Homatics Box R 4K Plus

Is there a way to dump the EDID under CoreELEC? If not, I’ll dump it this afternoon with HDFury Integral 2.

Does it play if limit color depth to 8 bit?

CoreELEC:/sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0 # cat rawedid

hisense_a9g.edid (513 Bytes)

Yes it’s works, thnx

Is it already possible to store ce21 internally?

thx, I have now both modes available. should this be automatic chosen or by user setting?

My Philips 48OLED935 supports both modes. On my Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro I can switch between them by toggling the LLDV setting in the Android Developer options menu. The TV’s Info screen then switches between RGB 8-bit or YCbCr 12-bit.

Should switch automatically to 8 bit for tv-led Dolby Vision

Under Android this is a user setting.

For TV support both modes DV RGB is standard.
But LLDV mode can be forced with right now:
echo 16389 > /sys/module/aml_media/parameters/dolby_vision_flags

For TV support both modes DV RGB is standard.

It is OK, can you fix it to switch to RGB 8 bit automatically?

Thank you, that should be sufficient for me, now.

My HOMATICS has a wireless network under CE, no wired network connection.
But under Android, both the wireless network and the wired network are fine.
What do I need to do? Thank you!

CoreELEC (official): 21.0-Omega_nightly_20230413 (Amlogic-ne.aarch64)
Machine model: Homatics R 4K Plus
CoreELEC dt-id: sc2_s905x4_homatics_r4kplus

CoreELEC2:~ # dmesg | paste

I have a C1 and it works fine. Make sure that you set Force display colour depth and Force colour subsampling to Auto and reboot. After that test again. One more note, enable resolution/refresh rate switching, so that CE can put your TV into the correct mode. And if you have any sort of soundbar or AVR that it properly supports DV.
Also make sure that UHD Deep Color is enabled on your TV’s HDMI input.

I have all that right but apparently my denon AVR-x1600h can only work if I set it to 8bits

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Some boxes of this model have this problem, but most not. The workaround solution for this is to start with Android TV, place CoreElec media, choose reboot within the Android TV settings, and it could work. I have 1 box with the same problem, the workaround works with this, my other (same) boxes have LAN connected on cold CoreElec boot.

I tested it on my LG B8 TV too, with Profile 7 STDL FEL I only see RPU response with the “Minimal EL” conversion setting. Is this normal?

Yes, it’s exactly how it’s supposed to work.

Thank you for the suggestion, I have reboot.APK to install , but the box does not restart. Can you guide me on how to restart the box?
Thank you very much, I found the RESTART option and your method works very well. Thanks again.
My box is new HOMATICS and does not have an AV port. the old HOMATICS have AV port.