Best device for Coreelec in 2024

NO supports S922 w/o FEL otherwise NG w FEL but stops at CE21. So need to choose between FEL or future Kodi versions.

Same for me, just use it instead of a dedicated BD player, and get any new box for future needs.

If so, FEL obviously.

yes, s922x/z can use CE-NO, but thereā€™s no g12 dovi.ko for kernel 5.15. So not only no DV FEL, no DV. Ugoos would have to fight for a 5.15 dovi.ko to be made for the AM6+. I havenā€™t seen any indication they are.

Whether or not CE-NG & CE-NO get DV FEL, the s922x/z still loses DV support with CE-NG. Doppingkoala has been working on getting TV-led DV on non DV licensed SOCs. The s922x/z would have some DV playback with that. Considering playing DV on an non-licensed DV SOC is a legal grey area, I wouldnā€™t expect this to be officially incorporated into CE.

yes exactly

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I know itā€™s best to keep up with current development. But does Kodi 22 bring something special to the table that one would be missing out on?

probably not.

I donā€™t know, and I think itā€™s perfectly fine to get an s922x/z based device and use it for what it can do now on CE21, until the device dies.

But people should know what they are buying so that in 6-12months when CE-NG reaches its end, there isnā€™t an angry mob of AM6+ owners cursing the CE team because they feel short-changed.

Pretty sad scenarioā€¦ :frowning:

If the interest was actually there and someone was willing to put the effort in, I do think almost the entirety of that work could actually be done in Kodi itself. All that CE, or even other devices, would then need to do is send the right vsif - which is already entirely in the open source code anyway.

edit: the bulk of the work is just packetizing the DV data from the SEI data. This is already in the open source amlogic code as wellā€¦


What I am missing is this. What would stop Kodi 22 to be installed on CE21?
This is a scenario which, I freely admit, I was completely unaware/unprepared for. You can install Kodi on years and years old Android or Windows installations.
Is kernel needed for any specific reason for Kodi 22?

Or itā€™s just a matter of not wanting to support too many versions? Because with AM6+ we have a box thatā€™s capable of doing pretty much everything that was requested for the past 5+ years and to be forced to stay with Kodi 21 isā€¦ tough to digest.

Disclaimer: I am fully aware that everything here is voluntary work, freely donated to the community. I am and will remain grateful for that, as Iā€™ve always been in my almost 20 years with Kodi.

The great ā€œdividerā€ has been the switch to Python 3, some years ago. After that, more or less things should be stable for a while.
What one could expect is TV Shows versions, maybe. But I wouldnā€™t hold my breath, considering the complete lack of replies to my question, months ago [New Feature] Movie version

Yeah itā€™s not that itā€™s not possible to keep developing CE-NG, itā€™s that there are 3 CE build lines, supporting over 50 (?) devices all being primarily maintained by ~2-3 people. At some point you have to stop supporting the old so that you have time for the new.


Lack of time to support all linux kernel versions and kodi versions and *** versions.
Like one guy told me: ā€œtechnically everything is possibleā€ :slight_smile:

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I get that. My point of view is basically questioning the opportunity to support newer devices when they offer less features. Iā€™m lucky enough to be able not to consider the money for these boxes an unsurmountable hurdle. But if thereā€™s no box to buy that offers everything AM6b+ offers currentlyā€¦ then it becomes kinda counterintuitive.

Edit: consumers should vote with their wallet. If companies come out with new products that offer less than old productsā€¦ they should remain on shelves (virtual or not).

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Agreed, my N2 still does all I need it to do in a non DV setup. I donā€™t see why it will stop anytime soon. Same goes for the AM6+. But bring eol is always a bummer.

Its not the end of the world

Its no more/nightly/tweaks/fixes/changes/adding support for different wifi chip assembly/etcā€¦

That will not be supported

It will still work for years!!

You can still test/use CoreELEC 9.2.8

The future is 5.4.210 and 5.15.119

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I can completely understand why CoreELEC would drop support for the -ng branch eventually. However, I still think that the Ugoos AM6B+ will remain the gold standard for a long time. It basically supports everything and enough users have converged around this device to squeeze the maximum performance out of it.

I own an N2+, but have had it for like 5 years. I think Iā€™m pretty happy CoreELEC supported that hardware for 5 years so I wonā€™t be bummed out. As freddy mentioned even if we are not on the latest CoreELEC version , you should get say another 2 years out of it at the least, so you have a device that will run for 7 years potentially. thatā€™s a good investment.

that SOC is pretty much the same as my N2+. Iā€™ve been using my x86 laptop and used to having it snappy. went to look at my N2+ and itā€™s painful to navigate addons, just doesnā€™t have that snappiness. Itā€™s a shame CoreELEC doesnā€™t have access to blistering hardware. I would pay $200 for such a hardware that will give me another 5 years of use.
also while every other semiconductor devices are getting faster , itā€™s not fair we donā€™t get the same performance boosts.


Can you try a new DTB file for Odroid N2+.

Users have reported up to 25% improvement in speed/snappiness.

Odroid N2 DTB