.704 341 403 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiDvCap, 1612] TV isn't support dolby vision: The Rx don't support DolbyVision 03-08 19:08:35.705 923 923 D OutputModeManager: listHdmiMode:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:35.706 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:35.706 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getOutModeList currentUiMode:hdmi 03-08 19:08:35.706 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutModeList:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:35.706 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutTitleList:[4k2k-59.94hz, 4k2k-50hz, 4k2k-29.97hz, 4k2k-25hz, 4k2k-23.976hz, 4k2k-smpte, 1080p-59.94hz, 1080p-50hz, 1080p-23.976hz, 720p-59.94hz, 720p-50hz, 1080i-59.94hz, 1080i-50hz, 576p-50hz, 480p-59.94hz, 576i-50hz, 480i-59.94hz] 03-08 19:08:35.707 923 923 D OutputModeManager: TV support list is :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:35.707 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdmiColorSupportList :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:35.710 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: isSocSupportDv true 03-08 19:08:35.710 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: platformSuportDv true 03-08 19:08:35.710 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: socSupportDv true 03-08 19:08:35.710 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: displayConfig true 03-08 19:08:35.710 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: customConfig true 03-08 19:08:35.710 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: debugConfig false 03-08 19:08:35.712 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute def value:444,8bit 03-08 19:08:35.713 923 923 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.tv.settings identical 21 lines 03-08 19:08:35.713 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute def value:444,8bit 03-08 19:08:35.714 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy def value:1 03-08 19:08:35.715 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getGraphicsPriority, 2817] getGraphicsPriority [Graphics Priority] 03-08 19:08:35.715 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority def value:0 03-08 19:08:35.715 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdrPriority curType: 0 03-08 19:08:35.715 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority def value:0 03-08 19:08:35.716 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdrPriority curType: 0 03-08 19:08:35.716 923 923 E TEST : isBestDolbyVsion:false 03-08 19:08:35.716 923 923 E TEST : isBestDolbyVsion:false 03-08 19:08:36.158 485 5791 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:36.424 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:36.424 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:36.424 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:36.424 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:36.424 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:36.503 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:36.563 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:36.563 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:36.563 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:36.563 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:36.595 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:36.597 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-22](id:39b00000016,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:36.597 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:36.602 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:36.602 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-23](id:39b00000017,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:36.602 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:37.104 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:37.105 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:37.105 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:37.105 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:08:37.107 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:37.204 485 5794 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:37.303 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:37.721 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: context is NULL 03-08 19:08:37.823 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:37.823 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:37.824 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:37.824 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:38.011 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:38.011 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:38.011 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:38.011 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:38.016 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:38.016 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:14477312 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:08:38.017 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:08:38.017 923 923 D OutputUiManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.017 579 1050 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:38.017 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.frac_rate_policy def value:1 03-08 19:08:38.018 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy value:0 03-08 19:08:38.018 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrStrategy, 2368] getHdrStrategy is [0] 03-08 19:08:38.018 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority value:(null) 03-08 19:08:38.018 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrPriority, 2418] getHdrPriority is [0] 03-08 19:08:38.018 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1531] hdr_policy:0, hdr_priority :0 03-08 19:08:38.018 353 435 V MesonDisplayServer: GetDisplayMode:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdmimode value:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.cvbsmode value:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1539] hdmi_current_mode:2160p60hz, ubootenv hdmimode:2160p60hz cvbsmode:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:38.019 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "HDMI Color ATTR": "420,10bit " 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute value:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1547] hdmi_current_attr:420,10bit , ubootenv_colorattribute:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_enable value:1 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1561] dv_enable:1 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_type value:1 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1572] ubootenv_dv_type:1 03-08 19:08:38.019 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiData, 1693] display sink type:1 [0:none, 1:sink, 2:repeater] 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1444] before filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.020 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:38.021 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1473] after filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:38.023 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "Dolby Vision CAP2": "The Rx don't support DolbyVision" 03-08 19:08:38.023 341 403 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiDvCap, 1612] TV isn't support dolby vision: The Rx don't support DolbyVision 03-08 19:08:38.024 923 923 D OutputModeManager: listHdmiMode:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:38.025 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.025 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getOutModeList currentUiMode:hdmi 03-08 19:08:38.025 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutModeList:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:38.025 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutTitleList:[4k2k-59.94hz, 4k2k-50hz, 4k2k-29.97hz, 4k2k-25hz, 4k2k-23.976hz, 4k2k-smpte, 1080p-59.94hz, 1080p-50hz, 1080p-23.976hz, 720p-59.94hz, 720p-50hz, 1080i-59.94hz, 1080i-50hz, 576p-50hz, 480p-59.94hz, 576i-50hz, 480i-59.94hz] 03-08 19:08:38.026 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:08:38.026 923 923 D OutputModeManager: TV support list is :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:38.026 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdmiColorSupportList :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:38.034 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:08:38.042 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:08:38.072 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:38.072 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-24](id:39b00000018,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:38.072 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf89738 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:38.077 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:38.078 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-25](id:39b00000019,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:38.078 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf89738 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:38.085 923 923 D OutputUiManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.085 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.frac_rate_policy def value:1 03-08 19:08:38.085 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy value:0 03-08 19:08:38.085 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrStrategy, 2368] getHdrStrategy is [0] 03-08 19:08:38.085 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority value:(null) 03-08 19:08:38.085 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrPriority, 2418] getHdrPriority is [0] 03-08 19:08:38.085 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1531] hdr_policy:0, hdr_priority :0 03-08 19:08:38.086 353 435 V MesonDisplayServer: GetDisplayMode:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdmimode value:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.cvbsmode value:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1539] hdmi_current_mode:2160p60hz, ubootenv hdmimode:2160p60hz cvbsmode:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:38.086 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "HDMI Color ATTR": "420,10bit " 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute value:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1547] hdmi_current_attr:420,10bit , ubootenv_colorattribute:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_enable value:1 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1561] dv_enable:1 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_type value:1 03-08 19:08:38.086 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1572] ubootenv_dv_type:1 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiData, 1693] display sink type:1 [0:none, 1:sink, 2:repeater] 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1444] before filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.087 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1473] after filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.089 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:38.090 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "Dolby Vision CAP2": "The Rx don't support DolbyVision" 03-08 19:08:38.090 341 403 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiDvCap, 1612] TV isn't support dolby vision: The Rx don't support DolbyVision 03-08 19:08:38.090 923 923 D OutputModeManager: listHdmiMode:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:38.092 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:38.092 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getOutModeList currentUiMode:hdmi 03-08 19:08:38.092 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutModeList:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:38.092 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutTitleList:[4k2k-59.94hz, 4k2k-50hz, 4k2k-29.97hz, 4k2k-25hz, 4k2k-23.976hz, 4k2k-smpte, 1080p-59.94hz, 1080p-50hz, 1080p-23.976hz, 720p-59.94hz, 720p-50hz, 1080i-59.94hz, 1080i-50hz, 576p-50hz, 480p-59.94hz, 576i-50hz, 480i-59.94hz] 03-08 19:08:38.092 923 923 D OutputModeManager: TV support list is :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:38.092 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdmiColorSupportList :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:38.094 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: isSocSupportDv true 03-08 19:08:38.095 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: platformSuportDv true 03-08 19:08:38.095 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: socSupportDv true 03-08 19:08:38.095 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: displayConfig true 03-08 19:08:38.095 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: customConfig true 03-08 19:08:38.095 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: debugConfig false 03-08 19:08:38.095 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute def value:444,8bit 03-08 19:08:38.096 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute def value:444,8bit 03-08 19:08:38.097 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy def value:1 03-08 19:08:38.098 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getGraphicsPriority, 2817] getGraphicsPriority [Graphics Priority] 03-08 19:08:38.098 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority def value:0 03-08 19:08:38.098 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdrPriority curType: 0 03-08 19:08:38.098 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority def value:0 03-08 19:08:38.098 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdrPriority curType: 0 03-08 19:08:38.099 923 923 E TEST : isBestDolbyVsion:false 03-08 19:08:38.099 923 923 E TEST : isBestDolbyVsion:false 03-08 19:08:38.101 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:38.102 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:38.102 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:38.102 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:38.103 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:38.104 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:38.250 485 5797 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:38.329 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:38.905 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:39.305 485 5798 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:39.705 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:40.104 923 923 D OutputUiManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.104 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.frac_rate_policy def value:1 03-08 19:08:40.105 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy value:0 03-08 19:08:40.105 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrStrategy, 2368] getHdrStrategy is [0] 03-08 19:08:40.105 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority value:(null) 03-08 19:08:40.105 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdrPriority, 2418] getHdrPriority is [0] 03-08 19:08:40.105 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1531] hdr_policy:0, hdr_priority :0 03-08 19:08:40.106 353 435 V MesonDisplayServer: GetDisplayMode:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.106 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.hdmimode value:2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.106 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.cvbsmode value:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:40.106 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1539] hdmi_current_mode:2160p60hz, ubootenv hdmimode:2160p60hz cvbsmode:576cvbs 03-08 19:08:40.107 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "HDMI Color ATTR": "420,10bit " 03-08 19:08:40.107 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute value:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:40.107 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1547] hdmi_current_attr:420,10bit , ubootenv_colorattribute:420,10bit 03-08 19:08:40.107 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_enable value:1 03-08 19:08:40.107 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1561] dv_enable:1 03-08 19:08:40.107 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getBootEnv, 380] key:ubootenv.var.dv_type value:1 03-08 19:08:40.107 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getCommonData, 1572] ubootenv_dv_type:1 03-08 19:08:40.108 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiData, 1693] display sink type:1 [0:none, 1:sink, 2:repeater] 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1444] before filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.109 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, filterHdmiDispcap, 1473] after filtered HdmiDispcap: 480i60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 576i50hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 480p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 576p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 720p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080i50hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p30hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p25hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1080p24hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p30hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p25hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p24hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte24hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte50hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: smpte60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p50hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 2160p60hz* 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 640x480p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 800x600p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1024x768p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x960p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1280x1024p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x900p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 1600x1200p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.115 341 403 I SystemControl: 03-08 19:08:40.116 353 435 D MesonDisplayServer: getDisplayAttribute "Dolby Vision CAP2": "The Rx don't support DolbyVision" 03-08 19:08:40.116 341 403 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getHdmiDvCap, 1612] TV isn't support dolby vision: The Rx don't support DolbyVision 03-08 19:08:40.116 923 923 D OutputModeManager: listHdmiMode:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:40.118 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getUiMode currentMode = 2160p60hz 03-08 19:08:40.118 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getOutModeList currentUiMode:hdmi 03-08 19:08:40.118 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutModeList:[2160p60hz, 2160p50hz, 2160p30hz, 2160p25hz, 2160p24hz, smpte24hz, 1080p60hz, 1080p50hz, 1080p24hz, 720p60hz, 720p50hz, 1080i60hz, 1080i50hz, 576p50hz, 480p60hz, 576i50hz, 480i60hz] 03-08 19:08:40.118 923 923 D OutputModeManager: mOutTitleList:[4k2k-59.94hz, 4k2k-50hz, 4k2k-29.97hz, 4k2k-25hz, 4k2k-23.976hz, 4k2k-smpte, 1080p-59.94hz, 1080p-50hz, 1080p-23.976hz, 720p-59.94hz, 720p-50hz, 1080i-59.94hz, 1080i-50hz, 576p-50hz, 480p-59.94hz, 576i-50hz, 480i-59.94hz] 03-08 19:08:40.118 923 923 D OutputModeManager: TV support list is :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:40.118 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdmiColorSupportList :420,12bit,420,10bit,420,8bit,444,12bit,444,10bit,444,8bit,422,12bit,422,10bit,422,8bit,rgb,12bit,rgb,10bit,rgb,8bit, 03-08 19:08:40.120 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: isSocSupportDv true 03-08 19:08:40.120 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: platformSuportDv true 03-08 19:08:40.120 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: socSupportDv true 03-08 19:08:40.120 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: displayConfig true 03-08 19:08:40.120 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: customConfig true 03-08 19:08:40.120 923 923 D ScreenResolutionFragment: debugConfig false 03-08 19:08:40.120 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute def value:444,8bit 03-08 19:08:40.122 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.colorattribute def value:444,8bit 03-08 19:08:40.122 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_policy def value:1 03-08 19:08:40.123 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getGraphicsPriority, 2817] getGraphicsPriority [Graphics Priority] 03-08 19:08:40.123 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority def value:0 03-08 19:08:40.124 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdrPriority curType: 0 03-08 19:08:40.124 923 923 I OutputModeManager: getBootenv key:ubootenv.var.hdr_priority def value:0 03-08 19:08:40.124 923 923 D OutputModeManager: getHdrPriority curType: 0 03-08 19:08:40.125 923 923 E TEST : isBestDolbyVsion:false 03-08 19:08:40.125 923 923 E TEST : isBestDolbyVsion:false 03-08 19:08:40.348 485 5799 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:40.505 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:41.143 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:41.143 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:41.143 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:41.143 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:08:41.144 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:41.305 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:41.384 485 5800 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:41.761 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:41.761 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:41.761 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:41.761 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:41.762 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:41.873 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:41.874 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:41.874 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:41.874 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:41.913 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:41.915 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-26](id:39b0000001a,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:41.915 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf89738 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:41.920 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:41.921 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-27](id:39b0000001b,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:41.921 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf89738 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:42.106 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:42.385 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 27 lines 03-08 19:08:42.423 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 18 lines 03-08 19:08:42.427 485 5803 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:42.431 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:42.431 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:42.431 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:42.431 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:42.439 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:42.439 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:14624768 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:08:42.440 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:08:42.440 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:42.440 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:42.441 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:42.441 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:42.441 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:42.445 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:08:42.450 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:08:42.458 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:08:42.466 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:08:42.621 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:42.622 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:42.622 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:42.622 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:42.757 579 977 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:42.906 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:42.931 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:42.931 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:42.931 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:42.932 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:43.121 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:43.121 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:43.121 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:43.121 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:43.125 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:43.141 341 403 I SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, getPosition, 2050] getPosition curMode:2160p60hz position[0]:0 position[1]:0 position[2]:3840 position[3]:2160 03-08 19:08:43.166 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:43.166 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-28](id:39b0000001c,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:43.166 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:43.172 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:43.174 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-29](id:39b0000001d,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:43.174 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:43.393 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:43.476 485 5806 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:43.706 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:44.507 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:44.511 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:44.511 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:44.511 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:44.511 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:44.512 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:44.532 485 5808 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:44.651 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:44.651 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:44.651 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:44.651 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:44.684 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:44.685 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-30](id:39b0000001e,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:44.685 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf89738 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:44.691 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:44.691 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-31](id:39b0000001f,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:44.691 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:44.697 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:44.698 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:44.699 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:44.699 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:44.699 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:45.161 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:45.161 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:45.161 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:45.161 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:45.162 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:45.271 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:45.271 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:45.271 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:45.271 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:45.290 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:08:45.307 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:45.310 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:45.311 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-32](id:39b00000020,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:45.311 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:45.316 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:45.318 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-33](id:39b00000021,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:45.318 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:45.572 485 5813 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:46.108 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:46.207 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:46.208 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:46.208 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:46.208 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:08:46.210 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:46.402 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:46.402 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:46.403 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:46.403 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:46.413 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:46.413 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:46.413 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:08:46.413 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:46.413 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:46.413 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:14802944 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:08:46.414 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:08:46.415 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:46.421 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:08:46.423 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:46.424 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:46.424 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:46.424 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:46.425 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:46.426 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:08:46.434 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:08:46.442 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:08:46.560 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:46.560 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:46.561 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:46.561 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:46.612 485 5814 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:46.730 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:46.909 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:46.973 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:46.973 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:46.974 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:46.974 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:47.151 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:47.151 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:47.151 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:47.151 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:47.160 579 592 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:47.218 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:47.218 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-34](id:39b00000022,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:47.218 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:47.228 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:47.230 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-35](id:39b00000023,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:47.230 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:47.416 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:47.677 485 5817 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:47.709 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:48.405 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:48.405 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:48.406 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:48.406 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:48.407 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:48.510 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:48.544 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:48.544 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:48.545 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:48.545 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:48.588 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:48.588 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-36](id:39b00000024,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:48.588 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:48.596 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:48.599 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-37](id:39b00000025,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:48.599 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:48.607 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:48.608 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:48.608 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:48.608 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:48.609 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:48.735 485 5820 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:48.962 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:48.962 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:48.962 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:48.962 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:48.963 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:49.101 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:49.101 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:49.101 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:49.101 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:49.166 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:49.167 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-38](id:39b00000026,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:49.167 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:49.176 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:49.178 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-39](id:39b00000027,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:49.178 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:49.310 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:49.783 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:49.783 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:49.784 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:49.784 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:49.786 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:49.794 485 5824 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:49.920 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:49.920 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:49.920 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:49.920 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:49.993 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:49.995 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-40](id:39b00000028,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:49.995 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:49.999 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:49.999 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-41](id:39b00000029,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:49.999 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:50.008 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:50.009 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:50.009 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.tv.settings fieldId=0 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:50.009 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:50.010 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:50.110 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:50.231 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:50.231 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:50.231 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:08:50.232 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:08:50.233 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:08:50.844 485 5827 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:50.910 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:51.230 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:51.230 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:51.231 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:51.231 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:51.231 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:51.401 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:51.402 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:51.402 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:51.402 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:45.280 923 923 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.tv.settings identical 1 line 03-08 19:08:48.559 923 923 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1111 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:468 com.android.tv.settings.more.MorePrefFragment.onResume:280 android.app.Fragment.performResume:2551 android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState:1346 03-08 19:08:51.420 579 3565 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/923 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=60, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] 03-08 19:08:51.421 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [60 : null → 100] 03-08 19:08:51.422 579 664 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=60, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] with score 70 and providerId 1 03-08 19:08:51.422 579 664 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=60, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] with score 70 and providerId 1 03-08 19:08:51.422 579 701 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=60, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] with score 70 and providerId 1 03-08 19:08:51.442 579 3565 E WifiService: Attempt to retrieve passpoint with invalid scanResult List 03-08 19:08:51.442 579 3565 E WifiService: Attempt to retrieve OsuProviders with invalid scanResult List 03-08 19:08:51.447 579 668 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 03-08 19:08:51.485 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:51.487 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-720x898f1u256m2-923-42](id:39b0000002a,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:51.487 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:51.491 923 997 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame. 03-08 19:08:51.492 923 997 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-560x128f1u256m2-923-43](id:39b0000002b,api:0,p:-1,c:923) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:51.492 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8c998 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:51.500 579 592 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000 03-08 19:08:51.507 4899 4917 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.DEFERRED_SETUP 03-08 19:08:51.525 4899 5830 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: Suggestion state result Bundle[{candidate_is_complete=true}] 03-08 19:08:51.525 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 8 03-08 19:08:51.525 4899 4917 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.HIGH_PRIORITY 03-08 19:08:51.527 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:08:51.527 4899 4917 D SuggestionParser: Day 12 for com.android.settings.suggested.category.FIRST_IMPRESSION 03-08 19:08:51.537 4899 5830 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: Suggestion state result Bundle[{candidate_is_complete=true}] 03-08 19:08:51.537 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 2 03-08 19:08:51.538 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:08:51.541 4899 4917 I chatty : uid=10044(com.android.settings.intelligence) Binder:4899_3 identical 6 lines 03-08 19:08:51.541 4899 4917 D CandidateSuggestionFilter: filterCandidates duration: 0 03-08 19:08:51.542 923 5683 D SuggestionLoader: data size 0 03-08 19:08:51.712 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:51.847 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:51.908 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:51.909 485 5831 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:52.513 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:52.911 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:52.944 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:52.950 485 5832 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:53.203 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:53.203 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:53.203 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:53.203 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:53.204 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onKeyDown():2481 Received KEYCODE_BACK. isAllViewsInvisible=false 03-08 19:08:53.313 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:53.344 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:53.344 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:53.345 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:53.345 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:53.362 579 668 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=60, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1000 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPackageName: com.android.tv.settings] ] (release request) 03-08 19:08:53.755 390 425 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.android.tv.settings/com.android.tv.settings.MainSettings#0](id:18600000014,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:08:53.755 923 997 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf8b068 disconnect failed 03-08 19:08:53.758 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter shown_channel_count 03-08 19:08:53.758 1454 1454 E Clearcut-EventLogger: Unexpected log parameter watch_next 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: Activity com.android.tv.settings.MainSettings has leaked IntentReceiver com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity$2@296a1cf that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Activity com.android.tv.settings.MainSettings has leaked IntentReceiver com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity$2@296a1cf that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher.(LoadedApk.java:1594) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.LoadedApk.getReceiverDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1374) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiverInternal(ContextImpl.java:1614) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1580) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ContextImpl.registerReceiver(ContextImpl.java:1568) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(ContextWrapper.java:668) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity.registerSomeReceivers(TvSettingsActivity.java:158) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.tv.settings.TvSettingsActivity.onResume(TvSettingsActivity.java:195) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1456) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:8135) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:4434) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:4476) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.servertransaction.ResumeActivityItem.execute(ResumeActivityItem.java:52) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeLifecycleState(TransactionExecutor.java:176) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:97) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2066) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7656) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592) 03-08 19:08:53.760 923 923 E ActivityThread: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947) 03-08 19:08:53.762 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:08:53.763 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:08:53.778 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:08:53.781 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:08:53.781 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.google.android.tvlauncher fieldId=2131428369 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:08:53.781 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:08:53.785 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:08:53.951 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:53.996 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:53.998 485 5836 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:54.113 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:54.914 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:54.999 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:55.013 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:08:55.049 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:55.053 485 5837 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:55.715 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:55.999 579 3565 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event 03-08 19:08:56.000 579 3565 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event 03-08 19:08:56.055 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:56.103 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:56.108 485 5838 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 1 line 03-08 19:08:56.515 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:56.823 485 5003 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:56.823 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 7 lines 03-08 19:08:57.109 485 5838 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:57.110 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:57.165 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:57.166 485 5839 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:57.316 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:57.824 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 4 lines 03-08 19:08:58.117 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:58.167 485 5839 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 1 line 03-08 19:08:58.231 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:08:58.232 485 5840 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:58.807 2278 2509 I cast_shell: [2278:2509:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(193)] Cast v2 action(socket_id=7aa1edf2-3677-03ed-1cdf-cb2d263b5930.10): CastV2.Connection.Connect.In 03-08 19:08:58.808 2278 2497 I cast_shell: [2278:2497:INFO:setup_namespace_handler.cc(90)] Added a peer for setup namespace: 7aa1edf2-3677-03ed-1cdf-cb2d263b5930.10:gms_cast_prober-1 03-08 19:08:58.808 2278 2497 I cast_shell: [2278:2497:INFO:setup_state.cc(541)] EurekaInfoCalled: wifi_state=0, is_usable_ip_address=1, connected=1, is_initial_setup=0 03-08 19:08:58.828 2278 2509 I cast_shell: [2278:2509:INFO:v2_ssl_socket.cc(342)] Stop reading on pending closed socket 03-08 19:08:58.829 2278 2497 I cast_shell: [2278:2497:INFO:setup_namespace_handler.cc(100)] Removed a peer for setup namespace: 7aa1edf2-3677-03ed-1cdf-cb2d263b5930.10:gms_cast_prober-1 03-08 19:08:58.852 2278 2509 I cast_shell: [2278:2509:INFO:metrics_recorder.cc(193)] Cast v2 action(socket_id=7aa1edf2-3677-03ed-1cdf-cb2d263b5930.11): CastV2.Connection.Connect.In 03-08 19:08:58.916 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:08:59.235 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 34 lines 03-08 19:08:59.279 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:08:59.280 485 5841 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:08:59.718 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:00.329 485 5842 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:00.517 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:01.318 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:01.380 485 5843 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:01.659 485 5844 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 1 line 03-08 19:09:01.659 485 5845 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 1 line 03-08 19:09:02.118 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:02.439 485 5848 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:02.920 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:03.500 485 5849 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:03.721 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:04.521 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:04.544 485 5850 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:05.321 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:05.591 485 5851 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:06.123 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:06.642 485 5852 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:06.923 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:07.697 485 5853 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:07.723 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:08.524 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:08.761 485 5855 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:09.325 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:09.763 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 24 lines 03-08 19:09:09.792 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 14 lines 03-08 19:09:09.793 485 5856 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:10.126 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:10.840 485 5857 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:10.925 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:11.725 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:11.882 485 5859 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:12.207 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 39 seconds: 15 03-08 19:09:12.526 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:12.936 485 5860 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:13.327 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:13.985 485 5861 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:14.127 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:14.927 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:14.968 1331 2373 W chromium: [FTL:1331:2373:WARNING:publisher.cc(33)] No subscribers for event 03-08 19:09:14.968 1331 2373 W chromium: "assistant.api.events.MetricEvent" from publisher "UmaMetricsForwarder" 03-08 19:09:15.027 485 5862 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:15.466 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=localhost:10042]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=1, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.467 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=localhost:10042]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=1, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.472 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:09:15.525 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.528 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.533 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:09:15.613 2278 2475 I cast_shell: [2278:2475:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.728 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:15.764 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=[::]:0]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=4, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.819 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.819 2278 2278 I chatty : uid=10036(com.google.android.apps.mediashell) identical 1 line 03-08 19:09:15.821 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:09:15.827 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:09:15.834 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:grpc_manager_impl.cc(883)] GRPC[uri=]: num_pending_calls=0, num_active_handlers=0, num_free_handlers=0 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=16 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.AppId.In=4 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=6 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.Namespace.In=4 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.AppId.Out=4 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Namespace.Out=4 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=6 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Authenticate.Challenge.In=1 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Authenticate.Response.Out=1 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Connection.Connect.In=2 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Receiver.DeviceStatus.Out=2 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Receiver.GetAppAvailability.In=1 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Receiver.GetAppAvailability.Out=1 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Receiver.GetStatus.In=2 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Transport.Accept=2 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Transport.Close=1 03-08 19:09:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Transport.TcpAccept=2 03-08 19:09:16.068 485 5863 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:16.529 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:17.127 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:17.132 485 5864 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:17.331 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:18.132 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:18.133 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:18.187 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:18.192 485 5865 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:18.933 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:19.194 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:19.250 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:19.256 485 5866 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:19.732 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:20.257 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:20.307 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:20.312 485 5867 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:20.533 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:21.314 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:21.334 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:21.365 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:21.366 485 5868 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:22.133 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:22.367 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:22.415 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:22.416 485 5869 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:22.934 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:23.417 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:23.461 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:23.462 485 5871 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:23.734 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:24.463 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:24.509 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:24.513 485 5872 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:24.534 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:25.335 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:25.515 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:25.581 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:09:25.586 485 5873 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:26.136 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:26.587 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 33 lines 03-08 19:09:26.646 485 5874 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:26.937 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:27.700 485 5876 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:27.737 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:28.537 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:28.780 485 5877 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:29.338 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:29.825 485 5878 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:30.138 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:30.884 485 5879 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:30.938 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:31.738 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:31.924 485 5880 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:32.540 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:32.982 485 5881 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:33.341 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:33.428 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:09:33.441 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:09:34.058 485 5882 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:34.141 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:34.943 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:35.118 485 5883 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:35.743 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:36.163 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 14 lines 03-08 19:09:36.167 485 5884 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:36.543 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:37.226 485 5885 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:37.344 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:38.144 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:38.228 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 15 lines 03-08 19:09:38.293 485 5886 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:38.944 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:39.358 485 5887 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:39.745 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:40.411 485 5888 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:40.545 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:41.346 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:41.477 485 5889 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:42.146 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:42.540 485 5890 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:42.947 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:43.542 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:43.592 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:43.594 485 5891 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:43.747 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:44.547 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:44.596 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:44.639 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:44.644 485 5892 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:45.349 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:45.647 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:45.704 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:45.706 485 5893 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:46.149 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:46.709 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:46.757 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:46.761 485 5894 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:46.949 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:47.751 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:47.763 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:47.831 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:47.834 485 5895 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:47.841 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:47.841 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:47.841 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:47.841 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:47.846 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:09:47.847 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:09:47.847 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.google.android.tvlauncher fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:09:47.847 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:09:47.848 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ++++[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1386],continuous:0 dev masks:0, out masks:0, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:09:47.848 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), add usecase PCM_NORMAL, cnt 1 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 D audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1407] cur dev masks:0, add out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: ----[usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1438], continuous:0 dev masks:0x1, out masks:0x1, out usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:279] buf_frames:384,frame_size:4 ==> thunk_size:1536 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 D aml_audio_port: [new_input_port:303] inport:PCM_SYSTEM, rbuf size:6144, direct_on:0, format:0x1, rate:48000 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [init_mixer_input_port:159] input port:PCM_SYSTEM, size 384 frames, frame_write_sum:14983168 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I aml_audio_port: get_input_port_type(), samplerate:48000, flags:0x2, channel_cnt:2 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: [mixer_aux_buffer_write_sm:1225] stream 0xe7144570 input port:PCM_SYSTEM 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 12288 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:285] input port:PCM_SYSTEM start write to input buffer 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_write_inport:292] input port:PCM_SYSTEM is active now 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 10752 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 9216 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 7680 03-08 19:09:47.848 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 6144 03-08 19:09:47.849 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:47.853 343 532 I amlaudioMixer: [mixer_inports_read:674] input port:PCM_SYSTEM first start, portId:0, avail:6144 03-08 19:09:47.858 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 4608 03-08 19:09:47.866 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 3072 03-08 19:09:47.874 343 4326 I audio-subMixingFactory: padding_bytes 1536 03-08 19:09:48.061 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.061 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.062 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.062 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.162 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:48.323 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.323 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.323 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.324 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.349 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:09:48.350 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:09:48.350 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.google.android.tvlauncher fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:09:48.350 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:09:48.351 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:09:48.355 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:48.481 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.481 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.482 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.482 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.551 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:48.632 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:48.733 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.734 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.735 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.735 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.837 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:48.907 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:48.911 485 5897 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:48.931 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.931 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:48.931 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:48.931 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:09.973 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:09:48.939 579 3565 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore cmp=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore/.Browser} from uid 10041 03-08 19:09:48.955 579 1380 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:48.960 579 1656 W ActivityTaskManager: Tried to set launchTime (0) < mLastActivityLaunchTime (667976) 03-08 19:09:48.978 5441 5441 I X-plore : Browser start 03-08 19:09:49.001 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:49.001 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:49.050 5441 5441 W com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: type=1400 audit(0.0:211): avc: denied { read } for comm=4C69737420686965726172636879 name="/" dev="dm-5" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c70,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:09:49.053 579 3565 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.MANAGE_APP_ALL_FILES_ACCESS_PERMISSION dat=package:com.lonelycatgames.Xplore} from uid 10070 03-08 19:09:49.062 5441 5487 D SessionLifecycleClient: Sending lifecycle 1 to service 03-08 19:09:49.063 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Activity foregrounding at 965427. 03-08 19:09:49.100 5441 5441 D Compose Focus: Owner FocusChanged(true) 03-08 19:09:49.145 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:09:49.145 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:09:49.236 579 3565 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:49.351 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:49.378 390 594 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.google.android.tvlauncher/com.google.android.tvlauncher.MainActivity#0](id:18600000013,api:0,p:-1,c:390) disconnect: not connected (req=1) 03-08 19:09:49.379 1454 1704 W libEGL : EGLNativeWindowType 0xecf92e58 disconnect failed 03-08 19:09:49.507 5441 5487 D SessionLifecycleClient: Sending lifecycle 2 to service 03-08 19:09:49.508 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Activity backgrounding at 965872 03-08 19:09:49.509 579 604 D ArtManagerInternalImpl: /data/misc/iorapd/com.lonelycatgames.Xplore/43508/com.lonelycatgames.Xplore.Browser/compiled_traces/compiled_trace.pb doesn't exist 03-08 19:09:49.510 579 604 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.lonelycatgames.Xplore/.Browser: +563ms 03-08 19:09:49.518 359 359 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0 03-08 19:09:49.518 359 359 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION 03-08 19:09:49.522 5441 5441 I X-plore : Can't refresh dir, doing other task: Hierarchy lister 03-08 19:09:49.523 5441 5481 D SessionLifecycleClient: Sending lifecycle 1 to service 03-08 19:09:49.524 5441 5508 D SessionLifecycleService: Activity foregrounding at 965889. 03-08 19:09:49.575 5441 5441 D Compose Focus: Owner FocusChanged(false) 03-08 19:09:49.782 5441 5441 W com.lonelycatgames.Xplore: type=1400 audit(0.0:212): avc: denied { read } for comm=42726F77736572207461736B name="/" dev="dm-5" ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c70,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore 03-08 19:09:49.795 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3264 03-08 19:09:49.796 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false 03-08 19:09:49.796 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1899 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.lonelycatgames.Xplore fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=null hintLocales=[]}, false) 03-08 19:09:49.796 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4091 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false 03-08 19:09:49.797 1217 1217 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2111 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false 03-08 19:09:49.800 5441 5501 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=716ms; Flags=0, IntendedVsync=965448690168, Vsync=965882456826, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=965890848292, AnimationStart=965890851084, PerformTraversalsStart=965940892834, DrawStart=966127108250, SyncQueued=966141120084, SyncStart=966141491459, IssueDrawCommandsStart=966143541875, SwapBuffers=966164278000, FrameCompleted=966165264917, DequeueBufferDuration=198917, QueueBufferDuration=425791, GpuCompleted=-7985383757208185004, 03-08 19:09:49.820 5441 5441 D Compose Focus: Owner FocusChanged(true) 03-08 19:09:49.913 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:49.957 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:09:49.958 485 5911 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:50.151 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:50.278 5441 5501 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=743ms; Flags=0, IntendedVsync=965899145956, Vsync=966149395951, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=966157944042, AnimationStart=966157946459, PerformTraversalsStart=966511021209, DrawStart=966512052709, SyncQueued=966618276376, SyncStart=966618608959, IssueDrawCommandsStart=966623244167, SwapBuffers=966641670876, FrameCompleted=966643269501, DequeueBufferDuration=352083, QueueBufferDuration=941958, GpuCompleted=3164123991422001321, 03-08 19:09:50.547 5441 5453 I catgames.Xplor: Background concurrent copying GC freed 55595(1609KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 9383KB/18MB, paused 116us total 199.800ms 03-08 19:09:50.952 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:50.961 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 30 lines 03-08 19:09:51.015 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 20 lines 03-08 19:09:51.018 485 5914 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:51.752 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:52.047 343 368 D audio-subMixingFactory: out_standby_subMixingPCM: out_stream(0xe7144570) usecase: PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:09:52.047 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: [usecase_change_validate_l_sm:1346] cur dev masks:0x1, delete out usecase:PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:09:52.047 343 368 I audio-subMixingFactory: usecase_change_validate_l_sm(), standby unmask usecase PCM_NORMAL 03-08 19:09:52.047 343 368 I amlaudioMixer: [delete_mixer_input_port:178] input port:0 03-08 19:09:52.049 579 1656 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4 03-08 19:09:52.079 485 5915 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:52.553 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:53.062 579 1292 E TaskPersister: File error accessing recents directory (directory doesn't exist?). 03-08 19:09:53.130 485 5916 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:53.353 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:54.154 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:54.190 485 5917 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:54.954 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:55.044 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:09:55.240 485 5918 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:55.755 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:56.297 485 5919 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:56.556 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:57.357 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:57.362 485 5920 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:58.156 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:58.431 485 5921 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:58.956 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:09:59.488 485 5922 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:09:59.757 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:00.500 1420 1420 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms } 03-08 19:10:00.527 485 5923 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:00.557 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:01.357 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:01.529 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 24 lines 03-08 19:10:01.599 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 16 lines 03-08 19:10:01.603 485 5924 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:02.158 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:02.655 485 5925 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:02.958 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:03.728 485 5926 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:03.758 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:04.558 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:04.824 485 5927 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:05.359 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:05.882 485 5928 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:06.159 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:06.938 485 5929 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:06.959 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:07.759 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:08.002 485 5930 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:08.141 1150 3633 I .gms.persisten: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 48018(1919KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 8690KB/16MB, paused 91us total 117.400ms 03-08 19:10:08.559 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:09.053 485 5932 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:09.360 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:10.054 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:10.107 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:10:10.109 485 5933 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:10.161 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:10.962 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:11.112 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:11.163 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:10:11.167 485 5934 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:11.763 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:12.170 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:12.223 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:10:12.224 485 5935 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:12.282 1420 2327 I gle.android.gm: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 1323(98KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 8109KB/10MB, paused 291us total 108.454ms 03-08 19:10:12.563 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:13.226 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:13.289 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:10:13.299 485 5936 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:13.363 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:14.164 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:14.302 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:14.354 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:10:14.357 485 5937 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:14.964 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:15.359 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:15.399 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:10:15.404 485 5938 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:15.473 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:10:15.534 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:10:15.768 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:15.828 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:10:15.829 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:10:15.917 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_cast_service.cc(962)] Recent mDNS app subtypes: [supported:'CFE7FEDA',] [unsupported:] 03-08 19:10:15.939 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=0 03-08 19:10:16.406 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:16.466 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 2 lines 03-08 19:10:16.468 485 5940 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:16.567 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:16.751 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_recorder_impl.cc(503)] Upload immediate event with response code 200 03-08 19:10:17.368 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:17.470 485 485 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) /apex/com.android.adbd/bin/adbd expire 3 lines 03-08 19:10:17.509 485 502 I chatty : uid=2000(shell) usb ffs open expire 1 line 03-08 19:10:17.510 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:17.512 485 5941 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:18.168 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:18.514 485 5941 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:18.514 485 5941 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:18.515 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:18.515 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:18.516 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:18.563 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:18.564 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:18.565 485 5942 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:18.968 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:19.567 485 5942 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:19.567 485 5942 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:19.568 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:19.568 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:19.568 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:19.636 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:19.638 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:19.639 485 5943 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:19.769 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:20.570 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:20.640 485 5943 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:20.640 485 5943 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:20.640 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:20.640 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:20.640 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:20.693 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:20.693 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:20.694 485 5944 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:21.370 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:21.695 485 5944 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:21.696 485 5944 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:21.696 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:21.697 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:21.697 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:21.743 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:21.747 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:21.749 485 5945 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:22.170 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:22.750 485 5945 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:22.751 485 5945 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:22.751 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:22.751 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:22.751 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:22.807 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:22.814 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:22.815 485 5946 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:22.972 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:23.771 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:23.817 485 5946 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:23.817 485 5946 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:23.817 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:23.817 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:23.818 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:23.867 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:23.867 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:23.869 485 5947 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:24.571 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:24.871 485 5947 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:24.871 485 5947 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:24.872 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:24.872 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:24.872 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:24.916 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:24.919 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:24.920 485 5948 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:25.373 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:25.922 485 5948 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:25.922 485 5948 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:25.923 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:25.923 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:25.923 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:25.981 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:25.985 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:25.987 485 5949 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:26.173 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:26.958 3488 3688 I id.gms.unstabl: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 499(89KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 24% free, 3099KB/4132KB, paused 273us total 48.124ms 03-08 19:10:26.973 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:26.988 485 5949 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:26.988 485 5949 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:26.988 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:26.988 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:26.988 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:27.047 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:27.049 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:27.049 485 5951 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:27.774 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:28.051 485 5951 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:28.051 485 5951 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:28.052 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:28.052 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:28.052 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:28.103 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:28.106 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:28.106 485 5952 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:28.577 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:29.108 485 5952 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:29.108 485 5952 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:29.108 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:29.108 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:29.108 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:29.172 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:29.175 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:29.175 485 5953 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:29.376 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:30.176 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:30.176 485 5953 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:30.176 485 5953 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:30.177 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:30.177 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:30.177 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:30.227 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:30.229 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:30.229 485 5954 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:30.978 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:31.231 485 5954 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:31.231 485 5954 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:31.231 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:31.232 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:31.232 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:31.283 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:31.285 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:31.285 485 5955 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:31.777 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:32.287 485 5955 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:32.287 485 5955 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:32.288 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:32.288 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:32.288 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:32.343 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:32.343 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:32.344 485 5956 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:32.578 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:33.345 485 5956 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:33.345 485 5956 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:33.345 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:33.345 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:33.345 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:33.379 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:33.406 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:33.408 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:33.408 485 5957 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:34.180 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:34.409 485 5957 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:34.410 485 5957 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:34.410 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:34.410 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:34.410 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:34.457 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:34.457 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:34.458 485 5958 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:34.980 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:35.243 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 83 seconds: 1 03-08 19:10:35.459 485 5958 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:35.460 485 5958 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:35.460 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:35.460 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:35.461 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:35.535 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:35.535 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:35.536 485 5959 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:35.780 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:36.538 485 5959 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:36.539 485 5959 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:36.540 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:36.541 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:36.542 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:36.580 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:36.614 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:36.618 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:36.618 485 5960 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:37.384 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:37.620 485 5960 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:37.622 485 5960 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:37.624 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:37.624 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:37.625 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:37.661 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:37.665 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:37.667 485 5961 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:38.183 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:38.668 485 5961 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:38.669 485 5961 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:38.669 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:38.669 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:38.670 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:38.723 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:38.723 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:38.724 485 5962 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:38.984 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:39.725 485 5962 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:39.726 485 5962 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:39.726 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:39.726 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:39.727 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:39.785 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:39.789 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:39.792 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:39.794 485 5963 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:40.586 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:40.795 485 5963 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:40.795 485 5963 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:40.796 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:40.796 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:40.798 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:40.840 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:40.842 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:40.842 485 5964 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:41.387 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:41.843 485 5964 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:41.843 485 5964 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:41.844 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:41.844 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:41.844 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:41.891 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:41.894 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:41.896 485 5965 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:42.188 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:42.897 485 5965 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:42.897 485 5965 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:42.898 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:42.898 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:42.899 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:42.957 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:42.957 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:42.958 485 5966 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:42.988 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:43.789 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:43.959 485 5966 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:43.959 485 5966 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:43.959 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:43.959 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:43.959 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:44.007 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:44.009 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:44.010 485 5967 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:44.589 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:45.011 485 5967 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:45.011 485 5967 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:45.012 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:45.012 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:45.012 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:45.071 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:45.071 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:45.072 485 5968 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:45.389 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:46.073 485 5968 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:46.073 485 5968 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:46.073 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:46.073 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:46.073 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:46.125 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:46.125 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:46.126 485 5969 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:46.189 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:46.990 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:47.127 485 5969 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:47.127 485 5969 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:47.127 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:47.127 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:47.127 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:47.165 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:47.166 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:47.167 485 5970 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:47.790 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:48.168 485 5970 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:48.168 485 5970 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:48.169 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:48.169 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:48.169 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:48.215 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:48.215 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:48.216 485 5971 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:48.590 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:49.217 485 5971 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:49.217 485 5971 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:49.217 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:49.217 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:49.217 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:49.267 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:49.269 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:49.269 485 5972 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:49.390 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:49.448 4923 4976 I PhenotypeProcessReaper: Memory state is: 400 03-08 19:10:49.448 4923 4976 I PhenotypeProcessReaper: Killing process to refresh experiment configuration 03-08 19:10:49.448 4923 4976 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 4923 SIG: 9 03-08 19:10:25.053 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:10:49.478 579 1050 I ActivityManager: Process com.google.android.tungsten.setupwraith (pid 4923) has died: cch+15 CEM 03-08 19:10:49.479 579 607 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10043 pid 4923 in 0ms 03-08 19:10:49.480 319 319 I Zygote : Process 4923 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 03-08 19:10:49.483 355 355 D memtrack_aml: sysfs path 03-08 19:10:50.190 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:50.270 485 5972 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:50.270 485 5972 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:50.271 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:50.271 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:50.271 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:50.347 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:50.350 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:50.352 485 5974 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:50.991 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:51.353 485 5974 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:51.353 485 5974 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:51.353 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:51.353 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:51.353 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:51.389 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:51.391 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:51.392 485 5976 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:51.791 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:52.392 485 5976 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:52.393 485 5976 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:52.393 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:52.394 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:52.394 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:52.451 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:52.452 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:52.452 485 5977 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:52.592 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:53.392 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:53.453 485 5977 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:53.453 485 5977 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:53.453 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:53.453 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:53.454 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:53.512 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:53.514 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:53.514 485 5978 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:54.192 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:54.515 485 5978 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:54.516 485 5978 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:54.516 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:54.516 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:54.516 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:54.564 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:54.565 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:54.566 485 5979 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:54.994 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:55.567 485 5979 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:55.567 485 5979 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:55.567 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:55.567 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:55.567 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:55.619 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:55.622 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:55.623 485 5980 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:55.794 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:56.595 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:56.625 485 5980 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:56.625 485 5980 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:56.625 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:56.625 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:56.625 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:56.680 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:56.682 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:56.683 485 5981 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:57.398 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:57.684 485 5981 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:57.684 485 5981 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:57.684 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:57.684 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:57.685 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:57.747 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:57.749 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:57.749 485 5982 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:58.197 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:58.750 485 5982 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:58.751 485 5982 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:58.753 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:58.753 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:58.754 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:58.823 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:58.826 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:58.826 485 5983 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:10:58.998 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:59.798 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:10:59.827 485 5983 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:10:59.827 485 5983 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:10:59.828 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:10:59.828 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:10:59.828 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:10:59.891 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:10:59.893 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:10:59.893 485 5984 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:00.598 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:00.895 485 5984 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:00.895 485 5984 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:00.896 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:00.896 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:00.896 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:00.953 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:00.954 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:00.954 485 5985 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:01.399 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:01.955 485 5985 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:01.955 485 5985 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:01.956 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:01.956 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:01.956 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:02.004 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:02.005 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:02.006 485 5986 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:02.200 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:03.000 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:03.007 485 5986 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:03.007 485 5986 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:03.008 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:03.008 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:03.008 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:03.043 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:03.043 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:03.044 485 5987 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:03.801 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:04.045 485 5987 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:04.045 485 5987 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:04.046 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:04.046 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:04.046 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:04.093 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:04.096 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:04.098 485 5988 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:04.601 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:05.099 485 5988 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:05.099 485 5988 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:05.100 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:05.100 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:05.101 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:05.147 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:05.150 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:05.151 485 5989 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:05.401 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:06.153 485 5989 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:06.153 485 5989 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:06.154 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:06.154 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:06.154 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:06.202 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:06.205 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:06.208 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:06.210 485 5990 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:07.002 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:07.212 485 5990 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:07.213 485 5990 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:07.214 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:07.215 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:07.216 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:07.270 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:07.272 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:07.273 485 5991 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:07.803 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:08.274 485 5991 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:08.274 485 5991 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:08.275 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:08.275 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:08.275 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:08.326 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:08.329 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:08.330 485 5992 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:08.604 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:09.331 485 5992 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:09.331 485 5992 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:09.332 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:09.333 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:09.333 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:09.391 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:09.391 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:09.392 485 5993 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:09.403 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:10.073 579 696 W HdmiCecController: Failed to send 40:90:00 with errorCode=3 03-08 19:11:10.204 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:10.393 485 5993 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:10.393 485 5993 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:10.393 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:10.393 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:10.393 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:10.440 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:10.441 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:10.442 485 5994 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:11.004 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:11.444 485 5994 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:11.444 485 5994 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:11.444 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:11.444 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:11.445 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:11.507 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:11.509 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:11.509 485 5995 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:11.806 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:12.510 485 5995 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:12.510 485 5995 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:12.511 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:12.511 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:12.511 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:12.547 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:12.550 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:12.552 485 5996 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:12.605 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:13.406 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:13.553 485 5996 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:13.553 485 5996 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:13.553 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:13.553 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:13.553 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:13.609 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:13.611 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:13.613 485 5997 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:14.207 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:14.614 485 5997 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:14.614 485 5997 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:14.614 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:14.614 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:14.614 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:14.687 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:14.689 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:14.691 485 5998 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:15.008 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:15.210 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 39 seconds: 8 03-08 19:11:15.210 2278 2509 I cast_shell: [2278:2509:INFO:v2_ssl_socket.cc(342)] Stop reading on pending closed socket 03-08 19:11:15.473 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type AuthTokenResponse is 0 03-08 19:11:15.534 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(246)] Container sizes for type CloudSetting are (session_info_map: 0), (topic_info_map: 21), (pending_events: 0). 03-08 19:11:15.693 485 5998 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:15.694 485 5998 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:15.695 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:15.696 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:15.697 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:15.741 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:15.745 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:15.747 485 5999 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:15.807 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:15.828 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type LocalDeviceInfo is 0 03-08 19:11:15.829 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:service_base.h(78)] Size of the map for type NetworkInfo is 0 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [2278:2278:INFO:metrics_stat_logger.cc(54)] Metrics stat for the past 60 secs : total=7 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.AppId.In=3 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.In=4 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Request.Namespace.In=3 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.AppId.Out=3 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Namespace.Out=3 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] Cast.Discovery.Mdns.Response.Out=4 03-08 19:11:15.940 2278 2278 I cast_shell: [metrics_stat_logger] CastV2.Transport.Close=1 03-08 19:11:16.610 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:16.748 485 5999 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:16.748 485 5999 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:16.748 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:16.748 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:16.748 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:16.791 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:16.794 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:16.796 485 6000 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:17.410 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:17.797 485 6000 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:17.798 485 6000 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:17.798 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:17.799 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:17.799 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:17.852 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:17.855 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:17.857 485 6001 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:18.213 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:18.858 485 6001 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:18.858 485 6001 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:18.858 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:18.858 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:18.858 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:18.893 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:18.896 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:18.898 485 6002 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:19.012 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:19.812 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:19.899 485 6002 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:19.900 485 6002 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:19.900 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:19.900 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:19.901 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:19.955 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:19.958 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:19.959 485 6003 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:20.613 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:20.961 485 6003 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:20.961 485 6003 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:20.961 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:20.961 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:20.961 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:21.015 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:21.018 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:21.020 485 6004 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:21.414 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:22.021 485 6004 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:22.022 485 6004 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:22.022 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:22.022 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:22.023 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:22.089 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:22.091 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:22.091 485 6005 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:22.215 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:23.016 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:23.094 485 6005 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:23.094 485 6005 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:23.094 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:23.094 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:23.095 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:23.159 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:23.159 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:23.160 485 6006 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:23.817 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:24.161 485 6006 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:24.161 485 6006 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:24.161 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:24.161 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:24.161 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:24.211 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:24.214 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:24.216 485 6007 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:24.616 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:25.217 485 6007 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:25.217 485 6007 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:25.217 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:25.218 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:25.218 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:25.291 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:25.294 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:25.296 485 6008 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:25.417 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:26.217 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:26.297 485 6008 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:26.297 485 6008 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:26.297 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:26.297 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:26.297 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:26.334 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:26.336 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:26.336 485 6009 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:27.018 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:27.338 485 6009 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:27.338 485 6009 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:27.338 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:27.338 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:27.338 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:27.391 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:27.394 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:27.396 485 6010 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:27.820 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:28.397 485 6010 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:28.397 485 6010 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:28.397 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:28.397 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:28.397 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:28.425 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:28.427 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:28.429 485 6011 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:28.623 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:29.423 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:29.431 485 6011 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:29.431 485 6011 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:29.431 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:29.431 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:29.431 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:29.491 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:29.493 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:29.493 485 6012 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:30.225 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:30.495 485 6012 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:30.495 485 6012 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:30.496 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:30.496 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:30.496 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:30.559 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:30.562 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:30.564 485 6013 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:31.024 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:31.565 485 6013 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:31.565 485 6013 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:31.565 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:31.565 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:31.565 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:31.618 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:31.621 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:31.622 485 6014 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:31.825 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:32.624 485 6014 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:32.624 485 6014 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:32.624 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:32.624 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:32.624 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:32.626 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:32.680 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:32.683 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:32.685 485 6015 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:33.427 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:33.686 485 6015 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:33.686 485 6015 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:33.686 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:33.686 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:33.687 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:33.731 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:33.731 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:33.732 485 6016 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:34.227 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:34.733 485 6016 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:34.733 485 6016 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:34.733 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:34.733 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:34.733 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:34.781 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:34.784 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:34.786 485 6017 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:35.028 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:35.788 485 6017 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:35.788 485 6017 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:35.790 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:35.790 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:35.792 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:35.829 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:35.829 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:35.830 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:35.830 485 6018 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:36.629 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:36.831 485 6018 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:36.831 485 6018 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:36.831 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:36.831 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:36.831 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:36.883 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:36.886 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:36.888 485 6019 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:37.429 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:37.889 485 6019 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:37.889 485 6019 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:37.889 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:37.889 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:37.889 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:37.935 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:37.935 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:37.936 485 6020 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:38.229 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:38.937 485 6020 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:38.937 485 6020 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:38.938 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:38.938 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:38.939 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:39.024 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:39.031 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:39.031 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:39.032 485 6021 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:39.832 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:40.033 485 6021 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:40.033 485 6021 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:40.033 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:40.033 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:40.033 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:40.087 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:40.090 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:40.092 485 6022 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:40.632 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:41.094 485 6022 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:41.094 485 6022 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:41.094 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:41.095 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:41.095 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:41.147 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:41.147 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:41.148 485 6023 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:41.432 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:42.149 485 6023 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:42.150 485 6023 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:42.151 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:42.152 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:42.153 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:42.203 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:42.207 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:42.208 485 6024 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:42.232 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:43.033 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:43.209 485 6024 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:43.209 485 6024 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:43.210 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:43.211 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:43.211 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:43.251 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:43.254 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:43.256 485 6025 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:43.833 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:44.257 485 6025 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:44.257 485 6025 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:44.257 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:44.257 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:44.258 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:44.327 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:44.330 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:44.332 485 6026 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:44.633 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:45.333 485 6026 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:45.333 485 6026 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:45.334 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:45.334 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:45.335 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:45.388 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:45.395 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:45.396 485 6027 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:45.433 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:46.234 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:46.397 485 6027 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:46.397 485 6027 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:46.397 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:46.397 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:46.397 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:46.449 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:46.450 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:46.452 485 6030 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:47.034 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:47.453 485 6030 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:47.453 485 6030 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:47.453 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:47.454 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:47.454 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:47.507 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:47.511 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:47.513 485 6036 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:47.834 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:48.514 485 6036 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:48.515 485 6036 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:48.515 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:48.515 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:48.516 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:48.565 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:48.566 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:48.566 485 6037 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:48.635 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:49.436 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:49.567 485 6037 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:49.567 485 6037 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:49.567 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:49.567 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:49.567 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:49.630 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:49.632 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:49.634 485 6038 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:50.235 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:50.635 485 6038 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:50.635 485 6038 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:50.635 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:50.635 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:50.636 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:50.697 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:50.699 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:50.699 485 6039 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:51.041 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:51.700 485 6039 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:51.700 485 6039 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:51.701 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:51.701 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:51.701 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:51.741 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:51.741 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:51.742 485 6042 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:51.838 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:52.641 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:52.743 485 6042 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:52.744 485 6042 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:52.744 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:52.745 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:52.745 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:52.798 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:52.800 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:52.800 485 6043 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:53.441 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:53.801 485 6043 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:53.801 485 6043 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:53.801 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:53.801 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:53.802 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:53.871 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:53.872 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:53.872 485 6045 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:54.241 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:54.873 485 6045 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:54.874 485 6045 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:54.874 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:54.874 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:54.874 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:54.917 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:54.917 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:54.918 485 6049 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:55.041 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:55.256 2278 2508 I cast_shell: [2278:2508:INFO:mdns_app_filter.cc(3283)] MdnsAppFilter: responses sent in 40 seconds: 8 03-08 19:11:55.842 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:55.919 485 6049 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:55.919 485 6049 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:55.919 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:55.919 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:55.919 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:55.961 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:55.961 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:55.962 485 6050 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:56.642 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:56.962 485 6050 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:56.962 485 6050 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:56.962 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:56.962 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:56.962 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:57.020 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:57.023 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:57.024 485 6051 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:57.442 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:58.024 485 6051 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:58.025 485 6051 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:58.025 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:58.026 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:58.026 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:58.077 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:58.079 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:58.080 485 6052 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:58.245 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:59.044 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:11:59.081 485 6052 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:11:59.081 485 6052 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:11:59.081 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:11:59.081 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:11:59.081 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:11:59.119 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:11:59.120 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:11:59.120 485 6054 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:11:59.845 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:00.121 485 6054 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:00.121 485 6054 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:00.122 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:00.122 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:00.122 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:00.163 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:00.163 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:00.164 485 6055 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:12:00.645 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:01.165 485 6055 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:01.165 485 6055 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:01.165 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:01.165 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:01.165 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:01.215 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:01.217 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:01.218 485 6056 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:12:01.446 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:02.218 485 6056 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:02.218 485 6056 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:02.218 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:02.219 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:02.219 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:02.246 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:02.264 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:02.265 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:02.265 485 6057 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:12:03.047 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:03.266 485 6057 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:03.266 485 6057 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:03.267 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:03.267 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:03.267 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:03.304 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:03.308 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:03.310 485 6058 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:12:03.846 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:04.311 485 6058 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:04.311 485 6058 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:04.311 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:04.311 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:04.311 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:04.391 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:04.395 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:04.395 485 6059 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:12:04.648 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:05.397 485 6059 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:05.397 485 6059 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:05.398 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:05.398 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:05.399 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:05.449 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:05.459 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:05.462 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:05.464 485 6060 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:12:06.250 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:06.465 485 6060 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:06.466 485 6060 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:06.466 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:06.466 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:06.467 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:06.536 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:06.540 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:06.542 485 6061 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 03-08 19:12:07.050 344 1180 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service: wole_config_cback, status = 0, opcode=0xfe54 03-08 19:12:07.543 485 6061 W adbd : timed out while waiting for FUNCTIONFS_BIND, trying again 03-08 19:12:07.543 485 6061 I adbd : UsbFfs: connection terminated: monitor thread finished 03-08 19:12:07.543 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 03-08 19:12:07.543 485 485 I adbd : destroying transport UsbFfs 03-08 19:12:07.543 485 485 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection being destroyed 03-08 19:12:07.623 485 502 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 03-08 19:12:07.625 485 502 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 03-08 19:12:07.626 485 6063 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned