Update about the development status of CoreELEC
We had many new and exciting developments happen recently.
In this post we’ll cover the current status of CoreELEC and speak about its future.
These changes are valid until a newer status update is published
Team CoreELEC is proud to present the new default branch CoreELEC 22. It will become our new active development branch. Sources are available at CoreELEC GitHub. Until the first release become available please use nightly builds.
There have been some restructure of the branch compared to CoreELEC-21:
- CoreELEC-22 is based on the new Kodi master “P”
- New Amlogic-ce device Amlogic-no (New Order)
The new device is based on the newest Amlogic kernel version 5.15. It will provide support for devices starting with the Amlogic SoC G12A and G12B (S905X2 and S922X): Development Status - Drop support of Amlogic SoC GXL (S905X)
The GXL family was supported since kernel 3.14 and Kodi Krypton. With the introduction of Amlogic kernel 5.15, devices based on GXL will no longer be officially supported. That means CoreELEC-21, Kodi Omega will be the last official CoreELEC version available for this type of SoC.
In case we will not be able to obtain a dovi.ko module compatible with the 5.15 kernel in time for CoreELEC-22.0, we may restore the Amlogic-ng builds for applicable SoCs only.
Dolby Vision
- CoreELEC is proud to be the first Kodi platform be able to support Dolby Vision dual layer media like BDMV Blu-ray. This includes single file M2TS, TS, MP4, MKV and Blu-ray ISO dual layer as well. Depending on the Amlogic hardware used for playback, the media will be played in Dolby Vision FEL/MEL profile 7 or converted on the fly by lib dovi to profile 8.1 (like MEL).