I have never gotten the ''long press" to work with CEC - when I hold down the button, it is registered by my TV as multiple presses.
To successfully long press on my LG G2, I have to use the UR-01 remote that came natively with the Am6b+, and only then does it work.
Is there anything to make long press work with CEC?
5 December 2024 15:30
Same for me (but with a Sony A95L), very annoying and the only reason why I keep the UR-01 around.
Would be great to have a solution!
6 December 2024 05:42
I mapped an another key to open menu via cec to get around this but would like to know if using long press is possible as well
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Consider using the Kodi remote app for your phone on the occasions you need long press. Not idea I know, but I find it works on the occasions I need it. Otherwise I use the TV remote with CEC for everything else.
Some buttons do work with CEC and long press, like the back button. You might be able to map it to the context menu instead.
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