H96 Max S905X2 working Coreelec

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Netflix Installation - How Do I Get Netfllix Working?

Hello, have strange problem with this box. Tried multiple night ng generic versions. Used g12a_s905x2_4g.dtb. Skin Confluence. Tried to run from SD and NAND (ceemc). This box always freezes for a few seconds every few minutes. Seems like CPU is loaded heavy. It does this problem even after clean install without any addons. Working via HDMI CEC (remote not configured).
Any idea or where to search in log? Thanks

Try to change the governor to ondemand (Settings > CoreElec > Hardware > Performance).

Check Temperature. In idle, just with the skin, it should not exceed low to mid 50s°C, mid to high 120s°F. (Settings > System Information > Hardware).

Thanks but this didn’t help. Not sure if it is cpu. idle CPU temp is 42°C. S905X2 rev. B.
If I set resolution to 4K box is unusable. At 1080p 50Hz it makes those problems.
I installed tens of different boxes from S805 till today’s best Amlogics but this never happened before. I would almost say like this is some HW related GPU or RAM problem.

You mentioned trying Night versions.
Have you tried a Release version?

No, I need ceemmc - which is only on nightly - right?

Wrong, ceemmc has been part of CE for a long time now.

Anyone having issues with their USB ports?
I’ve bought three H96 Max X2 and I only have one USB port working
The blue one.
But when CoreElec is rebooted I often lose it too.
I have to power down / power up to get it back.

I’m running the latest stable build 9.2.5

No problem with usb ports here. Using them for USB DAC and RF remote receiver. What are you using them for?

The black one isn’t working at all.
It is when I boot in Android 9.
But in CoreElec only the blue one work and I need to avoid “rebooting” cause I’m losing it. I saw above some users had such issues at one point.
Maybe I inherited a new Android version that has a new DTB.

So - installed latest stable (to emmc). Tried also from SD. Still the same. After few minutes menu freezes for about 2-3 seconds. I fmovie playing it will freeze and after fast forward to where it should be (but after 140 minutes or so). CPU 48°C.

Could this really be faulty HW? Or has anyone other idea?

It could be also power supply.

Either a bad encode or bad\faulty hardware

@bazzle My box has been working solidly since Jun '19. Very Happy.
Was curious about CoreElec 19.0 (Matrix)… Should it work “out of the box” for us, or is it going to need some tweaking?
Cheers Mate.

I’m giving Matrix a miss. 9.2.7. works OK :wink:

Signed up to say thank you. And to ask if there is something available for casting to coreelec. I am using dual boot because I need to use cast receiver and that one functionality is missing from coreelec. Just to make this clear, I wish to be able to cast certain videos from third party websites from pc desktop broswer using cast feature. Thank you.

“Play to Kodi” addon on Firefox on my Windows machines does cast YouTube videos from my PC to CE_Kodi, so probably it will suit your needs too.

Thank you, but I have tried all those small time addons, they work but for sophisticated websites. Not for real third party sites. The cast feature on chrome browser works even for unknown website videos. I have cast receiver installed which can receive the cast but if I am to truly move to kodi I cant depend on cast receiver and hence for playback from unknown websites I am looking for casting feature, Vlc dlna doesnt work. I tried that too. Thank you for your help though. Didnt expect reply this soon.

Open a feature request on Kodi forums to add Chromecast support.

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Okay So anyone who is looking for chromecast feature, I have a semi working solution. Kodi or coreelec is basically DLNA receiver. So get an app for your phone which can cast web videos. Web Video Caster from InstantBits Inc. works nice. I tried others like tubio but they didnt work as well as this one. They worked once or twice and then could not be played notification starts coming. But this one app, plays even ads which you have to close. Its annoying at the beginning because you expect the video and you see the ad. But soon I got used to it and stopped ad as soon as it began. I got used to it. Also. I flashed emuelec to nand removing android. And coreelec to sdcard. Done with android now I can boot into coreelec with sdcard and emuelec when i remove sd card. In emuelec if I insert d card, and reboot, it boots to coreelec, but in coreelec if I reboot, it sadly boots to coreelec. If I boot to nand it gets hung on logo. I guess boot to nand is now an incomplete entry so it wont work anymore until I restore android. Fortunately switching the Os only involves removing sdcard. And inserting it when emuelec has booted. Hope this helps someone.

I did try the other elec, the forbidden one, it had no sound. I tried armbian, it crashed after a minute on each boot. I guess Coreelec and emuelec are doing better by using amlogic default kernel. Good job. I appreciate all the devs and this bazzle guy and other fellows in this thread who have been helpful even unknowingly. GLHF

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