Homatics Box R 4K Plus

Excellent! Thank you very much!

I’d like to reserve the USB 3.0 Type-A port for media storage on one or more HDDs. Would using the USB 2.0 Type-A port for a small HDD suffice as a boot drive?

I was able to boot from usb 2.0 port but I didn’t have nothing plugged in usb 3.0 port.

That’s great to hear. Thank you for testing that!

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First of all, many thanks to the developers of CoreElec, you really do a great job.

I’ve been using the build on my Dune Homatics from the beginning, I have an LG G2 OLED which of course can do Dolby Vision, but I have no idea to the current state of CoreElec what the right settings are now. In Germany, our TV is standard 50HZ, I should now set the Gui to 1080p50Hz or can I do what I want?

The white list I have left empty and everything else on auto but what about covert DV which setting is the right one now? Under CoreElec/Display / Use Player LED on or off?

I know there are many questions, but even I as a non-knowledgeable would like to have the best setting.

At last Im able to work all three my remotes, the b21 small, the b25 premium, and the Nokia 8000, to work with both Android tv, and in the CoreELEC. In atv works in paired bluetooth mode as normal. On the Coreelec, works in IR mode.
No more pairing issues.

But you will need Flirc usb ir receiver.
In the flirc I choosed the Kodi, learned/teached the homatics remote buttons(all have ir functions) , than all working perfect.


I’m on 50Hz standard overhere also, but under CE, by the AFR support, you don’t have to choose 50Hz as standard.

@frodo19, just to confirm, because I still have to work on IR remote control with my Dune HD box:

  • All these remote controls works as well with bluetooth as IR
  • You did not find an IR receiver in your box (or it was not working)
  • But you did not have a Dune HD box, which allegedly should have an IR receiver

Well, the Original homatics box R 4k plus not have IR receiver. And when I good know the Rocktek g2 neither …

I also have my doubts. At least it is nothing to be seen from the outside (hole or something similar). If it is not hidden somewhere in the LED band…

There is a link with “Dune HD Google IR Codes”:


So it sounds like the Dune could have an IR receiver?

I opened up the dune and saw the ir sensor

Thank you, I hope I find time over the weekend to give it a try

hi guys,

i would also be interested in the answers to these questions, from mark5564.

Is there anyone in the community who already has experience with the settings in the Coreelec?

I have a LG C1, and I have all the settings at default.
I set GUI to 1080p 50Hz, that way when you watch TV, you don’t get refresh rate switching.
1080p/4K HDR10/HLG/DV content works perfectly in my case.
My soundbar can’t pass 4K60 DV, so in that type of content I get no signal, but it works fine when connected directly to the TV.

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Do you have Convert DV set to 8.1?

Yes, sorry, forgot that part. :slight_smile: All at defaults.

Thanks mate

With your TV being LG G2 then populate the white list with all HD & UHD resolutions. That way Kodi will send such original material, without any conversion, to TV. And your TV is much, much better in doing the needed conversion work…

Does anyone know how to go about creating a remote.conf for the Dune version?

I tried to follow this: 02. Amlogic: Creating remote.conf from scratch · CoreELEC/remotes Wiki · GitHub

But I cannot find the factory code.

However, if I run the “ir-keytable -p NEC,RC-5,RC-6,JVC,SONY -t” command I do get output with different scan codes if I press some keys on the remote:

Protocols changed to rc-5 jvc sony nec rc-6
Testing events. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
380.720018: lirc protocol(nec): scancode = 0x8821
380.720038: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x8821
380.720038: event type EV_SYN(0x00).
380.768014: lirc protocol(nec): scancode = 0x8821 repeat
380.768032: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x8821
380.768032: event type EV_SYN(0x00).
383.204017: lirc protocol(nec): scancode = 0x8819
383.204037: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x8819