Error updating on old s905x

Hello. I have a x96 with coreelec version 9.2.8 installed on the internal memory and I have tried to update manually by putting the update file in the .update folder and I get an error. Apparently it is because my coreelec version is amlogic.arm and the latest version is anlogic-ng.arm. How can I update? It says there that I can update by putting a .nocompat file but that I may have some problems.

Bad idea.
If You create the .nocompat file und force the update it may brick the box

And how can I update?

You cannot update to this new Kodi version. The last Kodi that (probably?) works on your box is
Kodi 20.5 Nexus.

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Prepare a SD card with last Nexus
Better stay on the stable 9.2.8

When I use the download helper by setting the s905x as soc, it downloads coreelec 21. So it is compatible with an s905x. I have also installed it on an SD card to test and it works perfectly.

I prefer to install the latest version.

OK, then your problem is that a fresh installation is not the same as updating an too old installation. Try with updates that are not so far apart, with some Nexus version…

No. The problem, as I already said in the first post, is that the current version is amlogic.arm and the version 21 that I want to install is amlogic-ng.arm. I have found an option to install via ssh with ceemmc Tool. I think I have to use this option.

You used the old unsupported installtointernal probably. Your best shot is burn android and then use the newer ceemmc tool.

Yes, I think I used install internal. Where could I download and get instructions to reinstall Android? Thank you

I think your best shot is Google or the community here. Maybe someone has the same device

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I don’t know where you can find original firmware. On my old S905x box (Mecool KM8) I installed Universal Firmware for S905x boxes from here. You can choose from AOSP or ATV version. The only thing you have to pay attention to is to find out now with present FW which WiFi module you have.
All instructions needed for installation are found there…

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Does you box still work from SD card?
If so save the Backup file from your old CE version on SD card or from Cemmc using windows…(\192.168.x.x)
Load a new card with latest CE for your box.
Replace SD card and run CE.
Go to its ip addy in windows (\192.168.x.x) and drop saved Backup file in.
Worked for me.

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I have installed a version of Android and then a clean install of coreelec on a micro SD card. But when I use ceemmc to install on internal memory, I get the following error

Can you try with 1 or 2?

Yes. I had to install a dual boot on the internal memory because single boot doesn’t work. Thanks everyone for the help.

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