CoreELEC 20.0-Nexus_alpha3 Discussion

Thanks, but they are all 19.5’s I need 20.0

Use the link at the bottom for the nightly web site

Thanks, but the nightly site only has the current and the one before, currently 7th Oct and 6th Oct, both of which I already have. I need an older Nexus nightly.

You need to update you ssh_config file. You have clearly set some environment variables that are passed to ssh. Drop them and it will work.

             Specifies what variables from the local environ(7) should
             be sent to the server.  The server must also support it,
             and the server must be configured to accept these
             environment variables.  Note that the TERM environment
             variable is always sent whenever a pseudo-terminal is
             requested as it is required by the protocol.  Refer to
             AcceptEnv in sshd_config(5) for how to configure the
             server.  Variables are specified by name, which may contain
             wildcard characters.  Multiple environment variables may be
             separated by whitespace or spread across multiple SendEnv

             See PATTERNS for more information on patterns.

             It is possible to clear previously set SendEnv variable
             names by prefixing patterns with -.  The default is not to
             send any environment variables.

Where do I find the ssh_config file?

I wouldn’t even know how to set ssh enviroment variables :frowning:

SSH worked perfectly until I updated to 20221006 and 20221007, now I get a warning about setlocale and no conection.

There is a global one and a user one. In Linux it’s in ~/.ssh/config

the ~/.ssh directory is empty so nothing has been set in there.

There shzbe a global one in /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Nope, /etc/ssh/ssh_config is just the default sample config file with everything commented out.

As I said SSH worked fine until I updated to 20221006 / 20221007. That’s why I asked for an older nightly to roll back to for testing.

Just try to make a session from another client?
Not software client only, another hw client at all.

There is no ce-20 archive, so only the last two nightlies are available. We checked it and it works like before, with 06 and 07.

As I said before I’ve tried from a PC running Windows 11 and a MacBook running OSX, both of which connected perfectly fine before the 20221006 update.

That maybe so for you, but doesn’t change the fact that for me it now fails to connect.

I’ll just end up doing a fresh install and see if that fixes the issue. Thanks anyway.

Not saying it’s impossible. But currently don’t see something changed. In any case what you see is not an error. Just a notice. I have seen it before on other distributions (Ubuntu). It happens when the LC is not supported.

Testing on Tanix TX5 Plus Deluxe S905 X3 4/64

Finally got it
Gave up on Samba
spent more time in windows 10 / allow features in network…etc…

Downloaded latest nightly
placed in Update Folder
All is good

Now on to HK1 X4 and New Era

Happy Testing

For feedback purposes I am finding the IPTV streaming on Nexus is very poor with frequent buffering despite a good gigabit Ethernet connection and fast internet service. All other streaming seems to be fine on Nexus just the IPTV problem that is unique to Nexus.

IPTV streaming runs as smooth as silk on a Matrix build using the same hardware and same IPTV service so it is a problem with Nexus I feel.

I am using the latest nightly build too on both Matrix and Nexus and run from Ultra fast Sandisk 120 MBS SD cards one for Nexus, and one for Matrix which is my main TV viewing source here.

@roidy I see this

identity file C:\\Users\\roidy/.ssh/id_rsa type -1

and that is not typical. Are you using a private certs? If so maybe they are obsolete.

Nope, definitely not using private certs.

I do not use iptv
Everything else is stable here on Tanix Box
My other 2 boxes Hk1x4 and a95xf4 s905x4
Using latest Matrix
Excellent there as well

Thinking about moving to nexus ng with the S905X4 boxes.

Maybe latest update from 10/ 14 last nite will fix iptv for you?

I never write to embedded
Use sd card or usb drive 32 gigs

Happy Testing

Thanks freddy. Yes now using latest nightly and the IPTV now streams normally again in Nexus. In fact on my new Ugoos X4 Pro box Nexus is now working very nicely thanks.

I have a question as to the OTA updates which download the .tar file and installs on reboot of course as normal. When such updates take place it certainly does not update the dtb.img file on the Coreelec SD card root, as it cannot of course know which dtb you had used from the previous Device Tree folder. It seems you have to manually get the latest new and correct dtb file from the updated Device Tree folder and replace the dtb.img file accordingly AND it seems also necessary to have to delete the dtb.xml file too, which seems to get recreated on reboot and uses the whatever is the current dtb.img file information. Please can one of the developers, or anyone who knows the answer, confirm if I am correct or not on this point ??

This is surely important as if I am correct, as I suspect, then the OTA updates do not automatically update any new updated dtb data.

All data on COREELEC partition is updated, except config.ini