Comskip not working

Hi all,
I have recently rejigged my setup and what worked for Comskip for me on my old setup has now stopped working on my new setup.

My TVheadend server runs on my N2 Coreelec player.
I have a NAS where TVH stores my recordings, but the path to the recordings folder is mounted at boot on my N2 as a NFS share at /storage/Recordings/
So far so good.
I have Comskip setup in my Tvheadend server with an .ini file located at
Comskip works fine if I run it via SSH command line and specify the exact path to the input file and it leaves the .txt file in the recording subsfoler as expected - so far so good.

Command that works:

comskip --ini=/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/comskip/comskip.ini /storage/Recordings/Name of recording folder/name of recording.ts

However when I then transfer the commend to TVH post processing and substitute “%f” for the direct path it always fails to run and generate the .txt file. Post processing command which fails;

comskip --ini=/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/comskip/comskip.ini “%f”

Anyone got any ideas what might be failing.


Might be a ownership problem. Does tvheadend have authority to run comskip from that directory.

I am trying using an intermediary comskip script which resides in the TVHeadend folder, initial tests seem to indicate that the script avoids the issue I was having with calling the comskip program directly. I also set the “expert” level setting of replacing whitespaces with “-” which I believe may also be an issue ( all my other setups had underscores as standard.

For anyone interested this is the script that resolved my problem. It needs placing in the TVH addon folder of Userdata and you need to modify it to point to your comskip program, its .ini file and where you want your log files stored.

# This is a postprocessor script to run comskip on a recording and optionally keep a logfile
# TVHeadend config: Configuration -> Recording -> Select profile -> Add the following in setting "Post-processor command": /home/USER/PATH/ "%f"
# Get comskip for linux from:

# Comskip and script paths

# Keep logs

# Input parameter
INPUTVIDEO="$1"  # Full path to recording, i.e. /home/hts/recordings/News.ts

if [ "$POSTSCRIPTLOGGING" = true ] ; then

echo "***** STARTED:  `/bin/date`"                              >  $POSTLOGFILE
echo "***** USER:     `/usr/bin/whoami`"                        >> $POSTLOGFILE
echo "***** INPUT:    $INPUTVIDEO"                              >> $POSTLOGFILE
echo "***** FINISHED: `/bin/date`"                              >> $POSTLOGFILE


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