CoreElec on Mecool KM2 Plus Deluxe

Hello everyone,
Do you think the Mecool KM2 Plus Deluxe can run CoreElec?

And with Dolby Vision?

I think Portisch answered many times…

I can add that in the past Mecool decided not to support CoreELEC and as everyone knows typically the only stuff needed is samples and some support in code. So, as a major brand, Mecool legitimately decided to do that and also legitimately we don’t really care that much about their stuff.


If it’s okay, shortly I will be posting some instructions for booting CoreElec on Skyworth YYC S905X4 devices (and related HP44H Skyworth devices) which include:

Mecool KM2 Plus
Mecool KM2 Plus Deluxe

and others.

The primary purpose of the instructions will be to explain a workaround for the “lack of physical reset button” issue. Some further development may be needed in order to achieve full functionality.

Without reset button, you can use, remote adb shell app from phone, with reboot update command, or reboot to CoreElec app from here in the forum. But as vasco wrote no support here to mecool boxes…

That’s not the case specifically for Skyworth YYC devices, and most other Skyworth devices.

That’s why I asked “If it’s okay”.

Mecool really has nothing at all to do with these Skyworth devices, other than branding and selling them, of course. But if vasco doesn’t want the instructions posted, I won’t post them.

I think I’ll just post the instructions on xdaforum instead. Anyone who wants to try CE on a Skyworth YYC device can follow along there.

You can post the instructions, no problem. We only support officially a few devices but all are welcome here. We just can’t provide specific support to some devices sometimes

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i’m really intrested with that .where is the link😬

Since there wasn’t much interest expressed in running CE on this device, I deprioritized the work on the instructions. I will finish the instructions shortly.

I have a boxy where it’s not possible to boot CE because of no support if third party system.

Is your boxy device still on the original factory shipping version of the firmware? This version:

When I checked for an ota update on the Boxy device, there was none available.
Edit: Checked for an update on the Boxy device again, and there is an ota update to the following version:


The nearly identical (except for the -J SoC) KM2 Plus has an ota update to version:

All that is missing on the Boxy is an env value string for udisk/sd booting. It is null as from the factory.

I started the device only once, not sure about the version.

It does not have the u-boot cmds to boot from external like USB or uSD.
And the device is “locked” down to not be able to modify the environment by Android.

I think like for Tencent Aurora 5X we did dump the evn.bin from /dev/block/env, modified the environment to be able to boot CE and flashed it back on eMMC. But this device do have a UART console from where such cmds are possible to execute.

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