FEL Support in CoreELEC

Summary: Only the S922X-J support P7 FEL. The S928X-J and the S905X4-J do not support FEL decoding. All -J and -K Amlogic CPUs support P5, P8, and P7 MEL.

  1. S905X4-J such as the Kinkhank G1 and Ugoos X4Q Extra do not play FEL in CoreELEC.

  2. S922X-J such as the Ugoos AM6+, Ugoos AM6b+, Minix U22X-J (Max), and Amazon FireTV Cube 2nd gen do support FEL if an updated version of dovi.ko is used. See this post for more detail. In short, this device has the best support for Dolby Vision of any device. They support Profile 4, 5, 7 FEL, 7 MEL, 8.1, and 8.4. CoreELEC supports Single-Track Dual-Layer and Dual-Track Dual-Layer from BDMV folders as well as ISO, M2TS, MP4, MKV, and TS files. In LLDV mode, these devices support CMv2.9 metadata. When using Display (TV) led Dolby Vision, they support CMv2.9 and CMv4.0 metadata if you have a compatible TV.

    According to testing performed by DMDreview, S922X-J devices send CMv4.0 data unlike Oppo players. Additionally, R3S3T_9999 determined that these devices do not ignore RPU data in several rare cases when the Sony x800m2/x700 incorrectly does. As a result, the brightness might appear slightly difference between S922X-J and Sony devices. DMDreview and R3S3T_9999 agree that an almost imperceptible difference exists in the video output between Oppo, Sony, and S922X-J devices. These differences are likely due to Oppo using Nearest Neighbour while the the AM6b+ uses bicubic to convert from 4:2:0 storage to 4:2:2 transmission standards. In short, extensive testing demonstrates that, for non-streaming content, the S922X-J is absolutely perfect and exceeds even the most expensive disk players such as the Oppo and Sony players.

  3. S928X-J such as the Tencent Aurora 5X and UGOOS AM8 do not support P7 FEL.

Information Current as of 28 June 2024.


For the Content Mapping Version - CMv2.9 CMv4.0 the key element for most people will be that the associated meta-data (RPU - Reference Picture Unit) can be passed to the TV for processing in the Dolby Vision Engine on the TV end, i.e. so called tv-led dolby vision. In Kodi this is labeled: Display Led (RGB tunnelling)

Alternatively if the CM RPU is processed on the device / stb (i.e. the player), then that is LLDV (Low Latency Dolby Vision) or so called player-led dolby vision. In Kodi this is labeled: Player Led (YCbCr 4:2:2).

For Player Led: on S922X-J with current dovi.ko it is only CMv2.9 capable, so in that mode it cannot take advantage of CMv4.0’s additional metadata.

For Display Led - as the CM RPU is processed on the TV it is the TV’s capabilities that matter - e.g. an LG E8 from 2018/19 for instance is still only CMv2.9 and thus still cannot take advantage of CMv4.0’s additional metadata. However recent TV which are most likely CMv4.0 can and will take advantage.

Display Led is better (even if only CMv2.9) as the Dolby Vision Engine in the TV can take into consideration its mode of operation, the current settings and have generally more in-depth knowledge to base the tone mapping from the CM RPU on, and if the TV is CMv4.0 then you get that step up on top.

For UHD DV Blu-Ray from what I understand most are still mastered with a target of CMv2.9, so the number of actual CMv4.0 discs out there are not many at present.

For those wondering CMv4.0 is backward compatible, i.e. a CMv2.9 device will see it as CMv2.9 data and process as such - thus only missing out on some specific extras that CMv4.0 brings.

Profile 4 is supported (but now considered obsolete), Profile 7 is the one used on UHD DV Blu-Ray.


Thank you for this topic. I have Dune HD homatics, I’m surprised that does not support DV P7 FEL :smiling_face_with_tear: even has a newer processor than S922X it’s S905X4-K.

FYI, MY TV is support TV-Led so, do you recommend Ugoos AM6 Plus? or other devices?

I think if FEL support is important to you, then the Ugoos AM6b+ is probably the only device currently available that will play FEL.

The S922X is more powerful than the S905X4.

If you want a device that can process UHD BluRay Dolby Vision in all it’s glory: MEL/FEL plus CMv2.9/CMv4.0 RPU metadata as true tv-led (TV permitting), and also do pass through audio for True HD Dolby Atmos and DTS-HD MA X, then these are the only devices - currently (Ugoos AM6B+ / Ugoos AM6+ / Minix U22X-J MAX) outside of bona fide quality blu-ray players and playing physical disks.

I personally have a Ugoos AM6B+, no regrets with that choice.

It is not yet perfected (what ever is!), but the CE team in particular @Portisch are working hard to make this the best platform and bridging the gap between Kodi’s frame based approach the AMLogics stream based approach to media - to make the experience seem-less and trouble free.

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So far any G12 device that was DV certified and can run CE, have been able to play DV FEL.

This includes the AM6+, U22X-J and 2nd gen FireTV Cube.

I’m skeptical that the G12 SOCs have any special hardware capabilities over the SC2 SOCs that let them handle DV FEL. It seems more likely it’s due to differences in 4.9 and 5.4 kernels and DV handling.

I’m betting that even an DV certified s905y2 SOC could play FEL in CE.

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The Minix U22X-J MAX is discontinued by the manufacturer.

@YadaYada I really hope that other devices emerge that can support DV FEL. I’d love to personally test a S905X4-J device, but can’t afford to buy a third device this year.

I personally hope that this will push manufacturers to take CoreELEC more seriously and provide more support to the team. For me, the Tencent Aurora 5X is a truly beautiful device and it’s a shame that Tencent decided to stop supporting the CoreELEC team. I also hope that SEI robotics will S905X5-J chip in their upcoming device and work with the CoreELEC team. More choice is always the best.


If CE could run on the Aurora that would be an instabuy for me

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Nightly builds (NEW)

Do you have a source for this? Be interesting to see if anyone has tested how much of a difference this makes compared to LLDV.

Do advise me to sell my Dune HD homatics and buy Ugoos Am6b+?
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find someone who has dune hd homatics and Ugoos am6b+ to get advice from him about that.

my concern have the best device to play all DV Metadata via Coreelec OS.

If you want to play more DV profiles without conversion, right now the S922X-J devices like the Ugoos AM6+ are the way to go

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Thank you @Vasco for your reply. Is the Ugoos am6b Plus the best device for playing more DV profiles without conversion or if you would please recommend me better than this device?

Only 2 devices can play all profiles without conversion and they have the same chip.

does this support all sound extensions such as Dolby atom dts, and truhd … etc.? I meant the 2 devices you said.
Thank you.

Yes audio passthru is supported and you can dualboot.

thank you.

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Don’t have a definitive explicit source I can point to, just what I have picked up in forums about better mapping to fit the panels capabilities, I.e. it is not baked into the signal - which certainly makes logical sense.

The closest I can think of something more concrete - though a little tangential - was Stacey Spears on LG OLED where the TV was using its light sensor - before Dolby Vision IQ was announced - to adjust with the RPU in cinema home mode on those TV I think from the C9 or CX models - indicating they adjust at TV side.
I recall that was on the blu-ray forums.

There are also plenty of comparison videos out there from dmdreview reset_9999 etc. which show differences.

Ultimately there are numerous factors and I take the view you are the person looking take a critical eye and if it looks correct to you across a variety of content then that’s what matters, for me tv-led is quite a bit better in my setup.

side note: From what I understand LLDV was initially for gaming to get the most of the Dolby Vision experience without any lag - and because Sony had under powered SoC in their first DV TV’s it was “repurposed” for standard content as well.

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If you are using LLDV with AMLogic based CE then probably will want to set the sys parameter or code to set it to follow the TV (sink) luminance values - it obtains from the HDMi connection otherwise if I am not mistaken it will set to 50-4000