Blank screen with some video content

Kodi already has its own default file, so you can delete it (or just rename it to something else) and restart Kodi.

Thanks. Sadly, that did not work either. I’ll try a full factory reset and the latest nightly and see how I go.

I seem to be going around in circles. Both my N2 and C2 do not like my STR-DN1060 at all and give me a blank screen when playing the Elysium, SW9 and other trailers. If I connect the HDMI direct to the ARC input of the TV, the video now plays in 4k however the audio is stuttering.

I’ve tried every combination of screen settings in the AVR’s menu without success. Anything else I can try?

You can limit the color depth to 8 bit or force 4:2:2 output in System/CoreELEC settings.
These settings are available in nightlies only.

Thanks. For now I rolled back to LE 9.0.2 and everything is working fine. I’ll play around with my N2 as a separate issue and won’t screw with my main system so I don’t start walking with a limp! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I figured out the my Sony STR-DN1060 does not pass HDR with no upgrade in site and this seems to be a big part of the problem, at least with CE. I still don’t know why my C2 plays the Elysium and other 4k trailers on LE but not CE but at least I know why the HDR clips are not switching.

And yes, I have confirmed that 4:2:2 output settings does in fact work (thanks) when the Odroid is connected through my AVR but for now, I think the best best is to just keep my Odroid connected direct to the TV and use ARC for the sound to the AVR, at least until I can upgrade to the STR-DN1080. :crazy_face:

The C2 doesn’t support HDR, only 4K, that is why it works.

The Elysium trailer and three others that cause the blank/black screen issue are not HDR.
