Ceemmc dual. CE 19.1 does not start on GT-King

After installing Beelink Gt-King in dual mode in internal memory, CE 19.1 does not boot with NAND. I am asking for help and tips to solve the problem.

I translated your post and moved it to the right location. This is an English only forum. Please use google translator if you have to but post only in English. Thank you

Sorry and thanks to Vasco for pointing out.

When you are in Android there is an option in Shutdown menu to boot other system. Try to select it.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the original beelink remote. I am using the “reboot to CoreELEC” APK switch and I hope it performs the same function as the beelink remote in toggling system selection.I’m sure the CE has installed in the NAND memory, but for some reason won’t boot.

If the app doesn’t boot CE from internal install then something is wrong. Try to boot from uSD card again and install again.

I have reinstalled the CE to NAND several times in DUAL mode and the situation repeats itself. CE from internal memory does not start even though it is installed.

Can you remove the installation and install again? And copy the output from terminal so we can see if there is some error. Please COPY text and not make screenshot of the terminal window.

Here you are:

#                  CoreELEC                  #
#            https://coreelec.org            #

CoreELEC (official): 19.2-Matrix_nightly_20210606 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ # ceemmc

Starting CoreELEC eMMC installation tool...

eMMC size: 0x000ea0000000 [64GB]

Existing CoreELEC dual boot installation found on eMMC

Migrate CoreELEC dual boot to single boot installation
  Use CoreELEC data from
    [1] current used SD or USB device
    [2] the existing data on eMMC
    [3] existing backup on current used SD or USB device

Renew current CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC
  Use CoreELEC data from
    [4] current used SD or USB device
    [5] existing backup on current used SD or USB device

[6] Make a backup of current CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC to current used SD or USB device
[7] Remove current CoreELEC dual boot installation on eMMC

Please choose one option? [1/2/3/4/5/6/7]: 7

ALL existing CoreELEC data on eMMC will be lost!
Press enter to abort!
Continue? [y]: y
e2fsck 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)

resize2fs 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)


CoreELEC dual boot installation got removed from eMMC!

CoreELEC:~ # y
-sh: y: not found
CoreELEC:~ # ceemmc

Starting CoreELEC eMMC installation tool...

eMMC size: 0x000ea0000000 [64GB]

No CoreELEC installation found on eMMC

Install in dual boot mode, CoreELEC and Android on eMMC
  Use CoreELEC data from
    [1] current used SD or USB device
    [2] existing backup on current used SD or USB device

Install in single boot mode, only CoreELEC on eMMC
  Use CoreELEC data from
    [3] current used SD or USB device
    [4] existing backup on current used SD or USB device

Please choose one option? [1/2/3/4]: 1

Free space of 'partition CE_FLASH': 512MB
Free space of 'partition CE_STORAGE': 51942MB

Used space of '/flash': 229MB
Used space of '/storage': 479MB

There is enough free space on eMMC for installation!

Install CoreELEC on eMMC.
Continue? [y]: y
e2fsck 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)

resize2fs 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)

Starting to format the new 'CE_FLASH' partition...
mkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)
Stopping Kodi before start of copy process!

Starting copying of data to the eMMC!
Please do NOT interrupt this progress till it's finished!

Copy all data from '/flash' to '/media/CE_FLASH'
        229.43M 100%   27.37MB/s    0:00:07 (xfr#66, to-chk=0/69)

Synchronize data on disk with memory, please wait...
Copy all data from '/storage' to '/media/CE_STORAGE/coreelec_storage'
        479.65M  99%   18.64MB/s    0:00:24 (xfr#15565, to-chk=0/18364)

Synchronize data on disk with memory, please wait...
Start Kodi again to have a user interface!


You can now power off the device, remove the used boot media (SD or USB) and
power on again to boot the device from eMMC!

CoreELEC:~ #

instead of booting from CE, the device goes to Android Recovery

Beelink GTK do have a modified bootloader. I think you will need to boot to Android and use the power menu to boot into CE. Same the other way from CE power menu to Android.

When you have Android recovery you did something wrong. Flash again the latest Android image to device and boot once into Android to confirm it working again. Afterwards try to boot from uSD or USB and install it again.

unfortunately, holding the power button and turning on the system switch turns on Android Recovery

So which device exactly you have? I just tried on GT-King with wifi 6 (plastic black box) and have no issues. It just booted from internal memory after uSD card was removed.
But after using ceemmc I used reboot so it boot once more from uSD card (I made mistake and rebooted instead of shut down). But I think this has no impact on the operation.

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This is probably GT-King with wifi 5. Its sn: SB9X …

Maybe you could reinstall Android on it and start everything from fresh.

i will try

Welcome back. I did according to your recommendation. I have reinstalled the Android system. I ran it several times and then launched it from a USB stick and CE power menu switch system. After booting, I installed in DUAL CE 19.2 nightly mode. Once the CE system was installed I pulled out the USB drive and started the CE from the NAND memory. I started CE NAND again with no problem. When I used the CE menu, Reboot This Android device started up in Android. Reboot, reboot, starts up to Android. Only the complete Android system and inclusive of the device boots to Android. Using the Switch System power menu or rebooting to Android from an APK causes the device to reboot into Android Recovery. The same commands will work when I insert a CE disk into the USB port. Only the restart function from the CE menu to USB and removing the USB CE disk causes the boot to CE Nand. This is what it looks like with GT-King wifi5 firmware 916wol.

Can you post a link to the firmware?



After a few reboots, the device started booting from Android OS to CE Nand using the Reboot power menu. Problem solved. Thank you for all your help.

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