Change VC-1 default setting for S922X

It seems that the VC-1 setting has been around for a few weeks and caused no regressions. Therefore, can the default setting for the s922X be changed to Exclude 24p because the hardware decoding is broken on the S922X? It doesn’t make sense to ask every user to change this setting manual.


Are you able to explain where this setting is? Is it on CoreELEC-21 or only the nightly builds?

In the nightlies under player settings.

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Agreed on VC-1 setting update. Exclude 24p should be new default. This and a few other settings I think should have updated default values in CoreElec for best new user experience:

Some others:

  1. Setting the “Adaptive” readfactor for cache, since that is the recommended setting in Kodi 21 to begin with from the description itself. Default is 4x.

  2. Cache setting should be updated to “buffer everything” from the get go. No reason to ignore certain methods. Everything from HTTPS/SMB/NFS/and local should be buffered for most robust handling

  3. Cache size should be updated too. Default is set to 20MB which is very low. There are no devices that CoreElec runs with that small a memory. Having too small of a cache size gives the “Insufficient Speed” warning during playback of high bitrate 4K. This should be bumped up to 64MB instead. Just big enough to prevent that error.

  4. Checking the “Disable Noise Reduction”. The default Kodi setting should not be to modify the picture. This should be user selection to uncheck rather than the default behavior where video content starts modified with DNR running by default.


I originally decided on the default settings to always to mimic behavior prior to the enhancement because while I can account that the S922X-J SoC can reasonably handle software VC-1 decoding, the project itself can also run on MANY different models–some older, or perhaps with SoCs that are lower performance tiers, so couldn’t account if the software decoding works equally well there.