Dolby Vision for Minix U22X-J (Max) and Ugoos AM6+

Tbh, I wouldn’t bother.

I ran tests again with every DV device I own, connected to my HD Fury Integral2:
Roku Ultra 4800X: Shows: RGB BT2020 8b DV
Fire TV Cube Gen2: Shows: RGB 8b DV
Fire TV Stick Max Gen1 Shows: RGB 8b DV
Panasonic DP-UB820-K Shows: RGB BT2020 8b DV
2019 Shield TV Pro Shows: RGB 8b DV

At least for my case whether or not a device shows BT2020 when playing TV-led some do, some don’t. Who’s to say which devices do it wrong, considering it’s pretty much a 50/50 split?

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Apple TV (latest gen) shows just “RGB8 complete”

Try 1st start box, waiting tv and avr autoup,then should not goes black(just keep auto not 422)

BT.709 with P5

Well, it is not a 50-50 split.
Oppo, sony x700 sony x800m2, Chromecast GTV, LG uhd player all send RGB 8bit DV without 2020.

In P5 it says bt709 but in reality, it’s just guessing because there’s no such information in the P5 base layer because it is using iCtCp and not bt2020*

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@cpm Ok, I think this fixes it. I tested Dune god knows how many times, but thankfully from the start and resuming partway through: 8-bit RGB every time. Settings I used: Refresh rate switching start/stop. I set the Kodi delay to 2.5 seconds, but I’ve always set that, so I don’t know if that helps, too. Then cd/cs to auto, TV led, lossless DV. Even without these fixes not doing refresh rate switching on my setup seems to cause odd behavior…
I bumped the DV wait delay to 24–that also seems to help. I didn’t change this in the code though, but rather the autostart script.

This also has the true TV-led fix.

Indeed, Dune did some weird behavior, especially at the start. Initially 12-bit, then 8-bit YUV, then 8-bit RGB finally. I’m really starting to wonder if Dune on UHD has some sort of mastering error at the beginning. Did the same testing with LoTR TT, another title that occasionally still reverted to 12-bit on my prior fix attempt. Again 8-bit RGB only.

Feel free to try it out…

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Reset9999 is the person who put together all this:

Same results. When set to Auto for subsampling and depth, playing DV it sends a signal that my TV doesn’t seem to like. Same DispInfo, 10bit 422 instead of 12bit 422 (CoreELEC set to Player-LED and DV Lossless). Gonna keep it in forced 422 for now as that seems to work, but willing to test if others have ideas and will report back if future nightlies show changes.

Will try this out. I get issues also on the hybrid of Ghost in the Shell (1995) unless wait delay is set to 24

I noticed auto cd/cs only kicks in on a resolution change.

Does this mean it won’t kick in if my GUI is set to 4K/23.98, and I play content that matches that? I lowered my GUI resolution to 1080p to be sure.

@liquidion So setting 23.98 in Kodi but still setting refresh rate to start/stop tried Dune from the beginning several times. Switched properly every time. Setting 59.94hz refresh rate switching, playing Gemini Man (this is equally if not previously even more finicky than Dune until this last fix attempt with the bumped up delay) still results in correct playback even resuming.

Honestly bumping delay to 24 and this fix seems to be the trick. Everything is running correctly. :grin:

@rmkjr testing LLDV/player-led, I also had to set to 12-bit 4:2:2. If you plan to keep running player led or if your TV doesn’t support it. I can’t see that being an issue because as i mentioned earlier it’s definitely compatible with HDR10 also, along with SDR content.

Btw, here’s a slightly tweaked build. Set the delay to 24 so it won’t be needed set in a script. It’s a small change, but might as well use this one instead.

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Looking good

Tired a few different remux and all correctly set :grinning: including Dune.
Do you have a diff of the changes you made so I can learn more thanks.

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Yeah. I had to generate a patch since that’s how the coreelec build system works :wink:

I can probably fork the linux-amlogic repo and put my changes in there so I can hopefully push it to official builds. But probably tomorrow since it’s late lol.

Another thing I noticed now that even Dune consistently switches correctly: Less skipped frames at the beginning and also no freezing on the “LEGENDARY” logo animation.

I remember , it is before ng-dv……

What changes have you made?

Third time’s the charm perhaps?

Welp, second attempt had the unintended consequence of causing HDR10 content to playback in only 8-bit :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Went back to the problem square one, and after some tinkering I think I found the root of the issue, and what was stripping out the DV flags. Corrected that: now HDR10 files, along with every DV I could throw at it played fine. Also better: player-led DV now works in auto cs/cd with this fix. This issue I think existed even in the nightlies, so extra bonus I guess. Ironically just like @cpm fix, it ended up being one line of code.

Here’s the test build.

Feel free to try it out.

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You still didn’t say what the changes you’ve made are.

Here’s the pull request:

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Tested and Dovi does not work anymore. Only HDR10.
Installed latest nìNG nifgtly, then your .tar and copy Dovi ko insystem config folder.
Something wrong or should I do some other step?
TV is Panasonic oled LZ1500

Are you even seeing the DV options? If not perhaps the ko file didn’t load properly? Where did you place yours? I have mine @ /storage/dovi.ko