Correct hardware connection and settings

Hi to all of you.

My setup contains of:

Sony 65 KD-65XH9505 (supports video: HDR10, HLG, Dobly Vision and audio: DTS Digital surround, Dolby Audio, Dolby Atmos),

Yamaha soundbar YAS-209 with subwoofer 2.1 channel system (supports 4K pass-through (50 / 60 Hz YCbCr=4:4:4, HDR10, HLG and HDCP2.3, audio Dolby Digital, DTS)

and Beelink GT King with latest nightly Amlogic-ng build (CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.1-Omega_nightly_20240812-Generic.img.gz) with file dovi.ko file copied to configuration folder.
I don’t have Dobly Vision otions in settings (as I read it is becouse Gt King has S922x processor but shouldn’t I get at least Tv led option because tv supports Dolby Vision?)

Yamaha is connected to Tv’s eArc Hdmi port and Gt King is connected to Tv’s Hdmi4 port.

I just want to get best from audio and video so I need to know are my sttings correct.

On Tv I have enabled pass-through and all of my Hdmi ports are in enhanced mode.

In correelec I’ve selected:
Audio Output Device: alsa aml-augesound, hdmi multi ch pcm;
2.1 channel system in audio;
output confi: best match;
maintain orig. volume on downmix is on;
stereo upmix is off;
enabled hdmi pass-through for all formats.
Disable noise reduction Is on

I’m not so technical in this stuff so if someone could help and see are my settings ok and have I connected everything right (all hdmi cables I use are high quality and were quite expensive).


Beelink GT King has S922X => no DV license
Beelink GT King Pro has S922X-H => DV license
Therefore CE behavior is as expected…

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Thx for quick response. Could you please tell me are my other settings (audio) and connections ok between hardware ok?

Audio hardware is the bottleneck

Do you think that about yamaha soundbar? If yes, I know that but this is what I got currently. I just want to maximize it, so don’t know is it better connecting gt king directly to tv or to soundbar, but then I’m afraid I will lose video quality or not?

Use eArc for better compatibility between video and audio.
You don´t lose video quality if You connect Your GT King box to Your soundbar, it´s only better for video/audio compatibility.

I use eArc in my bedroom with a cheap soundbar.
In my living room my N2+ and other devices are connectet to my AVR - AVR → TV

Don’t worry too much.
Consider investing in a better sound system

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But no FEL on this device right?

As it’s licensed S922, it may work. But unknown until someone tries…

The A311D quick reference guide (p74) explains the licensing of each suffix.

A311D -
A311D -B Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus
A311D -H Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS,
A311D -J Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Vision
A311D -K Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS, Dolby Vision

Yes, it is the -H variant, so should only support Dolby Audio
But there were contradicting infos in their forum, saying DV was working in early firmware. So maybe chance with right blob to get it still running under CE.

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S922X-J has DTS though right? Unless that is not present in Android, and only made possible in CE

It looks like Beelink made an error in their initial specs list, including DV. It was then reposted by others sites, but nobody actually tested and verified that. Including a DV option in an early version of the firmware only seems to have made the confusion worse.

The only person I see that actually tested DV on the GT King Pro is this review, saying 'played smooth. Then that reviewer later says he doesn’t have a DV capable TV. And eventually he confirms no DV output.

@anon62335196 it doesn’t include hardware decoding for DTS (page 4 of the quick reference guide), but DTS passthrough works.

You wrote that the Beelink GT King Pro has S922X-H supports DV, is this correct?

-H is Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS => Audio formats, not Dolby Vision
Read the thread, it’s all explained here