Homatics Box R 4K Plus

Double posting not supported nor is the tuner.

You can use TBS usb tuner with CoreELEC
You can find the necessary information in the forum

I am thinking in the usb tuner from homatics

No and probably never will be.

Tank you all

last update broke DV playback.

You mean 20240429 ?

CoreELEC-Amlogic-ne.aarch64-21.0-Omega_nightly_20240429-Generic.img.gz221.32MB2024-04-28 23:13:35

it plays for a few seconds perfectly, but then pauses and the screen goes pink…never happened to me before. EVER.

No problem here, at least with the content I tried with.

yeah no something is definitely wrong…it does not occur with dune’s media player.

It may be wrong something on your device but image itself is fine.

my device works fine.


Like this? Black screen issue on episode change - Help & Support / Operating System - CoreELEC Forums

Something wrong with the builds fix it or i move to the default player

No logs no problem.

Does this tone usually work for you? Argh.

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Very surprised that my post to confirm something is solved got flagged as inappropriate ? Strange world it is becoming…

The original post was deleted, please just post what you think it’s fixed and that’s all.

Not really the point, but its fine. Have other stuff to worry about.

no, never…