Dolby Vision Profile, VS10, plus other info on skins

The updated version still does not show the Movies for me. Do I still need to clean the data for those addons you mentioned?


Ok, deleting all files from addon_data\script.skinshorcuts and addon_data\script.skinsvariables did the trick.

Thanks for all your efforts you’ve really enhanced our experience for a lot of us… I have one question, and I’m not sure if it’s a weird anomaly or not but it’s to do with the estuary V2 mod (it happens with the KN version as well as this mod. If i set up my home screen typically with several widgets for each category eg. Movies, TV Shows, and Documentaries, and I have them all pointed to their respective trakt liked lists via some addon, once I’m done I can only ever scroll left and right on the top widget row. It won’t allow me to move down to the widget rows underneath. If I set it all up using TMDB Helper then point that at the same liked lists via fen lite, then it seems to work ok. It’s just annoying because I’m having to incorporate a whole extra addon into the process which shouldn’t need to be there. Do you have any idea what’s going on? Thanks again.

This is my mistake, was only looking at the screenshots you posted.

Hello! Recently installed my device and been loving it so far. Added the nightly build then put the CPM build on top as dual boot.

I’ve also installed arctic fuse 2 skin which I been enjoying, I was wondering if any of you smart folks know how to put the power options on the original estuary skin onto the arctic fuse 2 or give some instructions how to do it? Would greatly appreciate it, thanks!

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Yep, the custom widget with multiple row.
You need move that menu point in the home menu to upper.
I think the first 1-3 position will works.

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Sorry, I will not made other mods.
Thank you

I edited your post, reedit as you like. It has been said over and over again. No reference to banned addons or repos.

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Thanks for the estuary mod skin.
Maybe I am missing something, but is the Dolby VS10 mode selection screen supposed to do something?
I have enabled HDR10-DV in the Corelec options, but when I click on Original nothing happens. Same if I disable the conversion in Corelec options and click on HDR10->DV in the selection screen.

Works for me, any option selected changes mod within a sec.

My Bad, looks like I am still running A10.

how do you see which version is installed? I lost the overview with my 2 ugoos and I cannot see any information? thanks!!

By the date it was compiled.

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OK thanks where can I see the date? :wink: I mean on which screen in kodi. not the file date I have all cpm files here but which one is running on my box… thanks!!!

In Settings → System information → Summary → Compiled (2024-11-23 12:30:03 → is A11)

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Now if some skilled operator could add the CPM treatment to the Nimbus skin we’d really be in business :face_with_peeking_eye:

Not only skins, but also the code of the CPM firmware

I’m using nimbus with CPM A11

Really enjoying the skin so far. Is there an option to display the logos on the top left of the screen instead? The LG DV logo displays on the top right so it interferes a little with the OSD.

The movie begin, the logos in the left bottom.
I cannot move the osd logos, cos there is a clearlogo in other side.

Hi, where can I find the Nimbus skin ?