Does Dolby Vision FEL make a difference for player-led LLDV?

I have a Sony X950H which doesn’t support TV led DV, only LLDV.

Will there be a difference from using CoreElec on the AM6B+ vs an Nvidia Shield Pro 2019? Or only for TVs that support full fat DV?

If there is a difference, can anyone recommend a movie / scene where the difference can be seen?


FEL is applied whether its LLDV or TV-led. Not exclusive to an output mode.

FEL vs MEL vs HDR is explored thoroughly on YT on R3S3T_9999’s content, and DMDReview

Check “Screenshot Comparisons” tab and “Youtube Comparisons”:

Saving Private Ryan is a goto check since it works improperly without FEL. The brightness pulsates and is unwatchable.


Thanks a lot! That was exactly the information I was looking for. I can clearly see the difference on my TV in Saving Private Ryan.

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