Dvb-s2x/t2 cheap usb tuners - are they supported


have found some cheap tuners:

Description claim that tunners are not present in box, so must be in those small dongles. Have anybody any experience with them?
Especially what is inside (chip) and are there already linux drivers present for them?


This tuner is supported only in Android.

That’s what was described on all pages with that product, but are you sure there are no linux drivers for it?

For example what chips are inside?

Currently I don’t have access to my notes regarding chips inside. I think there are some pictures on forum.
More problematic is that interface is not known. Is it USB or directly I2C or something else and connector is just used for this purpose.
Sadly we didn’t got any info from Homatics for it and my dongle went to a box of useless devices :slight_smile: