Change wireless network mode

Is it possible to change the wireless network mode on the network adapter, using CoreELEC?

I’m using an H96 Max X3 android box and the adapter uses 802.11ac by default. But I noticed that my pc gets a more stable connection with 802.11n, so I would like to try the same with CoreELEC.

Edit: I installed the network tools addon and connected through ssh to do the “iwlist modu” command, which returns “unknown modulation information”

So I guess I’m stuck with 802.11ac mode?

Maybe command iw or iwconfig could help you.

Thanks for replying.

I checked the documentation for iwconfig, and I see that:

“The list of available modulations depend on the card/driver and can be displayed using iwlist modulation . Note that some card/driver may not be able to select each modulation listed independently, some may come as a group. You may also set this parameter to auto let the card/driver do its best.”

So if iwlist returns unknown modulation, I’m not sure what parameter to use with “iwconfig modu”, to be sure it will be supported on my device.

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