Is there a way to automatically unmount my hdd when I switch off or reboot my am6b+? Also, I hear a clank sound from the hdd during the boot process, possibly due to the usb port powering off and on between the s922x logo and the coreelec logo. Is there any way to ensure that the usb power or hdd connection is only activated when kodi boots?
Regarding unmount, see USB Power shutdown method? And Hard drives? - #18 by vpeter
But iirc disks are already parked by CE when using suspend/sleep.
Regarding usb port power reset during boot, could be an overload of 5V USB power rail. HDD is not the only consumer on internal 5V rail, depends on other USB port consumers and internal consumers. Often the overall 5V power is limited to e.g. 2A for all USB ports, but not communicated well. Ask Ugoos for details.
I’ve emailed ugoos, but if this is happening due to overload of power rail, do you think a powered usb hub could solve the issue?
Yes, a powered hub may solve the issue.
Standard defines USB3.0 → 900mA, USB2.0 → 500mA
Ugoos has 1x USB3.0, 3x USB2.0, which sums up in 2400mA to fulfil standard, but they may have limited this. Keep us updated about their feedback.
Ugoos isn’t replying to my mail. I enabled hdd parking, set the spin down to 3 secs in coreelec and sleep to 10 mins in wd utilities. HDD now unmounts fine on shutdown. Think I’ll just get a powered usb hub to solve the boot issue.
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