Dynamic conversion of HDR10+ SEI to DV P8 NAL

thank you, worked now :+1: Also, thank you @cpm for your respond, much appreciated guys.


If you don’t mind I think I will take your layout (will do some of my own clean up) for the repo.


Of course :fu:

If it’s not just by replacing the DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml file. Can someone explain step by step how to do it with a skin other than the original one. I want to do it with ARCTIC FUSE.

Thats not so easy. Each skin have they own stucture. You need learn how they work.
I modified two xml’s in Estuary, but that coded not just the strings, values, but fonts, styles, colors, positions, shadows, variables, etc.
This is just my quick solution, maybe others can better…

I added these lines to the Variables.xml

<variable name="DVProfileVar">
<value condition="String.Contains(Player.Process(video.dovi.codec.string),7)">Profile 7</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(Player.Process(video.dovi.codec.string),5)">Profile 5</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(Player.Process(video.dovi.codec.string),4)">Profile 4</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(Player.Process(video.dovi.codec.string),8)">Profile 8</value>

<variable name="DVELVar">
<value condition="String.Contains(Player.Process(video.dovi.el.type),minimum)">MEL</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(Player.Process(video.dovi.el.type),full)">FEL</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(Player.Process(video.dovi.el.type),none)"/>

Added this to DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml :

<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR button_focus]Dolby Vision codec: [/COLOR] $VAR[DVProfileVar] $VAR[DVELVar]</label>
<visible>String.Contains(Player.Process(video.hdr.type),"dolby vision")</visible>

<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR button_focus]Video source hdrtype:[/COLOR] $INFO[Player.Process(video.source.hdr.type)]</label>

<control type="label">
<label>[COLOR button_focus]VS10 mode:[/COLOR] $INFO[Player.Process(amlogic.vs10.mode)]</label>

+added this to video parameters:

$INFO[Player.Process(video.bit.depth),$COMMA ,-bit]

Thank you. It’s very complicated for me. I won’t be able to do it alone. If someone does and shares about the ARCTIC FUSE skin, which is one of the most beautiful skins, I would be very grateful.

Well that sucks, estuary is boring!! :slightly_smiling_face:

I just don’t understand how people find some skins or UIs boring. Maybe it’s because I use my time to watch movies, and not skins. When watching any skin I can only notice if it’s ugly, but how can it be boring is beyond my humble understanding :wink:

Hey, if you don’t mind, where are video parameters located? I have successfully modified the other two .xml files as per your instructions, but I cannot figure how/where to add that last line to video parameters…
Thanks in advance!

Ugly, boring, plain. Same difference :man_shrugging:t3:

I don’t really understand this argument, then why do we have ui’s at all? Why don’t we just have a list of files in a file explorer if the look doesn’t matter?

For functionality, as you experienced it now :grin:

Hi here is the label with:

				<control type="label">
					<label>$INFO[Player.Process(videowidth),[COLOR button_focus]$LOCALIZE[38031]:[/COLOR] ,x]$INFO[Player.Process(videoheight)]$INFO[Player.Process(videoscantype)]$INFO[Player.Process(videofps),$COMMA , FPS]$INFO[VideoPlayer.VideoBitrate,$COMMA , kb/s] $INFO[Player.Process(video.bit.depth),$COMMA ,-bit]</label>
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That’s actually why I change from the default skin because others add much more functionality and customization.

Thank you!

Hello everyone
I’m new here - sorry for my English…

Ugoos Am6+ CoreELEC-Amlogic-ng.arm-21.1.1-Omega_devel_20240917074032.T8

I used the Keymap Editor and assigned playerprocessinfo to a key on the remote control

The default Estuary skin looks like this:

What should you do to make it look like this:

I have this now:

And I would like to receive this:


Shouldn’t Dolby Vision be capitalized?

Also, under Hdr type: HDR should be capitalized and it should be Dolby Vision and not dolbyvision.

And, it should be TrueHD and EAC-3.

Finally, “Video source hdrtype” should probably be “Video source HDR type”

Those Strings/codecinfos come direct from kodi.
But feel free to modify.

The last can rewrite.

Been mulling this one over far too much - along with other comments elsewhere I now see what I need to do, thanks for helping me decide.

Yeah I have to say this work is incredible and really is a game-changer in making CoreELEC the ultimate OS for home movie streaming. Being able to rip my physical movie collection and watch them at full quality in whatever format best suits my TV is just awesome. It’s such an improvement over UHD blu-ray players and digital movie streaming.

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Nothing is wasted, is it still all there, it is just a crunch on resource, it is my view it now needs another additional resource who wants to take this forward, in the mean time it requires patience and hope when that can happen.

I will be around to answer questions for those that have them.

I did it primarily because I wanted something and there was no commercial solution I could turn to - money was not a concern but a sensible solution was just not available, also can have some “fun” making it work better, so I set about trying to make that happen and luckily I had enough prior skill-set to have a foot in the door and a leg up form the CE team, but please make no mistake it is many hundreds of hours of effort - only a chunk is about the coding probably more is about the understanding, lets say I now know much more about video than I did 6 months ago!

It should also be clear if not already the CE team and especially my observation of Portisch’s work - they are pouring untold amounts of time into this - I think the community deeply misunderstands that amount of work and commitment they put in.

It should also be clear reading between the lines that the CE team is really at this point (from my observation so maybe wrong) just one main dev.