CSA93 S912 dtb file advice needed

Hi Guys/Gals,

Want to do a clean install but forgot what dtb file i’ve used in the past. It’s for a CSA93 S912 and if i remember correctly it was 4/64GB memory. Can anyone please assist. It’s currently running 9.2.3


This End of Life Announcement affects all GXBB (S905) and GXM (S912) based devices:

Put your present uSD card into a PC and open “device_trees” folder. In it look for the same file size as your present dtb.img file found in root of your uSD card. That is the one to use.

Reboot and then run the following command in SSH:
dmesg | grep "dt-id"

gxm_q200_3g … thanks but it seems that there are no way for me to upgrade to 19.3.

There is not. You can update to 9.2.8 Amlogic (non-NG)

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