Any reasons to upgrade to 21 over 20?

Is there any real performance benefit to upgrade a rock solid N2+ running 20.x to v21? On my PC Kodi, the difference was quite dramatic but I fear that there is not that type of benefit on the N2+?

Any feedback from those that have upgraded as to any real world performance differences?

No noticable performance difference here (n2&n2+)

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Focus is towards ce-22. All other get EOSD someday…

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So the N2+ will get Kodi 22? For some reason I thought it was topped out at v21.

If kernel supports SOC, there’s no reason to drop N2/N2+
It’s already available as nightly since a while.
Just keep in mind this is new -NO kernel, and Kodi22 is also Pre-Alpha, so WIP and errors are to be expected. Just test & report bugs.

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