CoreELEC 20.4-Nexus Amlogic-ne Discussion


Please use this thread for general CoreELEC 20.4-Nexus Amlogic-ne discussion

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Good day,

I’ve been trying this version and the 20.3 too on my Khadas Vim4 with the latest youtube beta. 4K works well, but as soon as I try to play HDR videos, it just keeps loading forever until it crashes.

The only way to keep playing youtube HDR videos is to stay on 20.2

Anyone has the same problem? The only addons that updated are Inputstream adaptive and HEIF image decoder.


Mecool Ki pro, dvb working fine. Great work, gentleman’s :+1:

A post was merged into an existing topic: CoreELEC 20.4-Nexus Amlogic-ng Discussion

Closed, continue here: CoreELEC 20.5-Nexus Amlogic-ne Discussion