I am unsure on how to test via fresh boot of CE but willing to learn.
I unplugged the usb-stick so I could copy the -2 version.
I used a powercycle to boot to Android first, because I forgot to replug the usb…
Having reinserted the usb stick I initiated (via reboot.apk) a normal reboot to CE. Ethernet (still) functional.
Reboot within CE to CE again showed ethernet functional.
Full shutdown within CE and (forced) powercycle booting back to CE, also showed ethernet functional.
Excuse me in case I lack some fundementals here but hope it helps.
I’ve tested the nokia 8010 once again. Ethernet only works if Android was booted previously.
The -2 dtb is in root (named dtb.img, checked CRC). If I unplug the powercord and my usb-drives (because usb is backpowering) there is the need to boot to Android to get ethernet. (Android SW Version: v12.8.5221 ; Android Kernel Version: 5.4.242-ab5221)
As you use a similar setup, it is strange you need to boot to Android first.
What ecosystem do you use for router (apple/ubiquity/standard)?
Have your tried (force) assigning the ip to the mac-address in your router?
Using ipv6?
As it works now for me.
What is the best approach, before Mr-Niceplay shares dmesg, to ensure I do not rely on reboot via Android.
Can you confirm that whatever boot I did in the past, having booted to coreElec, shutting down, powercycle, booting to CoreElec is enough to validate if ethernet works?
Also, do you need me to use the “sc2_s905x4_sei_smb_280.dtb” in your latest shared file, by coping/renaming it to usb-root and overwrite excisting dtb.img?
I specificly asked as earlier the workaround was using the “sc2_s905x4_4g_1gbit.dtb”.
As you can read in my dmesg, I already changed back to “s905x4_sei_smb_280” but may be overlooked by Mr-Niceplay.
As not to delay I will extract the dtb again from the latest image, replace the current and use the .tar to update.