EDID Override - Injecting a Dolby VSVDB Block

Feature Complete - Update 12

  • Dolby VSVDB Payload Injection

    • Improved way to inject payload, with smaller code change footprint.
    • Toggling off the VSVDB Payload UI switch will now revert (on next play) to the connected hdmi’s dv-info (VSVDB) instead.
    • Hot plugging in a different display should now dynamically show the DV Type options for that display - previously had to reboot.
  • FFmpeg Decoding

    • Switch off DV if on - as DV Engine not used.
      • Prefer not to have the “Fake” DV - i.e. not using the DV Engine just the display has been triggered into DV setup and now just have the display in the correct mode for the content.
    • VC-1 Side Note:
      • I had partial success on getting VC-1 24fps 1080p using AML HW decoding working correctly. - By removing “deinterlace” from the vmap used.
      • Under the hood the HW decoder was always correctly decoding as progressive, but output only half the image with “deinterlace” in the vmap.
      • But this resulted in a 10fps frame rate drop though so to not useful at this point, something else not right.
      • Oddly putting into 50 or 60 hz improves things but still not correct, nothing on the system looks strained, and no frames are skipped it just runs slow in 24 hz.
  • Mode switching

    • Alternative approach to deal with DV-Std CD 12bit.

      • Setup mode and toggle frame on AML side before video playback.
      • No need to wait for video playing.
      • I think no frames are now hidden on playback.
    • Re-work DV On / Off mode switching again to take advantage of above, and think should now have the most minimal switch time.

      • Still see the video rewinding back on start of playback most of the time, e.g. it plays 1 sec then seeks back and plays again from the starting point - think this must be something in Kodi.
      • Audio is taking a while to get going as well 1-2 sec on start of playback, again I think this must be something in Kodi.

When testing use the below tar to update a fresh install of CE-21 ng.

Update tar

Dolby VSVDB Calc (no update)

If upgrading from an older version and you experience issues with wrong playback mode e.g. DV playing in HDR etc. then try:

  • Set - For Dolby Vision [SDR]
    • Play some DV content
  • Set - For Dolby Vision [off]
    • Play some DV content