I have installed CE21 nightly on my Ugoos AM6B+, connected to the Panasonic GZW2004 directly or through Arcam AVR31 receiver.
If i select Player Led in CE, Dolby Vision is working. If i select TV Led in CE, then i get a green/magenta ugly picture.
Can the GZW2004 really not display TV Led DV? The panasonic support line does not know which DV variants are supported,
Or is this a bug in the CE hardware detection?
DolbyVision RX support list:
VSVDB Version: V2
2160p60hz: 1
Support mode:
IEEEOUI: 0x00d046
EMP: 0
VSVDB: eb0146d000440378825c7595
But can i trust his ?
On my Zidoo UHD3000 i have selected TV Led, and Dolby Vision looks normal. But it may be it simple uses Player led in this case.
I thought this Player Led thing is only used from Sony TV’s.
Iirc all Amlogic except for CoreElec Am6b+ (922XJ and maybe fixed for other CE SOC distributions, not sure) is fake TV-led DV including Dune Homatics 4K, Real Vision, CCwGTV, Fire TV, Zidoo (fake TV-led on RTD soc as well), etc:
Shield Pro and ATV is real tv-led, and of course CE is CM4.0 and real TV-led.
So if you use native Android instead of CE, it will all be fake DV. Not sure if CoreElec on Homatics is fixed and real TV-led, someone will need to confirm.
I have an UM6b+ which outputs TV-led DV, but which TV accept TV-led DV?
My Panasonic from 2019 does it not. Is it valid to assume every current LG or Panasonic OLED accept TV-led?
My GZ950 OLED doesn’t do TV Led I’ve learnt. There’s potential HZ onwards do.
My conclusion is that I don’t really care. Vincent’s video is all well and good on the differences between player led and tv led, but he’s analyzing still images. Can’t remember the last time I watched a movie or tv show as a still image. The eye wouldn’t be able to distinguish the difference between the two methods without pausing side by side.
At least on my old Sony which did not support TV led, there was no effect with the dynamic metadata. It was just normal HDR10 even with the clips where the brightness is ramped up step by step for a still image. With my new LG which supports TV led, the changes in brightness are there.
Hi there , I came across with same problem:
Panasonic gz950 - soundbar- ugoos am6b+
If I enable the player led in coreelec colours are correct , with tv led I get wrong colours .
Did anyone find a fix for this ? Or is this actually expected behaviour , looks like Panasonic do not support tv led and player led needs to be enabled ?! Thanks