Homatics Box R 4K Plus

I’ve never booted mine into Android and DV works so unless you turned it off in Android then it should be available


Yep, dolby vision was disabled in android settings, thank you.
Though I don’t clearly remember disabling it myself (unless I tried to stop android’s UI being displayed in dolby vision, oh well… :slight_smile:
After enabling it in android, CoreELEC plays dolby vision fine.
And yes - dolby vision is displayed now under system info > video > display supported HDR types.


so we have to boot to android to get all features but we should not boot to android so we don’t get firmware upgrade which break 4k and HDR playback? :smiley:
now i am confused XD

If you’re referring to my post about disabling/enabling DV in android, I think it was enabled by default, so no need to boot android just for this.

I’m not sure about the firmware upgrade though - should we avoid updating android at all costs?
if we want full CoreELEC functionality

thank you for your clarification (:

afaik for the time being its not recommended if i understand correctly

Right now it looks like if you update to 11.8.5438 HEVC (h265) is broken.
They use some unknown sources what does not match with ours.
We try to contact them and might get helped, or maybe not.

For now:

If you want to use CE on these devices do not upgrade Android!


11.8.5438 (beta) = 11.8.5310 (user version), to avoid misunderstandings.

Hey! I’m new to CE and Homematics, coming from OSMC’s Vero…

is there a guide or a good post about installing CE on the Homatics box R?

5310 that should be, there is no 5410 (at this moment, if I’m not mistaken), not that one thinks with 5310 all is well :wink:

next question: whats the difference between the Homematics Box R 4k+ and the Nokia 8010 when it comes to CE usage with DV support on Kodi? Who has better firmware support?

sadly not. I made a few mistakes myself.

  1. you have to download the nightly (stable does apparently not work)
  2. extract to an usb with a tool like etcher.
  3. copy and rename the device file (same like with stable but the correct file is named somewhere here in this thread)
  • that is from the subfolder to the root of the usb i think
  1. optional expand storage partition.
  2. plug usb device into usb and hold the reset pin until you see the coreelec boot.
    (you have to hold it really long)

Don’t suggest such thing because storage partition is expanded on first boot for 15+ years back in OE days :smiley:

Non. Homatics has an active beta support, but when it comes to a Final build, they all use the same one (mostly), some earlier then others. At this moment it is the Rocktek that has the most recent OS build pushed (not sure why), that just came a bit earlier available as beta for Homatics. The V5310, that is spoken of.

oh i didn’t know that i always did than manually.
maybe a official device specific tutorial mentioning such things would be a good thing :wink:

:+1:, yes, corrected.

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https://www.avsforum.com/threads/homatics-box-r-4k-plus-rocktek-g2-nokia-8010-dune-hd-sei804xx-owners-thread.3270060/ (have to click “see more” )

afaik there are non.
they come with the mentioned differences:

but the soc is the same

so CE and DV support will work with all of those boxes? then i wilm get the nokia because it is cheaper and has the nicest remote.

My Rocktek update was not “pushed” I updated because I use Android quite a bit and I wanted the power key restart to CE. Fortunately for me I mainly use broadcast h264 and mpeg2video.

the Nokia has the added “advantage” of an IR receiver & remote.
So you if you don’t want your don’t have to use blutooth.

Be aware that there are a few “known problems/bugs”.
for example starting the system with the blutooth remote does not work afaik.
(my workaround is a simple remote power switch)