Feature Complete - Update.
Currently not thinking to add any further features to these builds for Dolby Vision - happy to attempt to fix any defects
Edit: rebooting in DV On mode may have problems of no visible screen! on some displays, don’t reboot with it on for now.
Edit2: looks related to frequency 24Hz boot ok, 60Hz no image.
If you get stuck with no image and can ssh, then the below works to get the display back for me.
cat /sys/class/display/mode > /sys/class/display/mode
DV Modes
On - DV always on (note: not from boot, but from kodi start)
- Except when VS10 has been set off for the content type being played, then will play as per the content type without VS10.
On Demand - DV on when playing DV content or using VS10.
Off - DV / VS10 completely off.
DV Types
Display Led (DV-Std) - normally the best mode if available, aka tv-led.
Player Led (DV-LL) - low latency DV.
Player Led (HDR) - low latency DV processing but output as 12bit HDR PQ0.
- Note: with a VSVDB Injected can use this mode with non-DV capable display just needs to be HDR capable.
VS10 mapping
- Map up to SDR10, HDR10, DV as applicable, configured by content type.
- Map down to SDR10, SDR8 as applicable, configured by content type.
- Note: mapping down to HDR10 from DV is broken in AMLogic (hence no option for this in the UI) - but can use Player Led (HDR) as a better quality alternative for this case.
Dolby VSVDB Injection
- Inject or override an existing Dolby VSVDB (V1 or V2).
- Required for Player Led (HDR) on a non-DV capable display.
When testing use the below tar to update a fresh install of CE-21 ng.