Homatics Box R 4K Plus

A post was merged into an existing topic: Help, support CPM build

Guys, just got a new Homatics R 4K Plus box. It has ATV 12, and I’m planning to stay w/it until a ‘stable’ 14 is out. I have CE-NG running off a USB stick. Is moving CE to eMMc like other boxes (including unsupported ones)? Or, is it a different type? Searched, but couldn’t find instructions. Thanks.

Use this guide, it was posted because the eMMC tool isn’t for this box.

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Is there a way delete data/ce_folder if you change your mind as no root on sei boxes, @vpeter ?

stay on ATV12, with ATV14 won’t probably not work moving data storage to emmc if no surprise happens.

@vpeter already added a note to the guide for ATV14, the data partition was renamed userdata, making that adjustment when following the guide, it should work.

NOTE: Works for ATV14+CE-NO / ATV14+CE-NE
Doesn’t work for ATV14+CE-NG

Mount data partition in CE and delete the folder from there. It’s not possible on the Android side.

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ok nice, is there any stable working ATV14 firmware to flash as I can’t get OTA. Thanks

Do you have a link to the updated guide?

The guide, the only change I see is the renaming of the data partition.

# or for Android 14
mount /dev/userdata /media/data
mkdir /media/data/coreelec_storage

I don’t have any ATV14 links, or tested this on any of the SEI boxes myself.

Ah yes thanks. I forgot, but I tried that with CE-NG. Doesn’t work. Apparently only works with CE-NO, but then you lose FEL support.

aha yeah exactly I’m running NG on the two Homatics boxes but my main is AM6B+, seems that ATV12 is final for NG.

Oh ok, yeah ATV14 moved to EROFS, which was only implemented in Linux +4.19. Right so no eMMC CE/hybrid mode for ATV14+CE-NG.

What is the exact cmd for this in Android 12, thanks.

It’s the first two steps of the guide

mkdir -p /media/data
mount /dev/data /media/data

then delete the CE folder

rm -r /media/data/coreelec_storage
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Is that it for ATV 12, or follow all these steps? (removed what I think are the ATV 14 bits)…

mkdir -p /media/data
mount /dev/data /media/data
mkdir /media/data/coreelec_storage
systemctl stop kodi
rsync -ah --info=progress2 /storage/ /media/data/coreelec_storage/
umount /media/data

nano /flash/config.ini

# add this line at the end of the file
coreelec='quiet toram disk=FOLDER=/dev/data'
# and reboot

# check everything was done correctly with command

# before
#  /dev/sda1 on /flash type vfat (ro,.....)
#  /dev/sda2 on /storage type ext4 (rw,noatime)

# after
#  /dev/sda1 on /flash type vfat (ro,,.....)
#  /dev/data on /storage type ext4 (rw,noatime,resgid=1065)

# I also add this line in /storage/.config/autostart.sh
# to unmount storage partition from USB stick
mountpoint -q /media/STORAGE && umount /media/STORAGE

yes, that’s it.

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Thanks. Did some testing off mSD and it performs better w/CE & Android than when I had tried this box when it first was released. CE performance on AM6B+ is faster, but HS400 on this helped some, and hoping the above (partial) move to eMMC will help further. Looking to also mount my NAS shares–this has made a huge difference w/AM6B+.

Thinking about buying one of these or a nokia 8010 for a secondary setup. If I understand correctly… by upgrading to android tv 14, one loses the ability to install correlec (fel version) to emmc, alongside the android tv? But if I run it on a usb stick? No problem, right?

Correct. Also, it’s not a full install to eMMC on ATV 11/12. Only the storage partition can be hosted on it. You will always need USB to boot from.

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yes but you can also enable HS400 which makes it better so I would say it’s worth staying on ATV12 to be able to get that extra performance, hell we with the Ugoos boxes are locked to Android 9 but I only use Android for IPTV and SmartTube so ATV12 is still plenty for the Homatics boxes, today I will update my parents from ATV11 to ATV12.

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