CoreELEC 8.95.2 release

CoreELEC 8.95.2

CoreELEC 8.95.2 is now available and can be downloaded from our GitHub page here.



  • fixed purple screen issue with RGB colour space

Where is “Libre elec DRIVERS” addon (crazycat no more available)?

Still there, Addons -> Program Addons -> LibreELEC Module Drivers.

After the update on one of two boxes (the one where I have a tuner USB-connected) “Addons -> Program Addons -> LibreELEC Module Drivers” is no more present, on the other box I can find it but starting it the message “no driver available” pops-up.

That strange. I literally updated 2 hours ago and I do have it visible and it shows all 3 options default, crazycat and hauppauge. I also have a usb connected tuner in mine. What boxes do you have?

Vorke Z1 (S912): I found what described because the tuner was not recognized

I have just done a fresh install, I can’t see the drivers, I have a similar problem with the latest update of Libreelec on my nuc

I also tried to reinstall version 8.95.2 (putting the “.tar” file in the “Update” folder to avoid a clean install that would require everything to be set-up from scratch) but the problem persist.

I will fix this later tonight and reissue an update.

Releases have been reuploaded, redownload and apply the update again if you do not see crazycat/hauppauge drivers.

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Thankyou a lot

Thanks for this

Since September, this addon is absent in the nightly builds too

Hello, I’m using an add-on that requires inputstream adaptive but it says it’s not available in this install. What can I do? Any previous build with inputstream included? Thank you

It is available, but not installed by default.
You should manually install it from the CoreELEC addon repository.

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Thx, I already tried to look in the repository but it was showing only the repository add-on. I solved installing the Netflix add-on that probably installed some packages required to show up also the other categories.

You need to update the CoreELEC repository and then refresh addon’s after doing so as we have moved the addon’s to a new URL, you will be able to use the CE repo again then.

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I’m sorry to bother and ask for something you should not.

Will there soon be a version based on kodi 18 beta 3?

Sure, but give the devs some time to test everything and squeeze all bugs out of this release before calling it stable.
If you want to try it, Kodi 18 Beta 3 is already included in the nightlies since version 20181003.