CoreELEC 19.5-Matrix_rc1 Discussion

Dolby Vision cannot be mapped to SDR.
HDR10+ not mapping is a bug we’ll look into.

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Thank you for your answer.
I just did a test on my A95X S905X3 box, Hdr10+ is well mapped on my Tv Sdr. With my box S905x2 it does not work

Are both of them using the same CE version?

Since 19.4 rc1 release have i the problem with the hdmi cec stop working.
(see: CoreELEC 19.4-Matrix Discussion - #52 by Portisch)
Since that all releases make the same thing i tried the nightly release as Portisch wrote, but its the same. Kaanic wrote, he has the same bug. is there really no solution for this bug? only the 19.3 works perfect. i try to make another log, but got no good solution for the first log…

please help


Yes Matrix 19.4 on both box

got the log: 84.45 MB file on MEGA

I seem to recall previous discussions about HDR to SDR mapping, one of which indicated that the Odroid C4 (S905X3) did a better job than the N2+, for reasons unknown.

I haven’t noticed any specific issues on my X95 Max (S905X2), although no matter how good it may get, a good 1080p is still far superior to a 4K HDR on an SDR TV.

For the most part it seems not really worth it right now, unless you are stuck only having a 4K HDR file/stream.

I found a bug in 19.5rc1 concerning PVR recordings.
If a recording in SD is being watched through the PVR recording section and user starts a HD recording while watching the SD recording, image freezes, quickly followed by a kodi restart.
Ths issue started in 19.5rc1 and is not present in 19.3/4.

Cannot reproduce logs atm, but will later.

Works here with DVBViewer PVR cleint without issue: HD → SD → HD, live or recordings.
Maybe you try on other platform if the same issue happen. Maybe it’s your addon to be used.

Thanks for your response. I am using TVMosaic and am planning to test with TVHeadend.

Edit: I have been able to test under Windows, Kodi 19.4 with TVMosaic 19.0.1 and the issue does not occur. Only in CE19.5RC1. Will test TVH next and switch if neccesary, since TVM is on life support.

Still, the issue only occurs after updating from CE19.3/4.

Is there any solution to this Bluetooth problem? This can be heard.

I’ve noticed something similar, but using hdhomerun pvr add-on.

I’ll have a play if I can narrow it down.


Ok, thanks. So apparently not limited to one client…

The odroid n2 image for 19.5rc1 won’t boot on me (tried update from kodi and flash of image on ssd), petitboot shows the same on trying to boot:
kexec: invalid 2nd device tree

I have an odroid n2 with SSD (60G) connected via USB. As flashing the 19.4 image means a bootable system again (and automatic upgrade resulted in the error again until I disconnected ethernet and change the automatic upgrade setting to manual) it seems to me this is an issue with the image itself, or my setup in combination with a change in the image.

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Maybe you have too old Petitboot?

Petitboot (PB) version 2022-03-17 or better is required.


petitboot 2020something, so I’ll have to update, thank you!

Mecool K1 Pro.

I tried to update from nightly 202203?? to 19.5rc1. I found sound is broken for all playback (at least videos and PVR) and video also stops after several seconds (Kodi still allows me to quit playback). After some diggling I found that I can’t change Audio output device. It is forced to PULSE.

Then I downgraded to latest nigtly and jumped version by version back down to 20220416 which is OK. This version seems to be last which allows me to use Alsa.

Did something related to audio changed between 20220416 and 20220421?

I’ll update back to 19.5RC1 to provide logs in case it would be useful to solve this issue.

Tried with pvr.nextpvr and had no issue with the SD playback when a recording started. I know that the addon doesn’t request backend updates during playback to avoid possible toast messages, but you didn’t post logs to compare.

This version broke booting from EMMC for me. In the prior versions, it would boot to EMMC, there was a 5 second wait in the EMMC wait then it would autoboot into Coreelec. Now it boots into the EMMC menu and just stays there. I’ve had no problems until this version and had to disable EMMC on my N2 entirely because otherwise I couldn’t get past the boot menu with this version.

The issue is not with SD when a recording starts.
It occurs when an SD recording is played when selecting an HD recording and is pretty consistent. Will try and post log today.
I assume that a video playback change in .5rc1 causes this, saw there were a few.