EmuELEC: Retro Emulation Kodi Addon for CoreELEC!

Got it, Its because of the older version we tested, it fails to copy the new one,

copy the contents of the new version

cp -rf /storage/.kodi/addons/script.sx05re.launcher/config/emulationstation /storage/.emulationstation

and it should work

Need to figure out how to update the folder without deleting old settings :confused:

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I did everyting you said, but does not work again :frowning:

Is there a symlink in /tmp called joypads?

As a last resort, can you uninstall the add-on and reinstall the newest one?

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Sorry I think I found the problem!


if [ -L /tmp/joypads ]; then
rm /tmp/joypads
ln -sf $ADDON_DIR/resources/joypads/ /tmp/joypads

Should be:

if [ -L /tmp/joypads ]; then
rm /tmp/joypads
ln -sf $ADDON_DIR/resources/joypads/ /tmp/joypads

in retroarch.start

I thought I had it change before I upload it but I guess I missed it!

I updated the release in github with that change.

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There is no symlink in this folder

CoreELEC:/tmp # ls -all
total 0
drwxrwxrwt    3 root     root            60 Mar  7 20:10 .
drwxrwxr-x   13 root     root           216 Feb 27 02:50 ..
drwx------    2 root     root            40 Mar  7 19:55 pulse-HnKtm3ccxMGF

I did it today when I came back from work :smile:
I installed this version

Just tell me what I have to test…whenever your ready of course.

change that line in that I posted in this file


or re-download the addon ans do a clean install

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Thanks for your quick response :blush::pray:
I will perform it once I am back at home.
I know about OGLES 3 may not work fully because ARM not provide full update for this. Especially for Vulkan who is compatible for Mali T820 :confused:
Anyway, I am using CoreELEC with your script because my S912 board is used for an arcade stick system called Pandora and CoreELEC is the only one can provide the most close arcade way I am looking for :blush:
At last, if I can make a suggestion, I would like to know if configuring emulationstation to have network and bluethoot configuration options like recalbox is something possible?
Thanks :blush:

@OOKAMI think you might be better of if you run the Sx05RE full version, which includes Emulationstation at boot and many other things not included in the add-on

Sx05RE v2.3.1

About the bluetooth and network, it’s on my to do list, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet. Right now the only way to set them up outside Kodi is in Retroarch.

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I agree with your answer :blush:
It is more simple to have the Sx05RE package made and already sufficient :blush:
For OGLES 3 I will wait for progress
But jus before I would like to test the last OE build if PSP games are now improved :yum: (an usual geek curiosity :joy:)
Ha, last little request is to know how I can change splash screen. I plan to change it with Sx05RE Logo and the system I use
Thanks a lot :pray:

Unless you compile it from scratch you can’t change the splash screen

PPSSPP stand alone does not work with S912, not even with Gles 3
PPSSPP Libretro You won’t see any differences at all.

OK good to know
I am not enough skilled to compile a new one :yum:
I will take the KVIM2 image instead of the generic image.
My board is the closest to the Khadas Vim 2
About this image, GPIO port is supported?

First I changed retroarch.start file with your changes but the addon did not start at all.
Second I completely uninstall the addon and also I rm -rf .emulationstation folder.
Then downloaded the last addon release and Installed it again.
Started it and configure my Joypad.Then started the rom and this time my Joypad works great :smiley:
Thanks for your great support and efforts.You are GOD man.
Thanks again and sorry if I disturbing you too much

Thank you for helping me test it! I am glad it works for you!

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Hello, sorry, I would like to try this add on. On my Wetek play 2 I installed version 9.0.1 of CE. I tried to install the addon 2.3.1, but as I try to start it, it returns me with an undetected system error. What am I doing wrong ?

Well, logs would be helpful, otherwise I will just be shooting blind.

this in the file emulationstation

sh: setterm: not found
lvl0: 	No systems found! Does at least one system have a game present? (check that extensions match!)
(Also, make sure you've updated your es_systems.cfg for XML!)
sh: /usr/bin/ip.sh: not found

this in the file es_log

lvl2: 	EmulationStation - v2.9.0rp-dev, built Mar  6 2019 - 20:42:23
lvl2: 	Parsing XML file "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.sx05re.launcher/bin/resources/mamenames.xml"...
lvl2: 	Parsing XML file "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.sx05re.launcher/bin/resources/mamebioses.xml"...
lvl2: 	Parsing XML file "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.sx05re.launcher/bin/resources/mamedevices.xml"...
lvl2: 	Creating surface...
lvl2: 	Created window successfully.
lvl2: 	Added unconfigured joystick Microsoft X-Box One pad (GUID: 030000005e040000d102000001010000, instance ID: 0, device index: 0).
lvl2: 	Checking available OpenGL extensions...
lvl2: 	 ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: MISSING
lvl2: 	Loading system config file /storage/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg...
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/amstradcpc" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/amstradcpc/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/amstradcpc/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "amstradcpc" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/arcade" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/arcade/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/arcade/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "arcade" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari2600/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari2600/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "atari2600" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari5200/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari5200/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "atari5200" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari7800/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari7800/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "atari7800" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/atari800" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari800/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atari800/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "atari800" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atarilynx/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atarilynx/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "atarilynx" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/atarist" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atarist/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/atarist/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "atarist" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/coleco" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/colecovision/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/colecovision/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "coleco" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/c64/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/c64/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "c64" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/amiga/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/amiga/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "amiga" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/pc/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/pc/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "pc" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Unknown platform for system "famicom" (platform "famicom" from list "famicom")
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/famicom" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/famicom/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/famicom/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "famicom" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/fds/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/fds/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "fds" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Unknown platform for system "fba" (platform "fba" from list "fba")
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/fba/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/fba/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "fba" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gb/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gb/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "gb" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gba/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gba/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "gba" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gbc/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gbc/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "gbc" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/gameandwatch" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gameandwatch/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gameandwatch/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "gameandwatch" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/intellivision" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/intellivision/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/intellivision/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "intellivision" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Unknown platform for system "mame" (platform "mame" from list "mame")
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/mame/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/mame/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "mame" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/msx/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/msx/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "msx" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/neogeo/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/neogeo/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "neogeo" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/ngp" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/ngp/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/ngp/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "ngp" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/ngpc" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/ngpc/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/ngpc/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "ngpc" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/nes/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/nes/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "nes" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/n64/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/n64/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "n64" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/psx/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/psx/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "psx" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/psp/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/psp/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "psp" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/scummvm/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/scummvm/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "scummvm" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/sega32x/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/sega32x/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "sega32x" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/segacd/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/segacd/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "segacd" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/dreamcast/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/dreamcast/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "dreamcast" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gamegear/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/gamegear/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "gamegear" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/genesis" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/genesis/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/genesis/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "genesis" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/mastersystem/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/mastersystem/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "mastersystem" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/megadrive/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/megadrive/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "megadrive" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/sg-1000" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/sg-1000/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/sg-1000/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "sg-1000" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Unknown platform for system "sfc" (platform "sfc" from list "sfc")
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/sfc" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/sfc/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/sfc/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "sfc" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/snes/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/snes/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "snes" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/pcengine/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/pcengine/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "pcengine" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/vectrex" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/vectrex/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/vectrex/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "vectrex" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/videopac/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/videopac/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "videopac" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/virtualboy" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/virtualboy/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/virtualboy/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "virtualboy" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/wonderswan" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/wonderswan/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/wonderswan/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "wonderswan" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/wonderswancolor" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/wonderswancolor/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/wonderswancolor/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "wonderswancolor" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Unknown platform for system "x68000" (platform "x68000" from list "x68000")
lvl1: 	Error - folder with path "/storage/roms/x68000" is not a directory!
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./art/system.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/art/system.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./art/system.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/art/system.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./custom-collection/art/controller.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collection/art/controller.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./custom-collection/art/system 3.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collection/art/system 3.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./art/system.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/art/system.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./custom-collection/art/controller.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collection/art/controller.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./custom-collection/art/system 3.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collection/art/system 3.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./art/system.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/art/system.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./custom-collection/art/controller.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collection/art/controller.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./custom-collection/art/system 3.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collection/art/system 3.png") 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/theme.xml"
    could not find file "./custom-collection/art/controller.png" (which resolved to "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collection/art/controller.png") 
lvl1: 	System "x68000" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/zxspectrum/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/zxspectrum/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	System "zxspectrum" has no games! Ignoring it.
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/auto-allgames/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/auto-allgames/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/auto-favorites/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/auto-favorites/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/auto-lastplayed/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/auto-lastplayed/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl1: 	  Warning from theme "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collections/theme.xml"
  (from included file "/storage/.emulationstation/themes/es-theme-ComicBook/custom-collections/../comic_book.xml")
    could not find file "" 
lvl0: 	No systems found! Does at least one system have a game present? (check that extensions match!)
(Also, make sure you've updated your es_systems.cfg for XML!)

That usually means they are no games installed, You need to supply your own ROMS in /storage/roms/<system>

e.g. /storage/roms/nes

I can not use it in conjunction with the Internet Archive ROM Launcher ?

Not that I know of. But if you can configure where the ROMS are saved I don’t see why not, but I’ve never tested it myself.

another thing, as I see the screen with the error I can not control the box, nor with remote control or gamepad xbox one. Why ?