On the CoreELEC web page the Kinhank G1 as mention as a supported device.
Nevertheless ecemmc says
Starting CoreELEC eMMC installation tool...
System is not supported: sc2_s905x4_kinhank_g1!
I know that i can override this with -x,and then it says:
System is not supported: sc2_s905x4_kinhank_g1!
There is NO official support by Team CoreELEC
if you continue to run this tool!
Continue? [y]
I believe this isn’t right. I suggest to either remove Kinhank G1 from the list of supported devices, or to provide also the full support in and around ceemmc.
First you have to understand that I don’t complain, rather that I made a suggestion.
Second, In all the posts and all the documentation I have read so far there wasn’t made a distinction between CE support and ceemmc support (as CEemmc is part of CE it seems a bit unintuitive).
If it is so, fine with me, even if it is irritating and not intuitive for people new to CE.
CE support is not ceemmc support.
The story is very old, there was the tool ‘installtointernal’ and many users bricked their box.
The newer tool ist cemmc, use it at Your own risk.
It will work in most cases, but it isn´t supported