AM6B+ CEC 'TV off' action not respected

in kodi settings, i have:
input > peripherals > CEC adapter > When the TV is switched off: Shutdown

my tv has a hw power button on it. when i press it, CE suspends instead of shutting down. i get the same result when shutting off the tv via its remote control.

i have CEC (simplink) turned on. CEC seems to otherwise work as expected. i can navigate kodi with the tv remote (LG magic remote).

my tv’s LG G4. i’m running the latest CE-ng nightly on am6b+.


How you know it’s suspend and not power off?
They look almost same and must be supported by Android bootloader.

good question. i know this because the startup/wakeup behavior is different (coreelec splash screen vs resume what you were last doing in kodi), and also ssh told me so:

Broadcast message from root@CoreELEC (Thu 2024-12-19 04:42:16 CST):

The system will suspend now!

fwiw, i have CE installed directly on the eMMC (dual boot). i doubt it matters, though.

yes, i have fully power cycled the tv and the am6b+. i have also gone back into the CEC adapter settings in kodi and changed the When the TV is switched off option to suspend, exited the settings, and went back and changed it to shutdown again. no effect.

is that what you meant?