I have such a problem in CoreElec / Kodi as in the title when starting streaming radio stations I hear a rather loud click / crack? …I don’t know if it’s caused.
Maybe it’s the fault of the CE system / Kodi / my TV - hdmi / stream of radio stations / the .m3u file itself / plugin: PVR IPTV Simple Client and its settings?
I checked on two CE systems: 19.5-Matrix_rc3 (Stable) / Nightly and it’s the same. But strange because some stream does not have this error: Radio ESKA
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-shift="" radio="true" tvg-logo="http://epg.ovh/logo/RADIO_PL_RMF.png" group-title="",RMF FM
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-shift="" radio="true" tvg-logo="http://epg.ovh/logo/RADIO_PL_RMF.png" group-title="",Radio ESKA
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-shift="" radio="true" tvg-logo="http://epg.ovh/logo/Radio.png" group-title="",RMF 2 Pop
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-shift="" radio="true" tvg-logo="http://epg.ovh/logo/Radio.png" group-title="",RMF 3 Pop-Rock
My Box : X96max+ / S905X3